First Stacking Cycle Please Review
Hi everyone,
I am not a newbie but just looking for experienced advice on my 1st stacking cycle. Here are some facts first followed by gear:
I'm 27yr old
185 lbs
working out for 3 years
first gear was Winny 100mg EOD for 2 months
Diet is on point. Breakfast either Chobani, Egg whites w turkey on whole wheat w hot sauce, or oatmeal
Snack is Nitro -Tech Protein Shake and banana
Lunch: Either Tuna on Whole grain w honey mustard or grill Chix on whole wheat w honey mustard, or Baby spinach w Grill Chix Veggies and oil and Balsamic Vin.
Snack Nitro Tech Protein Shake
Dinner: 9oz Steak or Grill Chix tossed in Romaine let, w Vinegar, Greens, some starch typically a potato or w a small amount of Pasta
GYM typically 4- 6 days a week w/ an hour 15 min of lifting and 15-20 cardio walking or jogging, or bike
Followed by Shake Whey W/ Casein
2 scoops of peanut Butter and sometimes some raw carrots or celery
NOW TO THE GOOD STUFF: I am looking to gain some real solid strength and some mass but with real definition and tighten up big time but really don't want CRAZY sides:
Want to run a 8week
Option 1:
100mg Test prop. EOD
100mg Tren Acetate EOD
and week 4 - 8 50mg Winny ED (oral)
throughout cycle until 10 days later Anastrozole 1/2 tab of 1mg
Proviron 50mg ED
Clomid 100mg ED 4 weeks
HCG 5000 IU every 5 days 4 weeks
100mg Test Prop EOD
50mg Anavar (oral)
50MG ED Winny Injectable
throughout cycle until 10 days later Anastrozole 1/2 tab of 1mg
Clomid 100mg ED 4 weeks
Nolvadex 50mg ED 4 weeks
I really appreciate all of your input and help look forward to hearing from you !!
04-14-2011, 02:13 PM #2
Tren i stoo much for second cycle IMO... Youshould add only test to your winny... or may be some test only.... just my 0.2 $
04-14-2011, 02:28 PM #3
04-14-2011, 03:09 PM #4
* Your diet is so not on point. It is in fact quite far from what a typical bodybuilder diet is supposed to look like, especially from a mass gainer's perspective. You certainly need more macro meals in your diet before anything else.
* Both cycle and pct designs are partially flawed. Do you think you will be able to handle the tren a cough? Crazy dreams? Increased aggression? Anxiety, panic attacks, extreme sweating, sleep problems?
* Do you think Proviron 50mg ED is actually going to help as some claim it would?
* Did you know HCG 5000 IU will aromatize and mess up your PCT by elevating your estrogen levels drastically?
* Concerning your PCT, are you aware that Clomid 100mg ED 4 weeks and Nolvadex 50mg ED 4 weeks are in fact overkill dosages? Are you informed these drugs are in fact powerful cancer medication compunds and should be dosed very carefuly during PCT?
Obviously, these are rhetorical questions, leading to the fact that you are so not ready for a heavy 2nd cycle. You have to research a whole a lot more otherwise you might seriously hurt yourself. You cannot solely depend on half-proper answers from other members on the forum while designing an intelligent cycle because not everyone who answers your questions and/or make assertions are true experts. You can only rely on informed version of yourself and you need to do a more compherensive research by utilizing the educational threads on the forum before asking for opinions.
Yea ,you know I really appreicate the advice I have been trying to put something together that is benefical and smart just gets a bit overwelming with all the different opinions, So after reading some more I def need some work on the PCT but I'm thinking , test prop and Winny as to not even dive into Tren until I get some more expierence under my belt ...
Thanks a lot so far guys
Yea ,you know I really appreicate the advice I have been trying to put something together that is benefical and smart just gets a bit overwelming with all the different opinions, So after reading some more I def need some work on the PCT but I'm thinking , test prop and Winny as to not even dive into Tren until I get some more expierence under my belt ...
Thanks a lot so far guys
04-15-2011, 12:14 AM #7
As for your second cycle, which you said you wanted to run for 8 weeks, 2 AAS compounds should be enough. I do not recommend employing Test Prop and Winstrol together in the same cycle since both come with ED/EOD injection protocols and these short estered compounds are usually reported to be painful injections by users (including myself) most likely due to their heavy molecular weight (Winstrol has one of the heaviest mol. weight: 344.5392). For those with high pain threshold, this may not be an issue but I want you to know that I have talked to people before who have bought tens of Winstrol vials before they ever gave it a try and ended up dropping this gear from their cycles due to the awful pain. There is nothing pleasant about going to bed that night with literally a pain in your butt knowing that you will have to get another injection tomorrow after you wake up that will give you a similar pain. I am just trying to give you an insight about what you may have to face with during your second cycle... The wisest act here would be getting a Winstrol injection from someone who knows what he is doing and see for yourself before purchasing bunch of vials and starting a cycle.
If you are not on a bugdet, you might want to add some Anavar in your cycle and this is how it could look like:
Week 1-8: Test Prop 150 mg EOD, Anavar 80 mg ED, Arimidex 0.5 gr EOD, HCG 250 i.u. E3D
PCT (starts 4 days after your last Test Prop injection)
Clomid 100/100/50/50 ED
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20/20/20 ED
HCG 250 i.u. E3D
Keep it simple and clean.
Turkish Juicer, That sounds pretty good ,as far as the pain when i did run Winny i do remember have to sit like i was trying not to break egg shells very gently and smooth but i did bear it, and That stack look pretty straight forward i really like that I am going to start buckling down on dieting and go with something almost exactly like that, but i am really thinking Anavar for that amount can be pretty rough on the wallet that it my only issue.... Thus the reason i was gunna run Winny but maybe i will hold off and fund this the right way >> Thanks
04-15-2011, 07:04 AM #9
you didn't like the replys you got on your first thread so you figued you would re-post it. start a thread in the diet section and get sorted out over there.
No not that at all when i first posted it i didn't see it go up and i immediately just copied and pasted , that why i dint not re-post or not like the reply's i really am gaining alot of knowledge through this as opposed to people i have seen just jump in and mess up ..
and i have checked out the diet posts i also call a nutritionist..
04-15-2011, 07:20 AM #11
im not tying to bust on you im just trying to point out the importance of proped diet, without it any gains you make will not be supporeted and they will be lost.
don't be in such a hurry do this right and the reward will be worth it. spend more time in the diet section and learn how to put together a diet to support your goals then come back and post it for critique.
also test only and a solid diet and training plan is all you'll need.
good luck
Thank Mans
04-15-2011, 01:47 PM #13
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