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Thread: 3rd Cycle Test/Deca or Test/Tren ??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Question 3rd Cycle Test/Deca or Test/Tren ??

    I'm going to start my 3rd cycle in July and am confused what I want to run. Brief intro ... I got up to 197 on my first cycle and lost about 10 pounds of that. I decided to cut up on my 2nd cycle and lost 10 pounds and have lost another 7 from adding 1 hour cardio every morning 7 days a week so I'm down to 170 now with about 10% body fat. I'm excited to be more cut up than I've ever been before even though I want to ultimately get down to 6-7% but am super depressed about losing the mass I had before compared to now.

    My next cycle is going to be well planned and planning out the diet correctly so I can put on some good size; however, I'm confused as to what would be best for me. I've heard good stuff about the Tren from people and saying it's amazing and can bulk you up and shred you up like nobody's business; however, I know it's the worst steroid of all of them and has some crazy sides. I've heard Deca can bulk you up very nice too but just not as cut up looking which perhaps wont matter if the cardio I keep doing continues to burn off the fat and haven't heard anything bad about Deca.

    My goal is to eventually get up to about 215 and be 6-7% bf. If I run tren this July I'm sure I'll run it again in Jan of next year again so I'm shredded for the summer. Should I stick with the Test/Deca this time and run Tren next time or should I just do the Tren?

    Please share your opinions if you've done either and what the gains are like and why you'd maybe suggest one over the other.

    Stats: 34 / 5'9" / 170lbs

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Nobody? Geez I know some of you have had to run both compounds ... Will the Tren let me bulk up and burn more fat than usual at the same time? I want to bulk but definitely want to work on getting super shredded so by next summer I've got very little fat at all.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Between your girls thighs
    well for your goals and where your at, plus i think people should try deca before tren, sounds like a test/deca/dbol cycle is in order here for sure. then in january of next year run your tren. on your first cycle of tren you wont be able to dose high enough to get as big as you could on deca with a much smaller dosage. diet will determine your gains but for some reason it takes alot of tren for me to really bulk, otherwise its more of a recomp. at your weight, if you eat right, deca will blow you up.

    BTW why did you lose so much weight? I mean you lost 10 lbs of water it sounds like but what happen to the other 10?

    EDIT: oh i see, it was a mistake cutting at that time with your goals.
    Last edited by THE-DET-OAK; 05-07-2011 at 11:44 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Yes I'm going to go with Deca since it's not as bad as Tren and I should probably try it before ever needing Tren. Besides I need to bulk up to where I want to be first and then worry about cutting/hardening up. Thanks for the advice.

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