5'7 - 155 lbs.
Body Fat - Way too high
Cholestrol - Bad
Testosterone Levels - Low
Worked out for 7 years, then stopped for the last 3 years. I have been back at the gym for about 4 1/2 months.
Just to give a brief history of myself, I worked out hard for about 7 years, of which I used gear for the last 3 of, on and off of course. I was in great shape, felt good, had no real health issues. After meeting my current wife, I slowly started to fade away from the gym and obviously started to get out of shape. After a few years, I started to notice an overall decline in the way I felt every day. Energy levels were low, I was constantly tired, motivation was non existent, no real sex drive, etc.
I went to the doctor to have some blood work and found that my cholestrol was in bad shape, as well as my testosterone levels being pretty low. I felt like my past usage of AAS probably contributed to this, but mainly because I did not use them properly. Sure, I used some clomid and HCG here and there, but I never did PCT the proper way.
I was really active on these forums a few years ago, and learned so much here. I come back today to try to refresh myself on what the next steps to take are.
My biggest concerns moving forward are obviously that I do not want to hurt my health anymore than it already is. No matter what I decide to take, there will be sides, however I plan on minimizing those to the best of my ability.
In the past, my experience using test based substances have not been very good. In general, whether it was cypionate, sustanon, test E, or propionate, I would end up swelling up in my face so much. It was beyond noticeable, and people would comment on it all the time. In addition, I would get really bad gyno. I know that I am going to have to include some form of test in whatever cycle I decide on, but my concerns are that I do it without the swelling and gyno. I see pictures of successful cycles from members here that used test, and their faces look slim and dry. I am trying to attain that same look.
My first thought is to include nolvadex into my cycle. Right now, I am leaning to a Test E, Anavar, EQ cycle for 8 weeks. I am on a very good diet right now, and will remain so through the cycle. I have read as much as I could on what I should supplement with this cycle to reduce swelling and gyno, and it seems like Nolvadex is the best option because of the positive effects it has on cholesterol levels.
I am confident in its ability to block the gyno more than the swelling in my face, or water retention.
Is there another option that can help reduce the water retention that is also safe in terms of cholesterol?
Is water retention just something that I have to accept if I use test?
How do you guys feel about using Anavar, EQ, and just a small dose of Test each week just to keep my levels sufficient?
Any info on this cycle in general is appreciated. I want to use Nolva for PCT in conjunction with HCG as well, so I am a little concerned about its prolonged use. Again, any feedback is welcome.