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  1. #1
    Nicol is offline New Member
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    Deca/Sust cycle gyno and pct

    21 yrs old
    220 lbs
    had acl surgery 6 months ago. starting my first cycle on deca (two weeks in deca now 250ew already). started taking if for joint pain and help my recovery. not seeing much gains(i know it takes a while till deca is in the system), although having less pain in my knee. anyway i want to start 4test by omegalab i think its the same as sust. I think i have some sort of gyno since my puberty days (i have lumps below my nipples. i always hated how they look and they never went awaay) i need to know in what doses should i take sust and understand a good AI or SERM (letro clomid nolva adex) to take during cycle (due to my prexisting gyno) and a decent and safe pct for not getting gyno and not loosing my gains that much. i plan on doing 5 weeks on sust and 3 more of deca. i know its short for a cycle but i dont want a lot of gains, ok maybe i want a lot of gains in my legs.

  2. #2
    Tlee8769's Avatar
    Tlee8769 is offline Associate Member
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    Wow well you need to get off the AAS as soon as possible your way to young to be using the compounds and you have very little understanding, when you could be doing everything you wanted by proper diet bro. You have very high test levels already when you are 21 there is no need for you to be messing your body up at such a young age. Do not take sus get off the juice asap. And when your of age then research so you have the knowledge to do everything properly.

  3. #3
    The Titan99's Avatar
    The Titan99 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    15-20% BF is quite a big range at 220 lbs. If your gyno sensitive you are asking for trouble...

  4. #4
    Nicol is offline New Member
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    Apr 2011
    that is the reasonable thing to do. now im taking 250 of deca ew for 3 weeks andi want to take it at least 2 more weeks, is it really going to make a difference or should i cut it out know and forget about it, not doing pct forgetting about my preexisting gyno ?? can letrozole help my gyno condition even if the gyno doesnt come from gear, like reduce the lumps i have,(theyre not big)?? sorry two questions:
    a- no pct of any form after i cut deca?
    b- can letro help me with my puberty gyno?

  5. #5
    jeallybean78 is offline Junior Member
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    You still may be in the last stages of puberty at the age of 21.

  6. #6
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Your body fat being 15% - 20% is why you still have gyno. Get it down to 10% or less and it will be gone.
    Stop the cycle now because you will only bloat more and make the gyno worse. Not only the Deca but also the test.
    Yes you need to do your PCT as planned.

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