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Thread: Switch Test Mid-Cycle?

  1. #1
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    Switch Test Mid-Cycle?

    I am currently taking 200/10 Test Cyp from a local lab for a 10 week cycle. I am happy with my results so far but I recently found a different guy for my Test but he only has 300/10 Test Enan. I only bought one of the Test Cyp bottles (5 weeks) and I need to pickup another one here soon.

    So my question, would it make a negative difference in results if I switched from Test Cyp 400mg/week to Test Enan 600mg/week?

    BF 7%
    First Cycle

  2. #2
    no that should be fine...the esters are very similar

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by takedownII View Post
    no that should be fine...the esters are very similar
    Okay. Thank you for the quick response.

  4. #4
    How did Test Cyp treat you for your first cycle? Did u have any side effects?

  5. #5
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    How old are you? you seem a bit light to be using aas... whats your diet like?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by laxer50 View Post
    How did Test Cyp treat you for your first cycle? Did u have any side effects?
    A little irritability but other than that not much. I most just saw the benefits from the gains in size and strength.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Pepper View Post
    How old are you? you seem a bit light to be using aas... whats your diet like?
    I'm 28. My diet is super clean. I have an ectomorphic body type so I'm taking in around 400g protein a day and around 300g of carbs. I always load up my starchy carbs before the gym. Other than fish oils I take in as minimal fat as I can. It works out to be around 50g a day.

  8. #8
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    Why not just shoot 400 of the test e, do the math 1.4ml will get you 420 mgs...just saying, why jump from 400 to 600mgs in the same cycle

  9. #9
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    I personally feel a very nice difference between 400 and 600, with no extra sides.

  10. #10
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    Its not so much that I'm looking to jump to 600. I think I can handle the 600 because I haven't had any problems. The thing is that I can now get the test e 300/10 for $40.00 less than I paid for the test cyp 200/10. Since I have to buy another bottle regardless because one bottle is only enough for 5 weeks and I need 10 weeks worth I just wondered if it would make much of a difference if I switch over.

  11. #11
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    Well, thats pretty common sense right there bro...but yeah switchin from c to e shouldn't be a problem

  12. #12
    what do u guys think about test p to test e, i was thinking of running test prop 1-3 at 100mg eod and test e weeks 4-12 at 650mg a week, reason being is that i have only a 25ml bottle of test e and wanted to up the dosage to 650mg a week which would only make it 9 weeks at the dosage and i also have a 10ml bottle of test prop unused.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by warren916 View Post
    Well, thats pretty common sense right there bro...but yeah switchin from c to e shouldn't be a problem
    haha yea, financially it makes great sense. More juice for less money... I just wanted to make sure it wouldn't mess up my results so far.

    Thanks for all the information! I appreciate it.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by IRONMAN_84 View Post
    what do u guys think about test p to test e, i was thinking of running test prop 1-3 at 100mg eod and test e weeks 4-12 at 650mg a week, reason being is that i have only a 25ml bottle of test e and wanted to up the dosage to 650mg a week which would only make it 9 weeks at the dosage and i also have a 10ml bottle of test prop unused.
    Not the right plan you would have to run both from day 1 using the prop for fast gains while you wait for the test e to kick in then drop the prop

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    Not the right plan you would have to run both from day 1 using the prop for fast gains while you wait for the test e to kick in then drop the prop
    what would the dosage schedule look like for that?

  16. #16
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    If you want to propose a cycle start a new thread with your stats and cycle plan, I'll be more than happy to offer my opinion on it.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by IRONMAN_84 View Post
    what would the dosage schedule look like for that?
    you nd to create your own thread mate, you're hijacking just a tad

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by markiejw View Post
    I'm 28. My diet is super clean. I have an ectomorphic body type so I'm taking in around 400g protein a day and around 300g of carbs. I always load up my starchy carbs before the gym. Other than fish oils I take in as minimal fat as I can. It works out to be around 50g a day.
    what does a typical diet day look like ?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    what does a typical diet day look like ?
    I'll have 6 meals a day with 2 shakes.

    First meal - egg whites, red potatoes, cottage cheese, cheerios
    Second meal - egg whites, cottage cheese, bread
    Third meal - boneless/skinless chicken tenders, brown rice, red potatoes
    Fourth meal - salmon fillet, vegetables
    Fifth meal - salmon fillet, turkey bacon, vegetables
    Six meal - red meat only, ribeye steak is my favorite but its a little fatty

    I pasted the actual diet with the PCF breakdown but it said waiting for a mod to approve it... not sure how long that takes.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by markiejw View Post
    I'll have 6 meals a day with 2 shakes.

    First meal - egg whites, red potatoes, cottage cheese, cheerios
    Second meal - egg whites, cottage cheese, bread
    Third meal - boneless/skinless chicken tenders, brown rice, red potatoes
    Fourth meal - salmon fillet, vegetables
    Fifth meal - salmon fillet, turkey bacon, vegetables
    Six meal - red meat only, ribeye steak is my favorite but its a little fatty

    I pasted the actual diet with the PCF breakdown but it said waiting for a mod to approve it... not sure how long that takes.
    uuuggghhh, potatoes at breakfast?!lol

    just at a glance- cheerios, sugary crap
    chicken tenders? are these processed?
    turkey bacon? processed?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    uuuggghhh, potatoes at breakfast?!lol

    just at a glance- cheerios, sugary crap
    chicken tenders? are these processed?
    turkey bacon? processed?
    Well, I take in the potatoes early because they're a great source of carbs. I know they're starchy but from what I understand, especially with my body type, it's okay to take in starchy carbs pre-workout because I'm going to use them up. I know the cheerios are a little sugary, like 1 gram, but I basically take in like 0 sugar through the day, I guess I figured a little is better than just cutting it out totally. The chicken tenders are not processed but the turkey bacon is. A lot of times I'll end up eating turkey breasts instead of the tenders but I prefer the tenders. The bacon I just throw in there as a filler to add a little more to that meal.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by markiejw View Post
    Well, I take in the potatoes early because they're a great source of carbs. I know they're starchy but from what I understand, especially with my body type, it's okay to take in starchy carbs pre-workout because I'm going to use them up. I know the cheerios are a little sugary, like 1 gram, but I basically take in like 0 sugar through the day, I guess I figured a little is better than just cutting it out totally. The chicken tenders are not processed but the turkey bacon is. A lot of times I'll end up eating turkey breasts instead of the tenders but I prefer the tenders. The bacon I just throw in there as a filler to add a little more to that meal.
    try oats for brekkie mate, a far better choice and get rid of the processed stuff. guys in the diet forum will help you out in more detail, im too lazy lol

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    try oats for brekkie mate, a far better choice and get rid of the processed stuff. guys in the diet forum will help you out in more detail, im too lazy lol
    Yea, I posted it like a week ago but it still says waiting for a mod approval. I even PM'd one of them but they still haven't posted it. I think I need more posts or something, I dunno.

    Thanks for the input though. I'm really loving the gains I've had so far and want to do whatever I need to keep them coming. I'll pickup the oats and drop the cereal.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by markiejw View Post
    Yea, I posted it like a week ago but it still says waiting for a mod approval. I even PM'd one of them but they still haven't posted it. I think I need more posts or something, I dunno.

    Thanks for the input though. I'm really loving the gains I've had so far and want to do whatever I need to keep them coming. I'll pickup the oats and drop the cereal.
    you cant pm until reaching 50 post iirc. just list out the diet on a thread post like this

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