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  1. #1
    Papa.B.Fresh's Avatar
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    First Cycle - Testosterone Enanthate/Stanazol/Nolvadex

    Hey all,

    I'm beginning my first cycle and was wondering if anyone can offer any advice. As this is my first time, I would like to make things perfect. I will include all the information I can. I have conducted a bit of research unlike some I see on here, but bare with me as this is my first post. I hope my conversions are accurate as I'm From Australia.

    I have 20ml of Testosterone Enanthate , 50 ml of oral Stanizol and 60 tabs of Nolvadex (20mg per tab). This was all I was able to get my hands on at this stage and was curious to see views and opinions on this cycle taking into account the following information below.

    Age: 26
    Weight: 86 kilos/190 pounds
    Bodyfat: Approx 12-13% but was done 4 months ago and have tweaked diet since then.

    I was planning on the following:

    A. 500mg (2ml) of Testosterone Enanthate every 7 days for 10 weeks.
    B. 1ml of oral stan every day from weeks 6 - 13 (approx 50 days).
    C. PCT - Weeks 12 - 16 Nolvadex 2 weeks after last Test E jab, 40 mg daily for first 2 weeks then 20 mg daily for 2 more weeks.

    I will also be taking the following vitamins/minerals:

    Men's Multi Vitamin and Mineral once daily
    Glucosamine once daily
    Milk Thistle once daily

    I'm looking to gain kilos, tone up and lose body fat.

    I have been training on and off for 5 years and recently left the Defence Force which has got me quite fit but now looking to get the size! I have been quite active both at the gym and training in Muay Thai over my years and have had small gains but nothing dramitic.

    During cycle, I was planning on the following routine as an example.

    Day 1 - Chest and Cardio (1st day of each week, will have Test E Jab)
    Day 2 - Back and Abs
    Day 3 - Triceps and Cardio
    Day 4 - Biceps/Forearms and Abs
    Day 5 - Shoulders and Legs and Cardio
    Day 6 - Rest
    Day 7 - Abs

    Leading up to this, I have tweaked my diet and mainly consuming Oats, Rye Bread, Cottage Cheese, Lean Meat, Mandarins, Bananas, Apples, Eggs, Corns, Peas, Baked Beans, Tuna, Salmon, Vegetable Juice etc etc. You get the idea.

    I will be looking to consume close to 4,000 calories per day, including shakes 3 times daily (Pre Workout, Post Workout and before bed) whilst on this cycle eating basically what you see above. Shakes contain protein, carbs, fats, MCT oils, Amino Acids and all that good shit! I generally have water instead of milk with shakes as milk is ****ing expensive these days and I'm cheap!

    I'm hoping I have provided enough information to make a fair judgement and would appreciate any feedback anyone has! Is a long shot, but anyone know what sort of gains I can expect from this as a first cycle?


  2. #2
    Juiceddownunder's Avatar
    Juiceddownunder is offline Junior Member
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    Hey dude, Sounds like you have done your research.. Might wanna add some HCG to your PCT if you can get it to kick start your natural test so u don't loose your gains.
    Ps milks cheap now, Like $1 per ltr.. Haven't u heard those annoying supermarket adds " Down down, Prices are down" Lol
    Goodluck with it..

  3. #3
    Kostas's Avatar
    Kostas is offline Junior Member
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    Generally speaking,i believe you're in a good road

    The only thing i'd change if i were you is that i'd stack Testo with one proviron tab after week 4 and second i'd take it easy at the begining,1 ml for 2 weeks and then i'd inject 500mgs.

    As far as the diet use carbs wisely,you cant just say i'd eat 4000 cals or 3000 or whatever and see what will happen,i advise you to just eat carbs according to what you WILL do and not for what you've allready done(post gym meal excluded)
    Carbs are almost useless if you arent going to do something that demands energy from your muscles.
    Last edited by Kostas; 04-23-2011 at 05:50 AM.

  4. #4
    Blade15's Avatar
    Blade15 is offline Senior Member
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    Good luck for your cycle...

  5. #5
    Papa.B.Fresh's Avatar
    Papa.B.Fresh is offline New Member
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    Cheers for the feedback so far fellas!

    I had enough trouble getting my hands on the test/stan/nolva, I highly doubt I'll be able to get anything more at this point in time, but no harm trying! Do you think what I have now will be sufficient? Plus I have ants in my pants and so keen to get going! Monday is the day!

    As for the calories Kostas, I'm just trying to make sure I have all bases covered is all. I'll be sure to keep an eye on this though and eat accordingly.

    I guess I'll start investing in milk as well!

  6. #6
    BDL is offline New Member
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    20ml wont last you 10weeks. Im not saying your calculations are wrong just that you lose some during the hole injection process. For me, 20ml lasts 8 1/2 weeks injecting twice a week. gl

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    good luck with your cycle man

  8. #8
    Papa.B.Fresh's Avatar
    Papa.B.Fresh is offline New Member
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    Thanks again fellas! Tomorrow it begins! I will post my results if interested

  9. #9
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to the board PF!
    Yes, it does look like you've actually spent some time thinking about this.
    I would like to commnet on a few things if you don't mind?
    For a first cycle, i'd recommend test only. You need to learn and understand how this will effect you, what the sides are, how your body responds, that type of thing. Once you have completed your first cycle, and you havn't any adverse side effects, then you are ready to expand. Let me just throw a hypothetical at you. Suppose you begin to get some kind of reaction with your proposed cycle. How are you to know whether it is the test or the winnie? You don't. That's why you need to isolate just the test for the first cycle. Then your second cycle, if something happens, you can be fairly confident it is NOT the test, therefore, it MUST be the winnie. Since you are the methodical type, then you can apprecaite this methodology as the scientific method.

    Comment #2. Test enthanate has a 10.5 day half life. this is considered a long acting esther, and is the reason why most will agree the first few weeks not to really expect much benefit from enth during this time. Your blood serum levels are still building up, and will take enth at least two weeks for this to happen. Now look at your 10 week cycle. subtract two weeks minimum before you can expect to see results. This leaves you eight weeks of productivity. Not much time. This is why the standard cycle time is 12 weeks. Since this is your first time and you are not front loading, you should be OK at 12, but up to you.

    A couple of other thoughts since you brought up supplements.
    I recommend BCAA's before and after your workout.
    This last thought is mine alone, but for me it does work. the moment you are finished working out, I eat about 1/3 cup honey. Simple carb, fast acting, AND it spikes your slin levels! This is a very anabolic quality that will provide benefit, driving in the amino acids into the tissue right after the work out. Others like whole fruit, but the thought is the same.

    Good luck!

  10. #10
    Papa.B.Fresh's Avatar
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    Roman - appreciate the time you have taken to respond! Just touching on a couple of the things you have mentioned, given I would of been taking Test for a period of 6 weeks before the introduction of Stan, would I be fare to assume, had a problem arise, I would be able to assume it was either Test or Stan? I understand where you are coming from though and something I will take into consideration. I have read up as much as I can on Stan and understand a few of the implications which can arise from it for example joints like a grandma! But in saying all that, I will take your advice and just stick to the Test first time around. Just trying to gain furthur knowledge is all.

    I would love to extend it the cycle of Test to 12 weeks, but what I could get my hands on was quite limited. As another member suggested, for my first 2 weeks I should stick to 1ml injections, this would extend the cycle an extra week, making it 11 weeks all up if you get my drift?. What are your thoughts on this? Or would recommend just sticking to the 2ml dosages weekly for the 10 week period?

    As for the honey, I'm getting some tomorrow straight up! Cheers for the tip!

  11. #11
    smashingbox's Avatar
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    Good to see another Brissy lad on here! LOL @ the price of milk... have you seen the price of banana's lately? The floods/cyclone wiped out 85% of the banana's in the country.

    No need to taper up (i.e. starting with 1ml first week then up to 2... just keep it the same throughout). One thing I would say is that you should consider pinning twice a week, i.e. 1ml twice a week (3.5 days apart) rather than 2ml weekly... this will see a more stable test level which apparently can reduce chances of sides/acne etc.

    HCG can be got, get your post count up to over 50 and then PM

  12. #12
    Papa.B.Fresh's Avatar
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    Hey mate, it's like 15 bucks for a Kilo of Bananas! Crazy shit! I still buy them though, probably why I can't afford Milk! I had my first injection of 2 ml in the glute this morning, didn't know what to expect but wasn't bad at all! I must be a natural :P haha I think I'll pin twice a week from now on!

    I'll try get the posts up and see how we go!

  13. #13
    Juiceddownunder's Avatar
    Juiceddownunder is offline Junior Member
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    Your first cycle will always be your best and thats why i agree that you should try and run for 12 weeks if you can get your hands on another vial
    As smashingbox said I think you will find you have less sides if you pin twice a week, Monday morning and Thursday night pins work best fir me and seems to keep the blood levels constant although everyone is different and you may find that once I fine, if you get any acne etc try spitting the shots.
    Goodluck and Keep posting man, it's great to see all the Queenslanders on here!!!

  14. #14
    layeazy is offline Banned
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    Queensland the best state lol yeah nice cycle whats your height mate...

    If you keep the calories up like you are and adjust at appropriate times in the cycle you should have great gains goodluck mate

  15. #15
    Papa.B.Fresh's Avatar
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    Queensland is the place to be, it's like the California of Australia!

    Forgot to mention my height, my bad! I'm 6'1. I realise I could be naturally alot heavier, I've always had trouble gaining, even with good diet but hopefully this cycle kicks things into gear!

  16. #16
    Papa.B.Fresh's Avatar
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    Gentlemen - If you wish to follow my progress, I have started a thread which can be found here:


  17. #17
    Forthelooks's Avatar
    Forthelooks is offline New Member
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    Good work mate, Another Queenslander here... Got my State of Origin ticket already :-) Milk is cheap these days at Coles with their stupid red hands all over the place... I was going to talk about the long esters, but someone beat me to it. Not sure if you've sorted your pins out yet, but if you're in Brisneyland, I can tell you where to get them for free... PM me and I'll tell you... Good luck and I'll follow your thread :-)

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