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Thread: Test/Anavar OR Test/EQ OR Test/Anavar/EQ Cycle??

  1. #1

    Test/Anavar OR Test/EQ OR Test/Anavar/EQ Cycle??

    Looking for some opinions on my upcoming cycle. I have done several test only cycles over the years with good results. I'm on Test-E right now, taking about 300mg per week. I'm currently 5'10 and 173, about 12% body fat, not currently dieting very hard, but plan to get on my diet really soon, I can usually get pretty ripped up by dieting. My goal is to add another 5-10 lbs of muscle, get bf% down into single digits and not look all bloated and red as test tends to do. I have done quite a bit of research and talked to some people and have pretty much narrowed it down to either anavar or EQ to run with my test or both. I am just wondering if I added both to the test if it is overkill? I was leaning toward just doing test and var, but I can afford to buy the Eq as well, again just wondering if there would even be a decent benefit of throwing the eq in there also, I have read that people seem to have pretty good success with Test/Anavar cycles. I have heard people who like and don't like EQ.

    My sample cycle would probably be something along the lines of:

    Test E-300-400mg/week
    Anavar 50mg ED 6-8 weeks
    EQ 400-600mg/week for 14-16 weeks

    Just trying to get some feedback, any help is appreciated.

  2. #2
    I did a Test/anavar and Test/anavar/deca cycle. I liked the Test/Anavar for the tight lean look. I did Test Prop though. I did Test Prop for 8 weeks and Anavar for the last 7 weeks of the Test P cycle. 80mg/ed was awesome. I saw my six packs in about two to three weeks. Could have been faster if I was eating leaner.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I am thinking your a little on the light side man. Prob should gain some more weight before you start to cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Even though you have done several cycles of Test and currently doing 300mg a week it would be nice/helpful to know a little more about you.

    Why are you taking 300mg a week now, cycle or? how long have you been taking 300mg a week and how long do you plan on keeping it up?

    I dont see any mention of PCT. Do you have one planned and have you done it in the past? If so what?

    Sounds like your diet needs work if you have done several cycles and you are only 175 lbs. and 5' 10"

  5. #5
    I'm 32 years old, have been on test for pretty much the last year straight. I have low testosterone and am prescribed it by my doctor. Around 30 I noticed I was getting tired often, loss of sex drive, inability to gain weight even with eating thousands of calories above my maintenance cals, etc. My doc does my bloodwork every other month and so far everything is fine. I have no desire to look like a bodybuilder or be much bigger than I am currently. My ideal weight is 185 and ripped, which I am not far off from right now, currently 175 and pretty ripped. I have terrible genetics and 165lbs was the best I could get to naturally and with GNC type supplements. I have been training for 10 years and I definitely don't know it all but feel I am more educated than the average person when it comes to diet and training. Obviously everyone's body is different and responds to different diets, supplements, steroids and training, I am trying to find what works best for me.

    At this point I have no plans to come off test, unless something unforeseen health wise happens. I recently read the Slingshot Training/Reload-Deload post by Ronnie Rowland in which he suggests being on AS for 8 weeks and off for 2 and repeating. I am seriously considering giving that a shot. Any thoughts or experiences on that?

    Thanks again

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