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  1. #1
    RoidReaper's Avatar
    RoidReaper is offline Member
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    Going to try recovery!

    So im going try a restart since ive been on quite some time taking extremely short breaks...heres my PCT protocol.

    HMG for the last week. 75iu EOD.
    and HCG 500iu a day for a week

    Then im going to proceed using this SERM since i hear its much better for recovery.

    Torem: 120mg/90/60/60/60/60
    HGH: 4iu 5 on 2 Off Was going to do 6 but thats gonna get pricey. 4iu i can afford right now.
    GHRP-6: 100mcg 3x a day
    ZMA for natural test boost.

    Also got some viagra for those nights, cuz i know my libido is going to take a huge **** lol. So i got it on hand. Although ive heard some really nice success stories using Torem. People on long long cycles combine the HCG and HMG and then use torem seem to have good luck. Hopefully, so will I.

    (I just started the HGH today)

    And some other workout supplements... Oh and of course alot of food!

    I was also considering using Ketotifen in PCT as i hear it has some intriguing properties.

    Ive been on for over a year with minor breaks (a month off here and there with clomids)

    But i cant say i actually let myself FULLY recover. However ive been using HCG and nuts are full size! And the added HMG should do nothing but help .

    Im using HGH in hope to maintain muscle while doing this and if my recovery goes as planned. I will just cruise on GH and not cycle AAS anymore. Ive kinda had enough of it lol.

    Was gonna throw some IGF-1 in there but all my $$ is going to GH right now sooooo. Yea lol. Anyways what you guys think?

  2. #2
    warren916's Avatar
    warren916 is offline Associate Member
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    Wow man, gotta say that takes a lot to come out and say that stuff.

    Anabolics can become addicting bro, not many are willing to admit it but they are.

    I hope the best for your recovery.

  3. #3
    RoidReaper's Avatar
    RoidReaper is offline Member
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    You think the HGH will help? 4iu a day sounds pretty good.

  4. #4
    Tlee8769's Avatar
    Tlee8769 is offline Associate Member
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    I would start my HCG the last 3 weeks of my cycle up until my 5 days of PCT if one was not used throughout the cycle. here is swiftos aggressive PCT

    3. Aggressive PCT (shutdown for 16-52+ weeks)

    wk 1-8 Tamox 20mg/ED (40mg/ED first 7 days)
    wk 1-8 Tore 60mg/ED (120mg/ED first 14 days, 100mg/ED next 7 days)
    *HCG 250ius 2-3 times/wk (on cycle, every 8-10 weeks take a 2-3 week break [E2/PgR])
    *HCG should also be ramped to 500ius 14-21 days from PCT
    *Aromasin 10mg/EOD (on cycle)

    Here is the link i would ask him more in depth on what PCT protocol would work best for your situation. He has a ton of knowledge and would give you good advice just ask him the question on that thread he will reply really quickly and best of luck on your recovery.

  5. #5
    RoidReaper's Avatar
    RoidReaper is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tlee8769 View Post
    I would start my HCG the last 3 weeks of my cycle up until my 5 days of PCT if one was not used throughout the cycle. here is swiftos aggressive PCT

    3. Aggressive PCT (shutdown for 16-52+ weeks)

    wk 1-8 Tamox 20mg/ED (40mg/ED first 7 days)
    wk 1-8 Tore 60mg/ED (120mg/ED first 14 days, 100mg/ED next 7 days)
    *HCG 250ius 2-3 times/wk (on cycle, every 8-10 weeks take a 2-3 week break [E2/PgR])
    *HCG should also be ramped to 500ius 14-21 days from PCT
    *Aromasin 10mg/EOD (on cycle)

    Here is the link i would ask him more in depth on what PCT protocol would work best for your situation. He has a ton of knowledge and would give you good advice just ask him the question on that thread he will reply really quickly and best of luck on your recovery.
    I would use tamox but right now All i have on me is this:

    Torem, Letro, HCG, HMG, and HGH with GHRP-6.

    And im low on HCG at the moment, i only have maybe 1500iu left. So im just gonna slam the 1500iu of HCG this week and then im going to use the HMG as well. Then start PCT. Unless i can get some Tamox within the next week ill try. I didnt run HCG on cycle the entire time. Here and there, so this is why im gonna blast HCG every day till it runs out along with the HMG and then start an aggressive PCT. Torem 120mg for 2 weeks sounds good ill def change that.

    But do you think HGH, GHRP-6 will help muscle maintenance?

  6. #6
    RoidReaper's Avatar
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  7. #7
    RoidReaper's Avatar
    RoidReaper is offline Member
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    What would you guys think about throwing Ostarine in with the PCT? 25mg ED for 2 months?

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