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  1. #1
    vincevaleroso is offline New Member
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    How to properly inject the gluttose

    Can you guys show me the correct and safe way to inject myself, i hear that it has to be in an angle when the needle is going in as well. My friends have been injecting me the wrong way and it's because their going way too fast, it would be alot of help if someone could show me the right instructions to injecting my gluttose, thank you

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Stats please.

    There are dozens of threads here that teach the exact thing you are seeking. But you are actively asking a question about pinning, and indirectly, about cycling. Before we do what you ask, we need to know more about you. We do not give advice in a vacuum.

    weightlifting experience
    aas experience

    this should get the ball rolling and someone will be happy to help you with your question

  3. #3
    junkiescumbag is offline Banned
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    picture your ass,

    now put 4 squares on it (line down center vertical and one horizontal if u catch my drift) you want to be pinning the top left corner of the bottom right square

  4. #4
    t-gunz's Avatar
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  5. #5
    betterat40 is offline New Member
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    I always inject in the upper outer quadrant ( upper right square for right glute, upper left square for left glute) as there is less chance of hitting a nerve. Go to youtube & search "intramuscular injection glute" and you'll get videos from doctors & nurses showing proper injection technique.

  6. #6
    Narkissos's Avatar
    Narkissos is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~Diet Guru~
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    Quote Originally Posted by vincevaleroso View Post
    Can you guys show me the correct and safe way to inject myself, i hear that it has to be in an angle when the needle is going in as well. My friends have been injecting me the wrong way and it's because their going way too fast, it would be alot of help if someone could show me the right instructions to injecting my gluttose, thank you

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  7. #7
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    There are a ton of videos and picture diagrams with step by step instructions on the web that for nurses and others learning to deliver IM injections.

  8. #8
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    So, the expectations of giving stats are gone I guess? Heh, nice try Roman.

  9. #9
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    I cant do it...I always hit my thigh's. I have never tired gluts because It seems hard as shit to reach and do it?

  10. #10
    kleaver's Avatar
    kleaver is offline Associate Member
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    gluttose? never heard of that... but i've heard of glutes... aka gluteus maximus/minimus/medius... shoot for upper outter quadrant. think of it this way, if you can't twist around to get there... you're too far towards the middle of the glute.

    if you don't know what you're doing, you'll end up with an abscess, infected muscle/skin, or something else...

    info is out there, just gotta look for it. a lot of nurses have videos online for proper injection tech. to teach other medical practitioners and people who take their meds at-home/self-administer.

    sterile is #1. everything sterile, when in doubt, switch it out for something you know is sterile. if it goes wrong and you inject NO gear... at least you wont get an infection AND have lost your gear.

    going way too fast? injecting, or just sliding the pin in? it's true you want to go slow pushing the plunger... no rule on how quickly to slide the pin into the muscle though. i, personally, wouldn't trust a friend to pin me, no matter how "pro" they are. i know where MY hands have been and when the last time i sanitized was.

    also, if you don't answer the question of "stats please" that everyone posts up... this time it was roman... it most likely means you don't want anyone to know... just a thought... if you know you're endocrine system isn't mature enough for gear... then don't be an idiot :/

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