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Thread: Advice on First cyle

  1. #1

    Advice on First cyle

    Hey im new looking to do my first cycle ive been working out for the past 6 months (been an athlete my whole life had wrist surgery and took some time off from physical activities) before working out i was
    21pct BF
    during the past 6 months i took oxi elite pro for a month with isopure as my protien which i used as a meal replacment
    Ive read alot on just taking one compound (test) your first cycle to see how your body reacts i wanna keep leaning out (loose my gut i still got going on) i do have a diet somewhat planned out by one of my friends who is a body builder just thought i could get some other thoughts and ideas thanx

    Meal 1
    1 cup oatmeal
    10 egg whites
    Meal 2
    8oz chicken breast
    2 cups broccoli
    8oz sweet potato
    Meal 3
    8oz chicken breast
    M 2 cups broccoli
    8oz sweet potato
    Meal 4
    8oz chicken breast
    2 cups broccoli
    Meal 5
    10oz chicken breast
    2 cups broccoli

    * Eat meals every 3 hours!!! * Cardio- 45 min before your first meal and after ur last meal * Supplements- Lipo 6 black & L - Carnitine

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Demize45 View Post
    Hey im new looking to do my first cycle ive been working out for the past 6 months (been an athlete my whole life had wrist surgery and took some time off from physical activities) before working out i was
    21pct BF
    during the past 6 months i took oxi elite pro for a month with isopure as my protien which i used as a meal replacment
    Ive read alot on just taking one compound (test) your first cycle to see how your body reacts i wanna keep leaning out (loose my gut i still got going on) i do have a diet somewhat planned out by one of my friends who is a body builder just thought i could get some other thoughts and ideas thanx

    Meal 1
    1 cup oatmeal
    10 egg whites
    Meal 2
    8oz chicken breast
    2 cups broccoli
    8oz sweet potato
    Meal 3
    8oz chicken breast
    M 2 cups broccoli
    8oz sweet potato
    Meal 4
    8oz chicken breast
    2 cups broccoli
    Meal 5
    10oz chicken breast
    2 cups broccoli

    * Eat meals every 3 hours!!! * Cardio- 45 min before your first meal and after ur last meal * Supplements- Lipo 6 black & L - Carnitine
    Get your bf down to 12/13%... then start a cycle...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    ^^ Agreed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Diet looks ok but there is a lack of efa's eg: evoo fish oil nuts consider adding some fats at meal 5 and possibly before bed add a casien protien shake with some natural peanut butter. If it fits into your daily macro requirements.

  5. #5
    The good thing about oils, besides helping your body, is that it helps the release of hormones that tells your body that you're full. It's more comfortable when you go through the day full.

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