Hey everyone,
My source is telling me to work up to my peak dose of test cyp and then gradually decrease when coming off. Like this:
Week 1: 125mg
Week 2: 250mg
Week 3-10: 375mg
Week 11: 250mg
Week 12: 125mg
Has anyone heard of or done this?
Hey everyone,
My source is telling me to work up to my peak dose of test cyp and then gradually decrease when coming off. Like this:
Week 1: 125mg
Week 2: 250mg
Week 3-10: 375mg
Week 11: 250mg
Week 12: 125mg
Has anyone heard of or done this?
Before anyone had an idea about PCT, tapers were the norm...moreso taper off then on.
I would just run it straight for Test E
Looks like a typical old school cycle before people knew better. Hope your source is better with gear than he is with advice.
Regardless of pyramid, those doses are way to low.
Not so sure about long ester pyramiding either.
really low dosages if your expecting big gains better off keeping it simple and use appropriate pct to recover faster..
There is no point in pyramiding with long esters.
You should ask your ''source'' why he is recommending this method with Test Cyp and see if he can come up with a reasonable explanation regarding long ester AAS.
With long esthers, such as cyp and enth, front loading is becoming (?) popular. This is due to the body responding best in the first 6-8 weeks, then due to desensitizing, benefits slowly taper off. So if any deviation from a level dose rate, then front loading a larger dose up front makes sense.
enth has a half life of 10.5 days, and
cyp has a half life of 12 days
with long esthers, blood serum levels gradually build for the first two weeks. this is why some consider front loading, to saturate blood serum levels quickly, and make best use of the first 6 - 8 weeks
pyramiding is out dated. It is not needed. Pick at dose, stick with it, and start your pct at the correct time.
If 375 is you comfort level then just run that from the jump, it's best to try and keep blood levels as stable as possible. Ot would probably be easier to shoot 200 2x per week from a measuring standpoint.
Good luck.
When do you plan on running your cycle again?
pyramiding would only be useful during a test susp cycle, cuz everything else basically tapers itself once the esterases get all through the cyp.
This is incorrect info.
Half life of Test E is approx. 4-6 days and half life of Test Cyp is about 6-7 days. Clinical human tests regarding AAS half life clearly state that half life of a compound mainly depends on the individual and hence varies between individuals. This is another reason why you cannot be so precise about the half life of a chemical compound. Moreover, if a compound has an active biological life of 14-15 days, it would be logically incorrect to state that its half life would be at around 10.5 and/or 12 days, not that we need the help of logic here when we have precise clinical blood tests revealing monitored information.
You need to check your sources.
Your source is wrong,
There is no need to pyramid the dose up because, its a long ester and will take 5 weeks anyway before it reaches peak blood levels. You also don't need to pyramid down because yet again a long ester will self taper, thats why your starting pct until 14 days after your last shot. Very old school thinking
Tapering steroids makes no scense at all in the fact that wheater you are injecting 100mgs per week or 1000mgs per week you are still shuting down your natty test. Tapering is old school and now we know more about the body we know your better off running a constant dose throughout cycle...keep blood levels stable and proper pct at end.
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