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Thread: First cycle Tren E - have questions

  1. #1

    First cycle Tren E - have questions

    Me and my friend are splitting a 200mg vial of tren e for a 5 week cycle , using 23g 1.5 " for glutes at 200mg per week, then see results and possible get another vial to complete full cycle. I am new at this and want to know if I should take any nolva during the cycle and obviously im going to pct hard after. Any suggestions on what else I should do and am I doing this correctly? I know that people are going to say tren e is bad for first cycle but it's only thing I can get.
    Last edited by Xzmk07; 04-21-2011 at 10:27 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    tren alone is a no no, but before i explain any further you need to help understand who you are and provide stats:
    yrs training
    cycle exp
    and why tren for a first cycle?

  3. #3
    Age: 19
    Under 12% bf
    Lifted good for 2 years and then took a break, still have good build. Started up again and looking to get big quick.

    Need recommendations on cycle since this is all new to me.

    Using tren because want to get mass quick - and other anabolics are hard to find.
    If u have it mind as well use it .
    Last edited by Xzmk07; 04-21-2011 at 07:23 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Please take this as me helping you and not bashing you,
    your too young, your endocrine systen is still in development and useing aas now can permanently damage it. cousing low labido, ed, and low testosterone levels for he rest of your life.
    secondly, your too light and it is clear you do not have a proper diet in place or you would be bigger. until you have a proper diet aas will do nothing to help you.
    and last, tren and deca are the 2 most suppressive compounds out there and hpta recovery from both can be difficult at best. tren also is the most powerful steroid available today and the side effects can be brutel, not reccomended for inexperianced users.
    at your age you have plenty of hormone in your body to produce huge gains, you just need to learn the importance of a strong diet. spend time in the diet section and learn how to eat. there is no getting "huge quickly" it takes years of diet and training and then maybe the use of steroids but not before you have mastered the diet and training part.
    good luck
    Last edited by MBMETC; 04-21-2011 at 07:41 AM.

  5. #5
    I'm taking it regaurdless. I'm just asking about taking nolva during cycle. It's low doses so it would not do too much damage. My diet would be fine around 3500+ calories per day

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    i gave you the best advice your gonna get here, you can wait for some kid your age to come and tell you to do it when they havent even done 1 cycle yet or you can listen to me.
    tren alone will damage your nuts and render your dick useless. please remember my name and pm me when this goes horribly wrong for you, i will still be willing to help you.
    good luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state
    wow another one.
    we live in a society that has to have things now and don't know how to work for it.

    I've got one word of advice.....DIET.
    Without this you will never get big.

  8. #8
    Getting diet out of the way, worst side effects of using tren e alone would be limp dick, and messed up testosterone levels if pct isn't done correctly?
    Last edited by Xzmk07; 04-21-2011 at 10:33 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    man... these young people cant wait....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Xzmk07 View Post
    Getting diet out of the way, worst side effects of using tren e alone would be limp dick, and messed up testosterone levels if pct isn't done correctly?
    pct gaurenties nothing
    on top of that your cycle is pointless read up on the entanate ester and you will understand. you have no knowladge of the compound you want to use and your playing with fire.besides are you telling me that at 19 you qre willing erectile dysfunction for life over 2 monthe of looking good. that makes perfect sense here let me play this out for you.

    hot girl: hey your buff you dtf.
    you: i know im jacked but my di** dont work because i did a tren only cycle.
    Last edited by MBMETC; 04-21-2011 at 12:28 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    your too young bro, you need to gain more weight for your height, tren e needs to be ran longer than 5 weeks, and you need test. tren e is one of the most powerful compounds out there and should not be ran as a first cycle, i'm currently on my 4th, bought tren to run, then decided not to cause of the nasty side effects. Wait a few more years, put on more natural muscle, get your diet in check and definitely put aas on the backburner, it would not be a wise choice on your part. Your future does not look good if you decide to cycle now.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Xzmk07 View Post
    I'm taking it regaurdless. I'm just asking about taking nolva during cycle. It's low doses so it would not do too much damage. My diet would be fine around 3500+ calories per day
    This right here shows me that you have no idea what you are talking about...Tren is THE worst compound in relation to sides. Even if you ran it at 50mg/wk it would shut you down HARD if you're not running it with test. You sir are risking far more than you can even begin to comprehend messing with this stuff as a first cycle let alone cycling at age 19 with NO frame to speak of...Please, do yourself a favor and don't get involved with this stuff yet. You need to work on your diet and training program and wait a few years.

  13. #13
    I have a good diet and training program, along with a good frame. Im just looking to get bulk and want to try a cycle. I got my hands on this because i didnt look into it before getting it. so now what do i do? stack with little test e? i cant sell it and i dont want it to sit there.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Xzmk07 View Post
    I have a good diet and training program, along with a good frame. Im just looking to get bulk and want to try a cycle. I got my hands on this because i didnt look into it before getting it. so now what do i do? stack with little test e? i cant sell it and i dont want it to sit there.
    Then throw it out. Trust me man, it's not worth it. Sorry to say man, but at 5'10" and only 160lbs, your diet can still use tweaking. You're practically already on the sauce right now anyway, your natural test levels are through the fvckin roof! It is not worth the risk of permanently damaging yourself when you have so much potential left to grow naturally. Trust me, being put on HRT by age 21 because you went and did a stupid cycle so young, is not a fun time. This is the best possible advice you can get: Fine tune your diet and your training program; train naturally for 4-5 more years; then once you have a good solid base, start thinking about picking up the sauce.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Long Island, New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Xzmk07 View Post
    I know that people are going to say tren e is bad for first cycle but it's only thing I can get.
    Just when you thought you seen it all.....

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Xzmk07 View Post
    I'm taking it regaurdless. I'm just asking about taking nolva during cycle. It's low doses so it would not do too much damage. My diet would be fine around 3500+ calories per day
    Then I don't know what anyone can tell you then, you won't listen to reason. You are too young and are playing with a serious substance and have absolutely no clue what you are doing with it. I take it you know nothing about Tren other than that it is a Steroid?
    ***No source checks!!!***

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    i cant see 200mg once a week for 5 weeks of a long estered tren doing anything but messing up you endocrin system...

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