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Thread: INBF competitor, looking to enter NPC. First cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    INBF competitor, looking to enter NPC. First cycle

    Hello everyone i am 22 years old , height 5'8" weight 185lb, bf 11%.
    2008 INBF Pennsylvania Classic 2nd Place

    obviously cant compete in the INBF with this.. looking to enter the NPC soon. (hopefully...
    first cycle. done a ton of research tell me what yas think. thanks
    p.s. i am prone to gyno ive been 10% bf and under my whole life but had gyno from 14-17 years old

    · Testosterone Cypionate: weeks 1-12 500mg/wk (days 1 & 4)
    · HCG pregnyl: weeks 3-12 250iu/wk (days 1, 3 & 5)
    · Arimidex: weeks 5-12 0.5mg/eod (if needed)

    · Nolvadex: weeks 15-16 50mg/day
    · Clomid: weeks 15-16 100mg/day
    · Nolvadex: weeks 17-18 25mg/day
    · Clomid: weeks 17-18 50mg/day
    Last edited by kluska399; 04-22-2011 at 02:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    You had natural gyno when you were younger? That means you are going to be extremely prone to it.

    Train naturally for 3 more years at least, then consider a cycle like your proposed. If you have done a ton of research then you should know why.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    yea i got natural gyno and was never fat. and i know that 25 is the "magical year". i am not a dummy whos trying to get big and want to keep up wit my friends who found a bottle of dianabol.. i am a competitor and its time to take my competition the next step i know my body and i know the effects and this is what i want to do with my life . dont worry about my effects ill worry about that if and when they come

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    you guys really do make a terrible argument.. what if jay cutler was here 15 years ago at age 19 (when he started steroids) and he wanted advice on a cycle and you guys told him to wait to 25.. what a joke

    yous are just going to encourage ppl to lie about their age so you will give them advice. then that could be bad for them. also, i think that people who use steroids and never compete are wrong. they are a tool and should only be used to take one's career and dream to the next level. not some 25 year old who isnt gettin gains in the gym because he hit this MAGICAL age of 25 and now his test count is receding and now he wants to get bigger

    . youd rather help a 25 year old idiot than a 22 year old competitor. you got nerve my friend, you have nerve...
    Last edited by kluska399; 04-22-2011 at 02:57 PM.

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