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Thread: post-pct issues

  1. #1

    post-pct issues

    I ran an 8 week test e and deca cycle. After i finished I ran pct consisting of 20mg nolva, 100mg clomid, and .5mg arimidex daily for 30 days. I must say that I do feel much better than i did when i started pct, but I still feel that my test is low. I finished my pct on march 29. As of now my sex drive is low, and i am having a hard time maintaining erections. Is this normal? I was curious if it was possible to run another round of pct to get myself back to normal. If not, what can i do to help bring my levels back to normal? Any opinions are appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    In my experience, you can never run too much of a PCT. The reason guys say 2-4 weeks is because the side effects of Nolvadex and Clomid are usually unbearable by then. Also, it's not uncommon to feel your levels are low after a cycle of using long esters, especially deca and test e, as they shut you down completely very quickly.

    One of the most popular, cheap, and easy to find libido enhancers is tribulus. You can also do a google search of libido enhancers and find several. Also, since you are able to get an erection, your levels are at least returning, albeit slower than you would like. Some guys bounce back quicker than others. Lastly, make sure your vitamin intake is sufficient. That's the best way to support the HPTA, diet.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the in depth reply. I'm going to pick up some tribulus today and see how it works. i'm not sure how to explain it, but the integrity of my erections isn't like it used to be either. In other words my erections are not as hard. I picked up some cialis to help with this but i don't like the fact of being dependent on something like that. And plus, the cialis does not help with sex drive, so i'm sort of in a bad position. I'd like to be back to normal asap. But i'll try that tribulus, thanks for the response.

  4. #4
    Your PCT was a little off. First, running Arimidex as a PCT chem, I'm not surprised you have trouble with libido. You basically flatlined your estrogen. Some is needed for healthy function. Next time you run a pct, it should be in this format:

    Nolva 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 100/100/50/50

    You may run HCG during your cycle and up to your PCT to speed recovery as well.

    Make sure you are eating enough. You should have increased your diet by about 500 calories during the PCT period and directly after. This serves to assist your body in maintaining as much muscle as it can. For libido, I've heard good things about Tribulus. Ive never used it myself. I swear by Cialis... being able to have a rock solid erection will spike your libido as well, trust me. "Look at this thing! What can I do with it... hey, theres a woman!" Around .3 mL a day of the Ar-R flavor will do you. You can skip a day every couple of days as well.

    Best of luck.

  5. #5
    I actually got that pct protocol from this forum on one of the stickies!
    check it out, here's a link.
    But I can see where your coming from with the unnecessary estrogen inhibition. I understand that it is too late to run HCG now, I heard that it is actually counterproductive if used after the cycle and inhibits hpta. Am I correct? I went out and bought some tribulus today and took it, i'm not very keen on most natural herb supplements. But I read a lot of good things about it so i figured i'd give it a try. Anyone experience an increase in sex drive after taking tribulus supplements?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    ive taken tribulus and didnt really feel anything

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