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Thread: Clen with no carbs?

  1. #1

    Clen with no carbs?

    I have read before that clen should not be taken on a no carb diet. Not sure as of why but next we'd I am depleting for 7 days with the only carbs coming in is about 20 grams from shake. Wanted to add clen for 2 weeks but didn't know if that would be a waist.

  2. #2
    Why just 2 weeks and why so low of carbs period? even cutting that is way low I would think unless you weigh next to nothing. Please provide more info.

  3. #3
    Sorry I didnt give many details.

    Long story short my diet had gotten way too relaxed for a while ( lots of cake and cookies) Was at 230 and 17% which im normally around 215-218 and pretty lean. My Fiance decided on a beach trip with only 9 weeks to try and diet down. got diet in check and was doing a carb rotation for 3 weeks and it wasnt coming off fast enough, brought carbs down to 55 per day jumping fats up to about 90 for the last 3 weeks. down to 216 now and feel pretty good just have a little bit around belly button. Next week I was going to carb deplete then the following week I was going to carb up being the last week before vacation.

    I have some clen on hand that I had no been taking and was thinking about doing it for the next 2 weeks but wasnt sure about clen and no carbs?

    On 600mg Test E for the past 10 weeks and started Var 40mg 1 week ago.

  4. #4
    I have read and heard it's not wise to cut carbs drastically and take clen and try to work out as you will feel exhausted and weak. I have been told you may actually want to up your carb intake a little during a clen cycle.

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