Years training:7
Body Weight: 190 lbs
BF %: 11
Diet: 2000-3000 kcal// 30% pro/60% cho/10% fat ( generally go towards 3000 kcals on training day, 2000 kcals on off days)
day 1 : 60% 1rm 5-6 exercises x 15-20 reps upper body (some cardio)
day 2 : same scheme for lower body
day 3 : off
day 4 : 100% 1rm ( max lifts) 2-3 sets x 3-6 reps whole body
day 5 : off
day 6 : 80% 1rm 3-4 exercises x 8-12 reps upper body ( some cardio)
day 7 : off ( some cardio)
did my research on AAS for a good year, finally decided to take my physique to the next level. from the good advice on this board i stuck with a simple,safe, one compound cycle of Test E (10 weeks) dosed at 500 mg (split in 2 250mg pins- monday morning/friday morning). I have Nolva on hand for Pct , 10 days after my last shot.
I started this Friday, and started upping my kcal to round 4500-5000 a day on cycle.
Sound reasonable? Should my diet drastically change? Is it wise at 250 mg x 2 a week or just take the 500 mg in one shot ( i assume blood levels are better controlled)? i'm not expecting any miracles on this cycle but want to have a good idea on how my body reacts to the Test E by itself.