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Thread: Advice, Opinions and Useful feedback required

  1. #1

    Advice, Opinions and Useful feedback required

    Hi All,
    Im a newbie from Aussie land and have a few questions on my workout program.
    I have trained on and off for 10 years when I was in the Army. I am out of the Army now and I have been lifting for 6 months straight.
    I am 33 years old, 80 kg and have my diet in check and have no injuries.

    I am just starting my first cycle which is -
    Dbol Liquid 25ml a day broken up into 4
    Test E 600ml a week broken up into 2

    I am looking for your opinion on training.
    I have read so much different info over the last few weeks and it has confused the shit out of me. Everything from - you can train every day on the juice. Train one day on and one day off. 2 days on and one day off. Through to only do one muscle group per week through to you can do each muscle group every second day and even I have heard that if you are not sore just lift again.

    Basically I only work part time so I have enough time to train whenever I want and I have plenty of time to rest.

    What are your opinions on a training program? How often? Only one muscle group per session or 2? If 2 which best groups are best to do together per session?

    I am only looking to do - Chest, Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Back (Lats & Trapz) and abs.

    Thankyou for your help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    why no legs? that is key to growth/strength gain. releases natural test to push growth.
    Quote Originally Posted by New Aussie Dude View Post
    Hi All,
    Im a newbie from Aussie land and have a few questions on my workout program.
    I have trained on and off for 10 years when I was in the Army. I am out of the Army now and I have been lifting for 6 months straight.
    I am 33 years old, 80 kg and have my diet in check and have no injuries.

    I am just starting my first cycle which is -
    Dbol Liquid 25ml a day broken up into 4
    Test E 600ml a week broken up into 2

    I am looking for your opinion on training.
    I have read so much different info over the last few weeks and it has confused the shit out of me. Everything from - you can train every day on the juice. Train one day on and one day off. 2 days on and one day off. Through to only do one muscle group per week through to you can do each muscle group every second day and even I have heard that if you are not sore just lift again.

    Basically I only work part time so I have enough time to train whenever I want and I have plenty of time to rest.

    What are your opinions on a training program? How often? Only one muscle group per session or 2? If 2 which best groups are best to do together per session?

    I am only looking to do - Chest, Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Back (Lats & Trapz) and abs.

    Thankyou for your help

  3. #3
    Hi Mate,
    No legs for me because I have had a few knee operations and I dont want to risk blowing them out again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    You have to do legs or you wont grow. You dont have to do them heavy or strain them. Work up to a good weight SLOWLY. Do you think football player, soccer players, baseball players just stop working legs when they get injured? No, they work them even more and that's why the recover more quickly, besides given good meds.

    Work them legs just keep it light.

  5. #5
    Cheers. I will work them in slowly then

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Leave the dbol out for now.

    Test will be good enough for time being

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    You have to do legs or you wont grow. You dont have to do them heavy or strain them. Work up to a good weight SLOWLY. Do you think football player, soccer players, baseball players just stop working legs when they get injured? No, they work them even more and that's why the recover more quickly, besides given good meds.

    Work them legs just keep it light.
    Agreed to LB

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by New Aussie Dude View Post
    Hi Mate,
    No legs for me because I have had a few knee operations and I dont want to risk blowing them out again
    BTW and in comparison. I have had 2 back surgeries. Ruptured L3, L4 and L5/S1. I used my back as an excuse not to work out and especially doing back for years until after my 2nd surgery 3 1/2 years ago. Now I do back and it's feels better and stronger. I don’t get crazy, I focus on form and not how much I can lift.

    Also for my personal opinion what I have found that works best for me as far as growth and good gym time use is working one muscle group a day. It doesn’t matter if it's 5x a week, 1 on one off (I wouldn’t recommend that) or whatever works but that way it's also easy to keep track and concentrate one what you are doing without rushing.

  9. #9
    Take a look at PCT too dude

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