I was thinking about this in the car on my way home from work the other day, and thought it might be worth asking on here.
I recently was forced out of gym by a surgery, so couldnt train for around 4 weeks. When I get back to the gym for the first 2-3 weeks the DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness - or just the muscle pain the day or 2 after gym) I got was pretty bad. I mean dont get me wrong I enjoy it, it reminds me constantly that my muscles are growing. But as we all know after a few weeks it subsides and sometimes (in the case of my biceps) I get to a point it seems that no matter how hard I train I cant get that pain anymore.
My question is, if you had trained to a point where you no longer got DOMS, or it was very minor, and then you start a cycle... would you get the DOMS like after a break from gym? I presume you would be training harder, and pushing more weight than your body is used to and experiencing growth which are all things I associate with DOMS?