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  1. #1
    Ft Knox 52's Avatar
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    Runin Enth alone..question!

    Hey everyone, I've posted some things before but now I got a dosing question. On the 1st of this month, I began administering Test E to myself and I was told to begin @ 500 mgs a week..Is that too much or not enough? I'd figure like with all drugs It would be a little more dependant on body weight. Im 32yo, 6'5" and 265 lbs @ 14%bf exactly. Thoughts? oh and in addition for PCT my supplier says that Nolv should be enough @ 40/40/20/20 but, as I've looked through other threads, people seems to add Clomid too..Is that absolutely neccesary or am I all good? I'm not runnin any addtional compounds with this as it is my first cycle but, I seem to be getting conflicting info..Thanks all!

  2. #2
    THE-DET-OAK is offline Banned
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    the most you would need for a first cycle, or any cycle really, is 600mg a week. This is alot of debate on which SERM is better, clomid or nolva. the truth is nolva alone works for some and does not work so great for others. IMO I would use both. clomid should be dosed @ 50 mg for 4 weeks. some will advise to go higher but studies have shown 59mg to does as much as anything. also the higher you go with clomid the harsher the sides are, and it can have some shitty sides.

    it would be wise to have an AI on hand to control any estrogen problems that you may have, ive seen alot of people around here susggest just using Nolva for side effects but honestly that's the old way of doing things.

  3. #3
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Test E @500mg a week is an optimal dose for most BB's. 250mg x 2 a week is the best injection protocol for it. Thus, you are on the right track as far as dosing goes. I can swear by a cycle of Test E @500mg a week for 10 weeks, it works for a lot of people.

    You should be also running either Arimidex 0.5mg EOD or Aromasin 12.5mg EOD in order to control otherwise elevated estrogen levels throughout your cycle. Also, I strongly reccomend you run HCG 250 i.u. E3D throughout your cycle in order to maintain regular testicular funtions.

    Your PCT starts 16 days after your Test E injection and this is what it should look like:

    Nolvadex 40/20/20/20/20/20 ED
    Clomid 50/50/50/50 ED

    Don't forget to get your BW done before and after your cycle.

  4. #4
    Ft Knox 52's Avatar
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    Right On...I asked my supplier about getting some arimidex ..He says the Nolv would be just fine at that low of a dose, He told my typically that once you start to exceed the 1000mg a week mark than other precautions are needed but, he said this should be ok..but, I do appreciate the advice. I'll see what he says..

  5. #5
    MBMETC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ft Knox 52 View Post
    Right On...I asked my supplier about getting some arimidex..He says the Nolv would be just fine at that low of a dose, He told my typically that once you start to exceed the 1000mg a week mark than other precautions are needed but, he said this should be ok..but, I do appreciate the advice. I'll see what he says..
    i dont buy that logic, go to the banner at the top of the page AR-R and get an ai like arimidex

  6. #6
    brad1986's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    i dont buy that logic, go to the banner at the top of the page AR-R and get an ai like arimidex
    ya tahts not true. som people react alot worse from 500mgs a week then others do at 750mgs per wk. Get arimidex to be safe. Being at 14%bf can increse chances of gyno problems

  7. #7
    Ft Knox 52's Avatar
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    The arimidex makes sense to me..i'll pick some up and play around with it..If sides arise or whatever...So far so good though..Thanks to everybody

  8. #8
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Ft. Knox, might I add, get some bloodwork done before your cycle and a week or two after your PCT. This will let you first know where your levels are naturally and later if you recovered from your PCT. The main ones I'd get are my total and free test. There are other ones to get but these are essential.

  9. #9
    Ft Knox 52's Avatar
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    I appreciate that Honkey Kong...I've already begun the cycle but, I'll be sure to get that done for sure..Looking forward to making some gains and finally be able to keep up with my training partner..

  10. #10
    Ft Knox 52's Avatar
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    Hey all, when do you typically begin to feel the effects of the drug? Not a whole lot has changed as of yet...Too soon?

  11. #11
    MBMETC's Avatar
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    how long you on cycle a week? and what is your cycle. either way im sure its too soon to feel anything

  12. #12
    Ft Knox 52's Avatar
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    Yeah, i'm runnin enth alone 500 mgs a week for 10 weeks...thats it no other compounds..

  13. #13
    MBMETC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ft Knox 52 View Post
    Yeah, i'm runnin enth alone 500 mgs a week for 10 weeks...thats it no other compounds..
    You may feel an icrease in labido from 2-4 weeks and seeing results in the gym from 4-6 weeks assuming your diet is in check.

  14. #14
    Ft Knox 52's Avatar
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    Diet is very much in check...I was just curious what is typical is all..Looks like I got a little bit then.

  15. #15
    Lecent83 is offline Junior Member
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    I just started PCT yesterday for my first cycle;

    500mg/week test-E
    i was taking nolva and L-dex in low dosages everyday to reduce risk of sides. This hindered my growth but i felt the need to walk on the safe side of things for my first cycle.

    Next cycle i'll be stacking tren and test with only an AI during cycle last 2 weeks of cycle Through in HCg and finish with my current PCT which is

    clomid day 1 300/ Day 2 - 30 100mg
    nolva 40/40/20/20
    hcg, 1000iu eod (15,000 iu total)

    Lessons i have learned;

    Never start a cycle with out EVERYTHING, that's needles + some extras, All chems for your PCT, Letro in case you do get some sides.

    I also learned that 10ml Test is good for 9 1ml shots due to waste in needle etc so for my next 12 cycle i'll have 30ml test

    Expect pain at the injection sites and some swelling, don't freak out when you get a golfball size lump in your butt cheek and it hurts to push on it. Give it time 3-4 days if its still an issue then worry.

    careful you follow injection instructions to the "T" to reduce chance of infection or damage to yourself.

    over all read everything you can on the boards here and then read some more. This board is full of great guys so don't be scared to ask questions

  16. #16
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ft Knox 52 View Post
    Hey all, when do you typically begin to feel the effects of the drug? Not a whole lot has changed as of yet...Too soon?
    You are only 10 day in, give it another week or two.

  17. #17
    Ft Knox 52's Avatar
    Ft Knox 52 is offline New Member
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    Ok..I appreciate this guys..I was just wondering if something was going on? I knew it wasnt going to be instant but, I've never done this before so just wanted to be sure is all, @ Lecent, I appreciate the advice as well my man, and I did all of that, I'm very type A and make sure I know everything going on beforehand but, I just dont know what to expect I guess. I'm nervous excited but, not much has changed in the gym yet.

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