Hello everyone i am 22 years old , height 5'8" weight 185lb, bf 11%.
2008 INBF Pennsylvania Classic 2nd Place
obviously cant compete in the INBF with this.. looking to enter the NPC soon. (hopefully...
first cycle. done a ton of research tell me what yas think. thanks
p.s. i am prone to gyno ive been 10% bf and under my whole life but had gyno from 14-17 years old
· Testosterone Cypionate: weeks 1-12 500mg/wk (days 1 & 4)
· HCG pregnyl: weeks 3-12 250iu/wk (days 1, 3 & 5)
· Arimidex: weeks 5-12 0.5mg/eod (if needed)
· Nolvadex: weeks 15-16 50mg/day
· Clomid: weeks 15-16 100mg/day
· Nolvadex: weeks 17-18 25mg/day
· Clomid: weeks 17-18 50mg/day