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Thread: possible anavar first cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    possible anavar first cycle

    thinking of doing a cycle of anavar. i am new to any anabolic use so dont flame me to much. A few questions:

    What is the difference between anavar, var 10 and var 10 alt?

    If var 10 and var 10 alt are not true anabolics, will i see similar results as anavar?

    How long should I Cycle?

    What PCT should I use and duration?

    I am not looking to bulk up and get huge, just want to get rid of a little bit of belly fat and and pack on a few pounds of lean muscle. I also read that anavar, var 10 or var 10 alt is good for athletic performance. Please correct me if i am wrong. Thanks

    Age: 36M
    Height 5'11
    Weight 180lbs (was 235 lbs before starting training)
    BF% 16-18%
    15 years of off and on weight training last 2.5 years training 3-4 times per week

  2. #2
    You know i think i just completely answered another thread in this one.OOOOPS
    Last edited by kelevra; 04-09-2011 at 01:27 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    Quote Originally Posted by kelevra View Post
    seems complicated, how long since last cycle? I dont like prop, if you run tren E then test e is be perfect match? With test and tren i doubt you need winny. unless your in competition?
    ha ha ha

  4. #4
    i think you would be better with a long ester test stacked with some var. var is not the strongest thing out there, but can give some positives in strength and LBM. & at 36 your nat test could be on the decline. blood work can help you there. Im not for sure if there is any libido probs with var only as i always use test as a base.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    im a noob so what is ester test?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Good questions.

    Only Var will give you genuine Var results.

    Quote Originally Posted by lc1213 View Post
    How long should I Cycle? What PCT should I use and duration?
    Sounds like you should do some research. Please read the Var profile:

    Please don't rely solely on forum answers (even consensus) prior to cycling.

    I am not looking to bulk up and get huge, just want to get rid of a little bit of belly fat and and pack on a few pounds of lean muscle. I also read that anavar, var 10 or var 10 alt is good for athletic performance. Please correct me if i am wrong.
    See above.


    Age: 36M
    Height 5'11
    Weight 180lbs (was 235 lbs before starting training)
    BF% 16-18%
    15 years of off and on weight training last 2.5 years training 3-4 times per week
    And Kel is right, you should consider Testosterone (Test, not a test) much more. You can customize it and your diet for individual goals.
    Last edited by magic32; 04-09-2011 at 04:33 PM.
    Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan

    My motto: SAFETY & RESPECT (for drugs and others).


    Difference between Drugs & Poisons

    Half-lives explained

    DNP like Chemotherapy, can be a useful poison, but both are still POISONS


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    should i try test alone or stack with var? what about hgh? Would hgh offer the same benefits of testosterone or anavar? Currently, i am taking a supplement called d-apartatic (among others) which is an amino acid that helps raise testosterone levels. Appreciate the help by the way

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I am just looking for something that will rip me up, add lean muscle and give me a competitive edge.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by lc1213 View Post
    thinking of doing a cycle of anavar.

    How long should I Cycle?

    What PCT should I use and duration?

    I am not looking to bulk up and get huge, just want to get rid of a little bit of belly fat and and pack on a few pounds of lean muscle.

    Age: 36M
    Height 5'11
    Weight 180lbs (was 235 lbs before starting training)
    BF% 16-18%
    15 years of off and on weight training last 2.5 years training 3-4 times per week
    I have the same stats as you except I'm 5'8 and 5 lbs lighter. My goals are the same too. I'll be watching this thread to see what kind of helpful advice you get. Good luck dude!

  10. #10
    test and var sounds alright imo for your goals

  11. #11
    Anavar is a really good compound. I really like it. You can run an anavar cycle alone but it works better if stacked with some Test. Anavar's half life is pretty short so I always run Test Prop. The cycle that I found works best is 60mg/ed to 80mg/ed of Anavar and 200mg/ew of Test Prop. Run the Test P one week before you start Anavar and run both together till the end. I like a 6 week cycle. Wait 3 days and PCT. Nice lean muscles and little sides. You won't get huge but it's a really good cycle to get you leaned down and ready for the pool.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    I personally have seen some of my boys get some sick results from var only use at 75 to 100 mgs a day.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by dharts View Post
    I personally have seen some of my boys get some sick results from var only use at 75 to 100 mgs a day.
    Did they have any sides and what were their PCT/doses?
    Last edited by T-99; 04-10-2011 at 08:39 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by lc1213 View Post
    should i try test alone or stack with var? what about hgh? Would hgh offer the same benefits of testosterone or anavar? Currently, i am taking a supplement called d-apartatic (among others) which is an amino acid that helps raise testosterone levels. Appreciate the help by the way
    you should try test alone only 1 compound for first go around and it should be test not var make sure you have your pct in line also

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    i am not really fond of injecting myself so i don't know if the test 1 is what i really want to start and i am also concerned with the side effects of the test 1 that is why i was wanting to try the anavar on a 4-6 week cycle of 60 mg per day since it is one of the mildest steroid and its taken orally. any suggestions of a pct and duration?

  16. #16
    I was looking as a first Cycle can u stack Test prop. and Anavar?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by lc1213 View Post
    i am not really fond of injecting myself...
    Not ready to jab not ready for juice.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Jawcep View Post
    Not ready to jab not ready for juice.
    Yea you're probably right. I have an issue with needles. No matter what type of shot I have taken in the past, the injection site stays really sore for 2-3 days. Don't know exactly what a test shot would do.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by lc1213 View Post
    thinking of doing a cycle of anavar. i am new to any anabolic use so dont flame me to much. A few questions:

    What is the difference between anavar, var 10 and var 10 alt?

    If var 10 and var 10 alt are not true anabolics, will i see similar results as anavar?

    How long should I Cycle?

    What PCT should I use and duration?

    I am not looking to bulk up and get huge, just want to get rid of a little bit of belly fat and and pack on a few pounds of lean muscle. I also read that anavar, var 10 or var 10 alt is good for athletic performance. Please correct me if i am wrong. Thanks

    Age: 36M
    Height 5'11
    Weight 180lbs (was 235 lbs before starting training)
    BF% 16-18%
    15 years of off and on weight training last 2.5 years training 3-4 times per week
    what does your diet and cardio look like first? var will do nothing if your diet is not in check...

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by POPS View Post
    what does your diet and cardio look like first? var will do nothing if your diet is not in check...
    Considering my job (construction worker in middle of no where) my diet is pretty decent.

    My overall calorie intake is around 2500 calories per day consisting of lots of turkey on wheat bread, almonds, natural peanut butter on wheat bread bananas, apples, greek yogurt and protein bars.

    Breakfast: usually oatmeal with a banana and a protein bar
    Mid morning snack: natural peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread with a handful of almonds with a bottle of water
    Lunch: usually a turkey sandwich on wheat with a handful of almonds and an apple with a bottle of water
    Mid afternoon snack: protein bar with a bottle of water
    Dinner: chicken, salmon, turkery or sirloin depending on the night usually accompanied with brown rice, potato, and a steamed vegetable
    Pre workout: Whey protein shake, 60 grams protein
    Post workout: casein protein shake, 30 grams protein
    Bedtime snack: greek yogurt with blue berries or some variation of greek yogurt

    Workout Regimen: 4-5 exercises per day 3-4 sets 6-10 reps per exercise
    Monday and thursday: Lower body weight training accompanied with plyometrics
    Tuesday and Friday: Upper body weight training
    Wed, Sat and Sun no weight training sat and sun play basketball 2-3 hours
    Cardio consists of Plyometric exercises mondays and thursdays and basketball on the weekends

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by lc1213 View Post
    Considering my job (construction worker in middle of no where) my diet is pretty decent.

    My overall calorie intake is around 2500 calories per day consisting of lots of turkey on wheat bread, almonds, natural peanut butter on wheat bread bananas, apples, greek yogurt and protein bars.

    Breakfast: usually oatmeal with a banana and a protein bar
    Mid morning snack: natural peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread with a handful of almonds with a bottle of water
    Lunch: usually a turkey sandwich on wheat with a handful of almonds and an apple with a bottle of water
    Mid afternoon snack: protein bar with a bottle of water
    Dinner: chicken, salmon, turkery or sirloin depending on the night usually accompanied with brown rice, potato, and a steamed vegetable
    Pre workout: Whey protein shake, 60 grams protein
    Post workout: casein protein shake, 30 grams protein
    Bedtime snack: greek yogurt with blue berries or some variation of greek yogurt

    Workout Regimen: 4-5 exercises per day 3-4 sets 6-10 reps per exercise
    Monday and thursday: Lower body weight training accompanied with plyometrics
    Tuesday and Friday: Upper body weight training
    Wed, Sat and Sun no weight training sat and sun play basketball 2-3 hours
    Cardio consists of Plyometric exercises mondays and thursdays and basketball on the weekends
    your diet needs serious work. Im no guru but I would get to the diet section before starting any aas. I have several posts on diets as well as a few friends ( Gbrice, Damien and Twist ) who can fix your diet to get you where you need to be......jmo...

    Besides, I ran var before so I have a pretty good idea on how and what to do....

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    ok thanks. i'll take a look at it. i am assuming it is a diet and nutrition thread in this forum.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by lc1213 View Post
    ok thanks. i'll take a look at it. i am assuming it is a diet and nutrition thread in this forum.
    ABSOLUTELY! see you there...

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