If I am taking a low dose of test, 250mgs per week, what is the least amount of win that I need to combat gyno? Or will it work at all? I am not looking to bulk since I am not a BBer.
If I am taking a low dose of test, 250mgs per week, what is the least amount of win that I need to combat gyno? Or will it work at all? I am not looking to bulk since I am not a BBer.
If you're not into BB, what's your primary reason for using AAS?
As far as the gyno question, I'd prefer to use an AI to keep gyno at bay rather than winny.
winny has AI properties? or gyno combating properties?
Some people erroneously think that since its a DHT with relatively low androgenicity that it, like Mast and Danazol, actually has anti-estro/gyno countering properties. This same error is often arrived at when considering the androgenic numbers of Var and Tbol...it's a myth.
Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan
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I am a bicycle racer. And I don't wanna gain weight cause it's all about power to weight. I wish I went with Mast but got Sust instead.
if you're a cyclist you don't need mast, cyclists use things like EQ, and EPO to increase RBC for maximum endurance. Test raises RBC as well but not as much as other AAS. 250mg of sust per week is barely above a TRT dose
Winstrol won't cure gynocomastia.. Sometimes surgery is the only thing if no pct is included
I'll make sure there is pct then. No, no gyno issues. I haven't even started yet. Epo is too dangerous for me and there was a cyclist recently popped for mast. But a lot use test to recover. Because we train so intensely and with such high volume there is a tendency to have low T and produce an abundance of cortisol. So if it's barely over the TRT dose then there shouldn't be gyno issues? Also, depending on how this goes I'll try Eq.
Add about 4g's of vitamin C a day to your routine to help control cortisol
Ok. Will do.
Okay so 18 days after I can go with clom and Ari. Does this sound good? Or what if I went right into a 10 week eq cyc?
no need for an AI like Adex durring PCT. Use clomid/nolva 50/20mg of each for 4-5 weeks. If you went right into an EQ cycle you're body would be without any testosterone, not only would you eperience sexual disfunction, you would experience it for a longer time as the EQ would suppress natural test production and make it take longer for you to recover
So if I wanted to go right to eq I would have to run it with test then or is that just a bad idea?
EQ and test would be a good stack for you as a cycle, but if this is your first time on AAS I'd say just stick with test to assess your tolerance to side effects, Save the EQ/test for next years season
Okay. Let's say I like how the test works out, what's the longest I can run it for? I mean I know I could stay on it forever but I don't want to do that. My season runs until late sept even oct and I've been racing already since march so I wanna be my best in July and Aug but wanna use the test to build toward that starting now.
the longer you're on the harder it will be for you to recover natural test production. You won't notice any effects really for the first few weeks of the cycle. I wouldn't go any longer than 14 weeks. 16 would be a stretch.
Ok. I was thinking 10, so 14 would be better for the stretch I'm looking to cover. If I start it two weeks later than I planned I should be fine.
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