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Thread: Anavar for Test/EQ

  1. #1

    Wink Anavar for Test/EQ

    okay so let me bring everyone up to date on how this has been going
    did a somewhat cruise then blast on this one due too poor planning, but i'm liking the results so w/e

    this is what my cycle looks like in total

    5'10 starting weight 205, currently at 190 (lifts are up too)

    week 1-6 test cyp 375mg week (used to cut)
    last week i decided i wanted to bulk a little before summer
    weeks 7-16 test cyp 500mg week
    weeks 7-16 Equipoise 600mg week
    weeks 9-18 Anavar 40mg ed

    My PCT for my first cycle (10 weeks Test E 500mg/week, kickstart with Tbol week 1-4 50mg/week) was nolva 40-30-20-20 and worked good, but since this one is a little longer i'm thinking i should use some HCG post cycle, and use clomid instead of nolva as well

    Other than that i know it was a choppy cycle with the changes at week 6 and extending it 4 weeks form my original plan, but i think the EQ and Var will work nice for a lean bulk for the next 10 weeks and then use some clen during or after PCT to rid the fat that accommodates it

    any thoughts on how i should run HCG? 500mcg 2x's a week for the 3 weeks between last inj and PCT? or what?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    why dont you run the same amount of test from wek 1-16 ???
    and shouldnt the Anavar be 4-6 weeks only ????

  3. #3
    i would have ran the test from week 1-6, but like i was poorly planned, and only decided on the 6th week to bump it up i'm currently on the first day of week 8

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    i would have run HCG through the cycle but you are at week 8 now.
    i guess there is a method of running it as part of PCT
    1500-5000 ui every 5 days 3 times after the last injection
    or 2500 ui EOD for 16 days

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Dude your cycle is f***ed up. Did you know you can run another cycle down the road?

    So why dont you just wait, and run Test for 12 weeks this cycle, with anavar.

    The EQ is a waste at only 10 weeks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    that seems like a lot of stuff in your cycle. i agree with warren i feel like just test at 500mg run for the whole 12 weeks with var woulda been better.

  7. #7
    yeah i know, but my buddy ran EQ for 10 weeks and liked it, and cycles have gone longer than 16 weeks in the past so as ****ed up as it is, the results are good so far, the EQ hunger is already kicking in, and i feel good, so i'm not turning back now...If i do another cycle it will be Test/EQ for 15 weeks from the start, and at least i'll know how my body reacts to the EQ even if it's only gonna be for a bit, the EQ was dirt cheap and i had the test on hand

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