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  1. #1
    B1u3Dr4g0n1 is offline New Member
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    NOOB with a Q....

    I got from a friend that found out his liver is shutting down a bottle of x-tren a bottle of inhibit-e and a bottle of DHEA all new and un opened, besides all the other supplements I have : protien,glutamine,l-lysine,tribulus,testsurge,creatine,milk thistle,cycle support and a few others....just wondering how much PCT would I need with just 1 bottle of x-tren...

    im 33, been lifting 6 years on and off
    i was 246, now down to 198 lbs only drink water over a gal. a day and my diet is in check now, finally
    im 5'11, and sleep 9+ hours a night

    My Q is how ruff is x-tren, I use to drink a lot and I dont want to use h-drol, m-drol or anything that is that ruff on my liver, I dont even want to get that big, just want my body looking right again, my arms are BIG chest AINT and shoulders are inbetween, this will be my 1st cycle and last just wanted some insite....ANY help would be wonderful...and THANKS for even replying..

  2. #2
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Pro hormones from what some say can be more damaging then injectable steroids .
    I would steer clear and keep focusing on your diet and training and look into a possible testosterone only cycle.

  3. #3
    B1u3Dr4g0n1 is offline New Member
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    Im just asking cause I already have this on hand...but thanks

  4. #4
    B1u3Dr4g0n1 is offline New Member
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    bump it

  5. #5
    B1u3Dr4g0n1 is offline New Member
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    If this is in the wrong thread or doesnt even belong cause its about PH's im sorry , im new to ALL this I dont even mess with I chop wood and fix cars...peace

  6. #6
    B1u3Dr4g0n1 is offline New Member
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    I was wondering it better to take a bigger dose for a shorter amount of time or a low dose over a longer amount of time ...THANKS

  7. #7
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    If you're not dedicated to lifting, then don't bother.
    The stuff has a huge potential for side effects and will make you feel like crap without test.

  8. #8
    B1u3Dr4g0n1 is offline New Member
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  9. #9
    B1u3Dr4g0n1 is offline New Member
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    bump bump

  10. #10
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    get a blood panel including liver to see how that is doing. Generally, a liver will renew itself in 8 years. Not sure how long it has been since you were a heavy drinker. There are some things you can take to support your liver, such as Milk Thistle, NAC and Liverall.

    Regarding first and last cycles. Quite a few that state "this will be my first and last cycle" usually don't stop at one. So if only one is your goal, maybe better to avoid all together. Why? Aas is more of a process than a destination.

    Generally, it is better to avoid oral aas if possible. There are those out there that will argue the point, or come up with examples that are not so rough on the liver.

    Given your past with drinking, it is probably better just to stick with creatine, bcaa, maybe even some Gammo-O. At 33, you still have the GABA option before bed which can stimulate your pituatary and thereby releasing HGH. Additionally, 5 grams of arginine right before bed, and 2 grams of glutamine when you wake will also stimulate your pituatary.

    There are a lot of tricks, like a third cup of honey immediately after working out (and a couple scoops of protein powder), which will spike your insulin levels.

    Alot of newbs complain about slow progress. But when I press for their routine, often I find them to either ignore or underwork their legs. Surprisingly, not working out your largest muscles will impact your progress on the rest of your body.

    Good luck!

  11. #11
    mtlbiceps's Avatar
    mtlbiceps is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    get a blood panel including liver to see how that is doing. Generally, a liver will renew itself in 8 years. Not sure how long it has been since you were a heavy drinker. There are some things you can take to support your liver, such as Milk Thistle, NAC and Liverall.

    Regarding first and last cycles. Quite a few that state "this will be my first and last cycle" usually don't stop at one. So if only one is your goal, maybe better to avoid all together. Why? Aas is more of a process than a destination.

    Generally, it is better to avoid oral aas if possible. There are those out there that will argue the point, or come up with examples that are not so rough on the liver.

    Given your past with drinking, it is probably better just to stick with creatine, bcaa, maybe even some Gammo-O. At 33, you still have the GABA option before bed which can stimulate your pituatary and thereby releasing HGH. Additionally, 5 grams of arginine right before bed, and 2 grams of glutamine when you wake will also stimulate your pituatary.

    There are a lot of tricks, like a third cup of honey immediately after working out (and a couple scoops of protein powder), which will spike your insulin levels.

    Alot of newbs complain about slow progress. But when I press for their routine, often I find them to either ignore or underwork their legs. Surprisingly, not working out your largest muscles will impact your progress on the rest of your body.

    Good luck!

    Good post! Especially the leg aspect. Training legs heavy can really increase the overall impact on your body.


  12. #12
    B1u3Dr4g0n1 is offline New Member
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    Now thats what im talking about...thanks for the reply

  13. #13
    The Polish Prince's Avatar
    The Polish Prince is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    get a blood panel including liver to see how that is doing. Generally, a liver will renew itself in 8 years. Not sure how long it has been since you were a heavy drinker. There are some things you can take to support your liver, such as Milk Thistle, NAC and Liverall.

    Regarding first and last cycles. Quite a few that state "this will be my first and last cycle" usually don't stop at one. So if only one is your goal, maybe better to avoid all together. Why? Aas is more of a process than a destination.

    Generally, it is better to avoid oral aas if possible. There are those out there that will argue the point, or come up with examples that are not so rough on the liver.

    Given your past with drinking, it is probably better just to stick with creatine, bcaa, maybe even some Gammo-O. At 33, you still have the GABA option before bed which can stimulate your pituatary and thereby releasing HGH. Additionally, 5 grams of arginine right before bed, and 2 grams of glutamine when you wake will also stimulate your pituatary.

    There are a lot of tricks, like a third cup of honey immediately after working out (and a couple scoops of protein powder), which will spike your insulin levels.

    Alot of newbs complain about slow progress. But when I press for their routine, often I find them to either ignore or underwork their legs. Surprisingly, not working out your largest muscles will impact your progress on the rest of your body.

    Good luck!
    That's some damn fine advice right there... thanks for sharing that Times Roman

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