After all I've heard about Tren, I've often wondered: can it replace test? In other words, if one was to do a straight test cycle to gain strength and muscle mass, would it be better to run Tren on own its instead?
For someone who's looking to eventually do their first test cycle, I've often wondered if tren would be better. Of course it would be best to mix the two, but I can't do that at this point for various reasons.
Looking to do my 3rd cycle here in another 2 months and am eager to bulk up after doing a cutting cycle which made me loose a good deal of size. My body fat is right around 10-12% and am wondering if I did a Tren cycle and ate like crazy to bulk up if I'd still lose a good deal of fat if I continue my 7 days a week 1 hour of cardio every morning on an empty stomach? Or do I need to eat moderately to gain a little and lose a little?
Also, was considering my 3rd cycle to be Test/Deca/EQ ... you think Tren would blow that out of the water? Just kinda scared Tren may be bad as hell for you compared to the other stuff so wondering if I should stick to the original plan or hit the Tren.
tren is the only compound i can eat lil and still put on lean muscle, if the dose is high enough. maybe you should start a new thread though im sure you would get more feedback. dont forget to put your age with your stats.
No tren cannot replace test. Test is the base of all cycles for a reason. The male human body needs testosterone for normal functioning, well-being, male characteristics, and innumerable other things. If you run tren by itself you will no doubt shutdown your own test production. That's where synthetic test comes in. Without it you risk having tons of negative side effects like depression, loss of appetite,tren dick just to name a few. Besides, running test with the tren will result in better gains so why wouldn't you want to?
starting my prop/tren a cycle in about 4-6 weeks, im cutting down to 7-8% natty and then will be lean bulking with tren for 8 weeks, going to look diesel this summer![]()
What does everone think of a test Cyp and Tren as a first cycle
I did a Tren/test run last summer/fall. I had great results. I added almost 20 lbs and kept 15 of it. Luckily my BF has always been low. Two sides for me, I sweat like hell all day every day and my cardio went way down. Going up one flight of steps had me huffing and sweating. (I normally run 2-3 miles 2-3 days a week). Both were small prices to pay for the results I got from it.
yeah.. i see what you are saying.. basically just run enough test to counter the prolactin issue that arises with all 19-nors.. and let the tren do the rest of the work.
What do you recon about 75mg of each test p and tren a ED.. my powders get here next wed.. so i have a few days to figure this out..
just have caber on hand if you have any progesterone ED sides. i ran 600mg test with 350mg tren a last year and if anything i was more rampant than with test alone! i got bunk test at the end of the cycle and had severe probs coming off the tren (basically cold turkey). safer to have the caber etc to hand to
grand.. i will order some today. thanx for the info mate!!
I can smell the tren in my piss. My g/f mentioned in the other day. She said my pee smelled really weird. Other than that, I feel like I am bench press a bus.
Eh. I think the whole caber, bromo, etc etc thing is over rated.
If you control Estrogen from the get go, then you shouldn't have to worry about adding in any other drugs.
I have run a few tren and prop cycles. 10 weeks tren @ 75mg EOD and 12weeks prop @ 100mgs EOD... I have never experienced prolactin sides. I did get some cabergoline just in case, but im a beliver in run your test higher and longer then everything else and you will get fewer sides. IMHO
Just curious, if your not gyno prone is there a point to take an AI or SERM ? or just have on hand for insurance....
Personally I have never run any with my cycle, i use as PCT only....
F---ing bloody insurance... they always seem to get ya.... the whole what if factor...
ya, same here, i was fine on 350mgs tren pw, did 350mg prop and 250mg test e with it and was a raging horn ball lol.
i think its more for 1st time tren users to have caber etc just incase they are ultra sensitive.
i know ppl tht can run 1g test and not need ai, whereas 500mg will have my nipples like fvckin cones! its very much an individual thing.
Luck of the draw, my buddy sniffs a bottle of test and he needs AI....
I got super greedy last year ran two Tren & Prop cycles only taking about 4ish weeks off in between cycles.... when i finally came off the 2nd cycle it was about 1 full month later my shit was just not working... Normally I am a raging maniac and would ram a hole in the wall if there was a little fluff on it..... took my about 3-4 months to get back to normal....
lesson well learned.... I am an idiot only once......
yeah its fvckin rough, i got a bunk bottle of test c which id of used for my continuing trt after my tren cycle last year, i effectively came off tht tren and test cycle cold turkey and didnt cop on until low test symptoms hit me, i was fvckin suicidal and as weak as kitten, lost a tonne of muscle
Piss me off when i get bunk gear..... i want to go right after the F-ker and hit him with sinder block....
i found one local guy whom i became really close friends with, he actually does all my business cards and flyers now too... kind of a onje stop guy. but he is reliable and honest. these sources are like gold and treat them good.....
But i am going back on Tren at the end of this month and looking forward to it but also a little worried since it took me so long to get back to normal.... Man i have never gone down that much on my wofe before.....
I love what Tren does to my body, hate what it does to my hair.
I like my full head of locks thank you.
Will I do it again? Of course, just going to take some hair precautions next time![]()
both my heads are bald as concrete....
wish i had seen this thread before i spent quite of bit of money for a very small bottle of HG caberhaha
oh well, better safe than sorry. so if i start up my usual estro control regimine from the get go (12.5mg aromasin eod) there is the chance i wont even need the caber? and i would know to take the caber if i started having libido/sex issues right?
and another empty post as usual.
dec you only have so many receptors, with too much test your wasting some tren-wether you want to believe it or not, if its rubbish why dont you explain why...................oh wait cause you said so, ok cool
tren is five times as androgenic than test, i guess no matter how much test you shoot you will still have plenty of receptors left over for the tren right???? oh yea its called anrogen receptor competition. kind of like how a SERM competes for the E receptor and wins, then the E cant attach to it............................
Last edited by THE-DET-OAK; 05-04-2011 at 03:30 PM.
dec just so you know caber does nothing for progesterone, as a matter of fact tren isnt even really a progestin, but im sure you think thats rubbish too..............................
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