Looking for some opinions on my upcoming cycle. I have done several test only cycles over the years with good results. I'm on Test-E right now, taking about 300mg per week. I'm currently 5'10 and 173, about 12% body fat, not currently dieting very hard, but plan to get on my diet really soon, I can usually get pretty ripped up by dieting. My goal is to add another 5-10 lbs of muscle, get bf% down into single digits and not look all bloated and red as test tends to do. I have done quite a bit of research and talked to some people and have pretty much narrowed it down to either anavar or EQ to run with my test or both. I am just wondering if I added both to the test if it is overkill? I was leaning toward just doing test and var, but I can afford to buy the Eq as well, again just wondering if there would even be a decent benefit of throwing the eq in there also, I have read that people seem to have pretty good success with Test/Anavar cycles. I have heard people who like and don't like EQ.
My sample cycle would probably be something along the lines of:
Test E-300-400mg/week
Anavar 50mg ED 6-8 weeks
EQ 400-600mg/week for 14-16 weeks
Just trying to get some feedback, any help is appreciated.