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Hey im new looking to do my first cycle ive been working out for the past 6 months (been an athlete my whole life had wrist surgery and took some time off from physical activities) before working out i was
21pct BF
during the past 6 months i took oxi elite pro for a month with isopure as my protien which i used as a meal replacment
Ive read alot on just taking one compound (test) your first cycle to see how your body reacts i wanna keep leaning out (loose my gut i still got going on) i do have a diet somewhat planned out by one of my friends who is a body builder just thought i could get some other thoughts and ideas thanx
Meal 1
1 cup oatmeal
10 egg whites
Meal 2
8oz chicken breast
2 cups broccoli
8oz sweet potato
Meal 3
8oz chicken breast
M 2 cups broccoli
8oz sweet potato
Meal 4
8oz chicken breast
2 cups broccoli
Meal 5
10oz chicken breast
2 cups broccoli
* Eat meals every 3 hours!!! * Cardio- 45 min before your first meal and after ur last meal * Supplements- Lipo 6 black & L - Carnitine