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Thread: First Cycle

  1. #1
    Donman1001's Avatar
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    First Cycle

    Ok here is the deal i am looking in to taking a short mass gaining cycle preferably under 8 weeks. This will be the first cycle I have taken and i am open to any suggestions that anyone may have. I plan on ordering of if anyone has any feedback of this site or would recommend a different reliable site please do so. Thanks in advance. If it helps at all for you to decide what i should take I am currently 20 years of age 5' 7'' and weight roughly 162. My current body fat is around 6-7%. I would post maxes but to be honest I havnt maxed since my senior year of highschool and I do not recall what I was putting up. Except for Bench 265x1. Also in advance money is not an issue for this cycle so lay it on me.

  2. #2
    Blade15's Avatar
    Blade15 is offline Senior Member
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    first and last.. you are too young for steroids ... you still have natural potential left in you to build a solid mass you want... train hard and eat right for 5 years more... if you dont know what is meaning of eating right then hit diet section...

  3. #3
    Zaf21 is offline Associate Member
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  4. #4
    Blade15's Avatar
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    1,225 Read this important one thread for young ones like you by expert Marcus

  5. #5
    Donman1001's Avatar
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    I appreciate the opinion but if I am able to serve our country then i believe i am old enough to take AS and it is extremly difficult to eat right in Afghanistan due to the slim choice of food they provide us with.

  6. #6
    Blade15's Avatar
    Blade15 is offline Senior Member
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    What do you think of aas? that is not a magic pill.. it works only when you eat right, train right and rest right...

  7. #7
    Donman1001's Avatar
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    I do realize that it is no magic pill, and i can say that i will be able to train right and rest right a majority of the time. Im just saying that the diet factor will be extremly difficult due to the slim choice of foods, yet possible. I can rest assure you that I have been looking into it for sometime now and thanks for the read but I believe knowing myself better then anyone else could i have stopped growing considering i have been the same height for the past 6 years and i havent had any significant gains in weight for the past 2 years.

  8. #8
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    If you dont eat right while on cycle or not on cycle,you arent going to gain anything,cycle or not,diet is 80% of your program man,seriuosly

  9. #9
    Blade15's Avatar
    Blade15 is offline Senior Member
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    Agreed^^....Its all about diet brother... If you cant eat right then dont do a cycle.. save that money...

  10. #10
    Donman1001's Avatar
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    Did I not say that it would be exteremly difficult to diet correctly yet possible.

  11. #11
    Donman1001's Avatar
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    Anyone have suggestions? other then being told I am to young again.

  12. #12
    SlimJoe is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Donman1001 View Post
    Anyone have suggestions? other then being told I am to young again.
    Bro just listen to the guys or you ain't going to get far

  13. #13
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Donman1001 View Post
    I appreciate the opinion but if I am able to serve our country then i believe i am old enough to take AS and it is extremly difficult to eat right in Afghanistan due to the slim choice of food they provide us with.
    Welcome new member! Where in Afghanistan are you located? Eggers? I'm in Kabul myself and I agree that sometimes eating correctly can be a challange.

    But let's clear up a few things first, shall we? When we say you are too young, it has nothing to do with consent or ability to make a decision.

    The reality is your muscular/skelatol systems are nearing the end of their growth. You are probably within an inch as tall as you'll likely ever be.

    But there is more going on inside your body right now. Here on tbis board, we try to look out for your overall health and well being. And that includes your endocrine systems and your HPTA sytems. These systems will NOT be physically mature until you are in your mid twenties. By introducing aas now, you will impact their development, and not in a good way. Some of these effects may not show up for years, others can show up right away. By taking steroids now, you may expect to realize some or all of these issues at some time...

    limp dik
    low or no libido (no desire to fuk)
    small balls
    fukked up liver
    high blood pressure
    problems with cholestoral
    inability to naturally produce testosterone

    some of the vets here actually did start using aas at an early age. and if you stick around long enough, you will hear them talking about their problems, how it impacts their life (how about not wanting to fuk their woman, how fukked up is that?), and because of this, they come here to try and prevent young people such as yourself from starting out too early.

    Of course, you can make up your own mind. But if you want to try and avoid some of the symptoms above, then you will wait until you are at least 25 years old.

    This is why no one here will give you any advice about using aas other than you are too young.

    Other than that, how's life in Afghanistan? Been here long?
    Last edited by Times Roman; 04-16-2011 at 07:30 AM.

  14. #14
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    The reason we say you arent ready yet is beacuse at your age you can really harm your endo system.How would you like to go home and see your wife/girlfriend and not be able to do anything? Or not have the disire to.These are just a few of the things that can happen.Read the thread.The young and steroids .You may understand better.

  15. #15
    Donman1001's Avatar
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    Im currently at Fob Wolverine we are in the Kabul distrist I believe, Been here a few months. I greatly appreciate the post and you include a lot of great reasons in why i should not take steroids but I plan on taking them correctly to limit the issues that I will have later in my life. I plan on taking them no matter what anyone says though even with the presented issues.

  16. #16
    Donman1001's Avatar
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    At songdog thanks for the advise but i have read the post and am throughly aware of the side effects of which might take place.

  17. #17
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Donman1001 View Post
    Im currently at Fob Wolverine we are in the Kabul distrist I believe, Been here a few months. I greatly appreciate the post and you include a lot of great reasons in why i should not take steroids but I plan on taking them correctly to limit the issues that I will have later in my life. I plan on taking them no matter what anyone says though even with the presented issues.
    Fort Wolverine? Haven't heard that one yet. I know Eggers, and a few others. I too have been here since early January, and think i have finally stabilized my diet. It was not an easy thing to do. Do you get to get off base? There are a couple of sporting goods stores here in town, UK Sports and World Sports come to mind. there are a few smaller ones too. But if you are on post, you should have access to decent gym equipment?

    Of course, the decision to use aas is yours, and yours alone. I have no problems with that on my end. However, we too have the ability of making a decision. We do not condone the use of aas at your age. So I would respectfully request you not persue this line of questioning on this board. There are other boards out there that may or may not answer your questions regardless your age.

    Of course, you are free to ask questions in other areas, such as diet and exercise.

    We will respect your decision. Please respect ours.

    Good luck in Afghanistan!

  18. #18
    Donman1001's Avatar
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    we are on a small base and we do missions every other day so I am only on base at night for the most part. There is no stores here, but we do have a decent enough gym to get a surfice workout. I also respect your request and will persue what I am looking for elsewhere for my answers on aas. But ya, I would like some advise on diet and exercise to be honest. Currently weighing 160 what would you recommend for mass gaining if I would like to get up to say 190 by the end of deployment - 9 months

  19. #19
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    not a problem.

    we try to keep our threads organized. So for diet questions, go here...
    start a new thread by asking a question, and let's see what we can do for you
    btw.... you won't bump into the 25 year age constraint you will here, so we can talk freely about diet if you like....


  20. #20
    Donman1001's Avatar
    Donman1001 is offline Junior Member
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    sounds good, i posted on that forum, thanks for the help Roman


  21. #21
    Blade15's Avatar
    Blade15 is offline Senior Member
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    Young boys..... huhh...

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