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Thread: Winstrol Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Question Winstrol Question

    A month and a half ago I started a cycle of winstrol only at 10mg ed. Before starting to flame on me, I saw great results in just 3 weeks. My body is now really toned and muscles look fuller. I decided to stop after 3 weeks cause I was getting a bit of acne on the back and shoulder. I still have all the gains.

    Wanted to ask? How TRULY harsh is Winstrol on HPTA? Somewhere I read that Winstrol can make you infertile. Is this true please? Need some good advice cause I liked the way Winstrol affected my body.

    Thanks in advance for your replies.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    By the way, I am asking cause I am planning to have children in the near future and do not want any surprises. I did 2 weeks PCT on Tamoxifen at 20mg ED. This was suggested by a friend of mine.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Van Nuys, CA.
    Although Winstrol is not as harsh on your HPTA as other steroids... it can/will shut you down. Whether or not it completely shuts you down I'm not sure. Maybe someone with a little more knowledge can advise whether or not you shut down completely or not. Having said that, the PCT you ran should help get your levels back up to par. I don't see any reason to worry about trying to have kids. What are your stats BTW?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    31 years, 132 lbs

    did not take winstrol to lose fat, cause I do not have that much but rather I wanted to have a more "round" and "defined" muscle definition... which really worked with winstrol... especially my back muscles...
    Last edited by bert003; 04-14-2011 at 03:41 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by bert003 View Post
    31 years, 132 lbs

    am not taking winstrol to lose fat, cause I do not have that much but rather I wanted to have a more "round" and "defined" muscle definition... which really worked with winstrol... especially my back muscles...
    132 Pounds???? This is what i see because of the 132pounds.... you never worked out in your life, but now, you decided, to work out, to put some muscle, BUT instead of eating and training to grow, you tried the easy way out, by taking winstrol at 10mg Ed ; NOW that you seen little results you think it was from the winstrol; BUT let me tell you that 10mg ed for 3 weeks did not, do nothing for you, it was actually your hard work.. so next time , try working out without the winny, and i can bet, you will see the same results, and please eat.

    My opinion on, you having kids and taking Juice....have your kids first, then do your cycles, ( you kids dont have to pay for mistakes you make) BUT first educate yourself, because you dont use winny by itself , IF you dont want problems.
    I did my first cycle, after i had my second kid, and wife said it was enough...i wanted to do it before my kids were born, but i kept thinking,what i was planning to do, might affect my unborn kids when they grow up, and they dont have to pay for my mistakes, and i could not live with that thought... so i waited.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    thanks for posting snowman... Yes I definitely do not want to start winstrol now that I am planning for kids, I just asked to check if maybe my previous cycle could have affected me in one way or another...

    Believe it or not, I eat and a lot. But my metabolism is so fast that no matter how much I eat (till I can't eat more tuna, chicken breast, salmon, nuts etc) I do not gain weight that easy. However, I took winstrol not to take the easy way out but to get some definition, which seemed to have worked since I kept the same diet throughout.

    that's why my question is? Is it REALLY that hard on HPTA?

    thanks again

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by bert003 View Post
    thanks for posting snowman... Yes I definitely do not want to start winstrol now that I am planning for kids, I just asked to check if maybe my previous cycle could have affected me in one way or another...

    Believe it or not, I eat and a lot. But my metabolism is so fast that no matter how much I eat (till I can't eat more tuna, chicken breast, salmon, nuts etc) I do not gain weight that easy. However, I took winstrol not to take the easy way out but to get some definition, which seemed to have worked since I kept the same diet throughout.

    that's why my question is? Is it REALLY that hard on HPTA?

    thanks again
    Bro, dont worry about your HPTA, you are fine, you only took winny for 3 weeks at 10mg a day, that is NOTHING, that did not affect you at all... i already took, 100mg of winny a day for 8 weeks ( with test E ), and after the cycles, and PCT, i did some blood test and everything was O.k... winny is really hard/toxic on your liver, and i was still fine.
    Just for your own peace of mind, go do some blood work, but i will bet everything is O.k. ( IF there is something wrong is not because of 3 weeks of winny at 10mg a day... thats not even consider half a cycle...)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    trust me you dont eat alot. MOst of us had a hard time gaining and most of us over estimated our food intake. If you are that skinny you need to eat 6-8 meals a day and guzzle down some weight gainer. 10mg everyday is a very low dose too... garentee that had nothing to do with results...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    well.. what is your height OP... 132lbs at what height?... also, a beginner's dose of winni is usually like 50-60mg ED for 6 weeks... i WISH you could see results from 10mg ED... would save a ton of money haha

    also, this isnt opinion.. even aids patients who are prescribed Winstrol for 'maintaining' muscle take it at a higher dose...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Thanks to all for your replies.

    My height is 1m 67cm.

    Thanks for putting my mind at rest about HPTA.

    And yes I consume 6 meals a day. I'm just a hard gainer. I hate weight gainers since they contain a lot of sugars. Any other good supplements?

    I am bit confused about all of you saying that 10mg is a low dose. It is low considering the 50/60mg you are mentioning, however I saw a difference I've never seen before...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    You do not eat 6 meals a day at 132lbs and most weight gainers use fake sugars but dextrose for carbs making it fine for consumption.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    trust me, I do eat 6 meals a day, maybe I will have to recheck my caloric intake per meal...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    even if you were only eating 1800-2000 which at 6 meals would be low, you would gain. We're the same height and Ive been 138, I was 170 before a proper cycle.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Thanks PistolStarta... Can you please suggest to me any possible 6 meals? Just to check what I should change from my side... I would really appreciate that...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    You'll have to do your own macros but here's a rough day.

    Meal 1:
    1 1/2 cup egg whites w/ham (that's 8-9eggs) and 3/4 cup oatmeal.

    Meal 2:
    Weight Gainer Intra-workout (I use universal Real Gains, its 602Cals perserving)

    Meal 3:
    8-10oz chicken breast or ground beef + 1 sweet potato or 1 cup brown rice

    Meal 4:
    1 to 1 &1/2 cans tuna w/ full fat mayo + brown rice or quinoa 1/2 cup + any amount of green veggie

    Meal 5:
    This meal varies from a soy burger on wheat or P28 break to more chicken or fish. + 1 or 2 tbsp Almond butter based on the amount of fat I had through the day. + salad with vinagrette.

    Meal 6:
    Pre-bed 3/4 cup cottage cheese and two flax oil capsules

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Thanks a lot PistolStarta, really appreciate your help...

    Took note of it and will adjust it accordingly...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by bert003 View Post
    31 years, 132 lbs

    did not take winstrol to lose fat, cause I do not have that much but rather I wanted to have a more "round" and "defined" muscle definition... which really worked with winstrol... especially my back muscles...
    This doesn't look good for me...I weigh more....

    Sorry to jack the thread......

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Yes could be... but I know people who weigh even less than me...

    Will see how the proposed diet goes...

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by bert003 View Post
    Yes could be... but I know people who weigh even less than me...

    Will see how the proposed diet goes...

    You'll see gains with the diet...stick with it! It'll happen!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I hope so Kawigirl... Thanks to everyone

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