Ok guys....been having the same issue for months...hoping an "expert" can help me out
Last summer,,,,did a tren and sustanon cycle...ran the tren a little longer as I had more of it...(i know a huge mistake)..useed caber during to prevent high prolactin
my pct with Nolva and Clomid for 6 wks
I have a libido but going on 7 months since my last pin....I can not get a rock hard erection like I used to get prior to messsin with Tren
cialis and/or levitra helps..but its still like 90%
my blooodwork all came back great
doc looked at Total Test, which was 601
fre test was 91.9
lsh and fh in range
Prolactin is the ONLY thing that came back messed up....the caber made me go UNDER the normal range of 2.0 to 18.0.....it came back at less than 1.0
is there anything that this guy is failing to look at..
its def not mental because i dont have the drive i used to have, preceycle...i never get random erecetions like i used too...morning woood is like once a weeek f that
should i have him test my cortisol??
is a test of 601 maybe still too low.....i know its in range. but i may be someone who had a higher one pre cycle and my last cycle messed me up