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Thread: Help with First Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Help with First Cycle


    I've read a lot on the forum and the advice/information given are very helpful. I am still confused about the aspect of cycles however.

    I wanted to halve my dosages that was recommended:
    Enanthate 500mg pw, weeks 1-11
    Deca 400mg pw, weeks 1-10
    Dianabol 25mg ed, weeks 1-4

    Would halving the dosage down to 250mg per week of Enanthate, 200mg per week of Deca, and 15mg per week of D-bol still be effective? I want to take as minimal amounts as I can. I am not looking extraordinary gains, just moderate gains.

    I've also read different things regarding what to keep on hand for Gyno. What is the best to keep on hand? Are there any ways to counter the effects of oily skin and acne? I would also like to know more about its effect on testicular function and size as well as if there is any effect on the genitals.

    Also, after I complete this cycle, when will I need to take this cycle again? I am still reading up on the Post-training therapy and I hope you understand this is a lot of information to take in so any advice is greatly appreciated. I am still planning to do a lot of research but I figured a thread would help with me understanding. I am planning to start my first cycle within a month.

    Thanks for the help. Also, it may be worth mentioning that I am 24 and believe I wouldn't be at risk to use a minimal dosage of steroids.

    Thanks again!
    Last edited by sxxen; 04-11-2011 at 05:39 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    If you want to run as minimal as possible, then why 3 compounds right out of the gate.
    What are your full stats
    yrs training
    Planned pct

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    My stats:
    170 lbs
    13% body fat
    I've been training since I was in high school, but mostly on and off (huge off periods). I've lost most of my strength gains, but I've retained a decently athletic body.

    I just want to be safe as possible, so if I can do that with 3 compounds that will be okay as well. I was also thinking about just running test only. I am very unfamiliar with how cycle works so I can't really tell you what my planned PCT is.

    If you have any suggestions that will be great. Do you think running the original:
    Enanthate 500mg pw, weeks 1-11
    Deca 400mg pw, weeks 1-10
    Dianabol 25mg ed, weeks 1-4

    Is a pretty safe cycle?

    Last edited by sxxen; 04-11-2011 at 06:40 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    You can get up to 183/185 naturally bro.. post your diet....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I would like to hit around 190 for my first cycle. My diet consists of a lot of protein powder, oats, nuts, chicken, oil, and red meats. It's not organized but I would say I get in 3---- calories a day. My metabolism is moderate, and I don't need to eat too much to maintain weight.

    I am planning out my first cycle now, and after some careful reading, I've decided to do just a test E cycle with a small (20mg) dose of D-bol. Should I run the cycle for 8 weeks only? Is Test Cypionate any different than test E?

    As far as PCT, can anyone recommend me a good PCT? Can I get Clomid and Novaldex legally? Do I need an AI for this cycle?

    Another question I have:

    After my PCT, will I be able to keep most of my gains? What determines that? Also, at 24, I am confident I'm done growing but maybe I have another .25" or so to grow. What are the risk of closing my growth plates with this cycle? I've never really cared about my height, but I just don't want to close something early that should be left alone.

    Any advice appreciated, thanks!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    It's good you are asking questions but these questions clearly show a lack of basic research on your part. Read my steroid guide posted as a sticky in the "educational threads" section and you will find the answer to almost every question you just asked.

    Clomiphene and tamoxifene citrate can be purchased legally through a prescription only in most countries.

    Gains post pct will depend on how well your cycle, pct, diet, training, and supplementation were handled. If you did your homework and dedicated yourself to all of the above, maintaining gains wont' be an issue. At 24, chances are that your GP are done growing but a simple x-ray looking at your calcium deposits will determine so. Mine were done at 19 but every anatomy grows at different rates.

    Simply put you are very far from starting a cycle. In the meantime try and gain as much as you can naturally by altering your diet or training habits to fit your goals while doing a bit more reading on anabolic enhancement.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Hi thanks for your advice. I read your sticky. I'm not planning to cycle for a few more months and I am still reading. However, I find some conflicting things. Is it still recommended to keep Arimidex on hand for a simple Test E/dbol cycle? To see growth plates, do I need an MRI scan or just an Xray? Also, do I need HCG with this cycle?

    edit - It may be a year before I even decide to cycle. I'm not looking to rush into things and I've made good gains naturally so I'm not really in a rush. However, when the time comes I would like to know what would work best for my cycle. I do read the forum, so even if I ask questions that have already been answered, I would still like an opinion regarding my specific cycle. Thanks
    Last edited by sxxen; 06-02-2011 at 06:38 PM.

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