Ok im currently in the 4th week of my first cycle, test e only 500mg week, and i only have nolva on hand, i want to order hcg to run toward the end of my cycle and possibly clomid to add to pct. My source has a order amount minimum, but that is all im going to talk about that, anyway i need to order my second cycle to send the amount over the order minimum and was trying to get suggestions on what to run, im wanna construct a cut cycle, so i was thinking either test prop & winny, sustanon & winny, or sustanon and tren, any suggestions? And what else i will need to have on hand and for pct for the second cycle?
Ps. I am still gonna finish this first cycle, run the 4 week pct then ill be off the same amount of time i was on, then start second cycle, i dont mind having the gear 5-6 months in advance