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Thread: Next Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Albany, NY

    Next Cycle

    I'm starting to plan my next cycle. I'm looking to gain some mass in the beginning and then cut a bit in the end for summer. I know I will bloat a bit from the D-bol but I can handle that.

    This is my 2nd cycle curretly 185lbs and about 10% bf.

    1-4 Dbol 30mg
    1-13 Test E 600mg
    1-12 EQ 400mg
    10-15 Fina 75mg/day
    10-15 Winny 50mg/day
    14-15 Prop 50mg/day
    1-20 armidex
    16-20 Clomid

    Bromo On hand
    Nolva On hand

    Im wondering about the clomid, is 4 weeks needed after a cycle like this or should I stick to the typical 3? Also should I think about HCG in the middle? I recovered very quickly from my last cycle and had no issues at all while on clomid... just worried now since I now have a GF who is going to kill me if I cant get it up for a few weeks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I don't think hcg is needed for just a 15 week go. But if you have it than it wouldn't hurt to take it. As for the clomid I beleive the 3 week should be ok, now if the 3 weeks are up and still having trouble than extend it for the 4th week.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Mental Institution
    I would end the enanthate and start the prop sooner. Two weeks is like a tease IMO.

    The HCG is not needed for a 15 week cycle. Also, I have not seen anything that suggests that HCG helps with HPTA shutdown either. (If anyone has something that shows it does, please post it) On the 'ole soldier' you shouldn't have any problems with the amount of Test you are running throughout the cycle.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Albany, NY
    Thanks bros I was thinking about extending the prop some as well that way I'll get rid of the bloat sooner and be nice and cut up for summer it all depends on when I start the cycle as to when I start the prop. I'll skip the HCG and I'm going to get enough clomid to do 4 weeks if necessary. My GF is ok with the cycle as long and I'm still able to perform at the end, I had no issues last time but I was single so I wasnt getting it on a regular basis.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    i agree u just need to run clomide and make test E 1-11
    12-15 test prop

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