This is a simple question but i here a lot of debate about this...
Is it okay to inject oil with water ? for example test p with winny in the same syring ?
This is a simple question but i here a lot of debate about this...
Is it okay to inject oil with water ? for example test p with winny in the same syring ?
alot of people do it without issue, although technically the risk of abscess may be a bit higher by mixing the 2.
If I'm injecting 3ml... 1.5 in the right shoulder and 1.5 in the second the winny will go with the 2nd since its on top... i asked this because old body builders used to reject this idea of oil and water in the same syring.. thanks bro
whatever you draw first will go in last. no need to do 2 different injections for 3ml's though-i have done 3ml in the delt many times-the key is injecting very slowly. My advice:find the ventro glute and dump it in there, least painless spot to pin if you as me.
Go for it (though it may cause the water-based gear to crash quicker and clog the needle).
before i went trt, i injected hcg with test on many occasions, the only thing is the water goes through faster than the oil and since it produces a lava lamp eefect in the barrell you will get water zipping through the needle after having applied pressure on the oil
one thing to be careful of is not pushing to hard when you have the water going through the syringe.. as the water goes through much easier than the oil
cos what is small???? the muscle??? good rationale friend. do you really know anything about the pharmacology behind injection absorbtion or no???? your not making any sense by telling him he shouldnt do it, and on top of that your giving someone advice on something you have never havent taught me anything yet, and until you do your just blowing steam, have fun.
Last edited by THE-DET-OAK; 05-02-2011 at 08:08 PM.
lmao, 100 posts in a day?! saying as you have comprehension probs, yes the muscle is small for 3mls.
and fyi ive injected every muscle group poss. (within reason).
still waiting on your reasoning behind water and oil = infection
got a feeling an IP check would be a good thing here.
anyways I will be looking for your posts that contradict mine...................good luck sir
did i say infection or abscess????? get your facts straight buddy. I also said many people do it without issues, I also said it may. this is because some believe that it encapsulates in the muscle, if this were to happen it is possible that a sterile abscess could form....................did you know the vet will NOT mix oil and water int he same syringe????
next please: and this time lets talk about something that is actually noteworthy.................................
BTW maybe your delts are small................mine are that matters anyway. its all about techinique. now wether effectiveness is reduced or not with large injections is a whole nuther discussion, practicality wins in my book. it has been studied, but never with multiple compounds.............................i will post those when your ready for for class #2
i used to do it all the time... hcg in bac.water... and test oil... in the same pin. make sure you draw the water up first, b'c drawing water into an oil pin will make it bubble throughout the oil... if you draw the water up first, it'll be cleanly separated, and you just inject.
i stopped, because i was having trouble getting the right amt of each so i started doing separate shots- but thats just my own problem. if you change pins to prevent x-contamination, you'll be fine.
if you draw water first like i suggested, then oil will be injected first... so when you get to the water, don't keep the firm pressure you had for oil on the plunger or you'll jam the barrel against your leg (possibility of breaking the needle off if you're too aggressive).
*lava lamp effect only happens when you draw oil first, then draw water, which is less dense, and tries to get to the top of the oil... except the oil is too viscous to let the water through easily, so it bubbles and creates a lava lamp. draw the water first. or heat it all under hot water once everything is in there- i have my own sterile way of doing this, which i won't get into, bc any heating technique is hotly debated anyway... ill leave getting flamed for that for a different thread![]()
and whats your point: like i said before and i will say again it may increase risk of abscess. Do you even know the difference between a sterile abscess and an infection????
thats what I thought sir....................good day.
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