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Thread: Whats better to take first cycle

  1. #1

    Whats better to take first cycle

    whats better to take for a first cycle ?

    Testosterone Propionate , Testosterone Cypionate, or Testosterone Enanthate

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Most recommended would be the long esters like cyp and enth. The less frequent injections are more friendly to the new user. That being said, test is test is test. Any one of them would work just fine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Test C or Test E. Test P not usually reccomended on first cycle because of the frequent EOD injections...

    what are your stats?

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    age and stats?

  5. #5
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    No one is going to help until you post your stats like
    training exp.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    His profile says he's 21. No steroids for you, OP!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    prop dont be a bitch, screw waiting for gains and screw bloat

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by junkiescumbag View Post
    prop dont be a bitch, screw waiting for gains and screw bloat
    Did you not see his age mate? We don't encourage the use of aas to people under the age of 25 for good reason...

  9. #9
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    Train you a** for another 4 years and then come back....

  10. #10
    I am a college athlete that needs to gain some mass.
    6'2 age
    Started training in high school 5 years ago, last two year have been really focusing on Olympic style lifting
    If I could get to 200 and increase all my lifts by at least 10% I would be able to bring my athletic performance to the next level.
    I have not eaten any fast food for the past 9 months and can run a mile in 6 flat I consider myself a very athletic individual.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Pepper View Post
    Did you not see his age mate? We don't encourage the use of aas to people under the age of 25 for good reason...
    LOL cracks me up. How many top level BBs you think waited until they were 25 to run their first cycle, need a hint? LMAO

  12. #12
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by sdmlsu1 View Post
    LOL cracks me up. How many top level BBs you think waited until they were 25 to run their first cycle, need a hint? LMAO
    ...and you think the OP has the potential to be a professional level athlete? Based on what?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by laxer50 View Post
    I am a college athlete that needs to gain some mass.
    6'2 age
    Started training in high school 5 years ago, last two year have been really focusing on Olympic style lifting
    If I could get to 200 and increase all my lifts by at least 10% I would be able to bring my athletic performance to the next level.
    I have not eaten any fast food for the past 9 months and can run a mile in 6 flat I consider myself a very athletic individual.
    All will work fine like most said Test E/C is more user friendly, less sticks. You say your college athlete, Prop gets in and out of your system in case your subject to possible testing. If you are subject to testing you really should get with someone who works with setting up cycles for athletes that get tested to minimize your chances of a positive test. JMO

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    ...and you think the OP has the potential to be a professional level athlete? Based on what?
    I have no idea but to make a blanket statement that people should wait until they are 25 is silly. Its the OPs choice and if he has the training under his belt he should have some idea of his genetic potential to a degree. I think its funny when people automatically say don't do this or that until age X, typical parrot talk. JMO

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by sdmlsu1 View Post
    I have no idea but to make a blanket statement that people should wait until they are 25 is silly. Its the OPs choice and if he has the training under his belt he should have some idea of his genetic potential to a degree. I think its funny when people automatically say don't do this or that until age X, typical parrot talk. JMO
    Nice advice... i bet sdmlsu1.. you must be at age of 24.. having 5/6 cycles under your belt.. and you must be at 270 lbs @ 10 % bf... right????

  16. #16
    That is one thing I know I have not nearly reached my genetic potential yes i do power lift but as a 6'2 190 kid i feel like i still have a lot of growing to do. Do you think it will hurt my maximum genetic potential in 5 years if I do a short cycle now to gain a lit weight and size for my sport.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by laxer50 View Post
    That is one thing I know I have not nearly reached my genetic potential yes i do power lift but as a 6'2 190 kid i feel like i still have a lot of growing to do. Do you think it will hurt my maximum genetic potential in 5 years if I do a short cycle now to gain a lit weight and size for my sport.
    Nobody is going to tell you to do a cycle at your age. There is NO SUCH THING as a safe cycle at your age. We do not advocate the use of steroids to those under the age of this forum. We promote anabolic awareness, education, diet, and training for those under 25. If you want an idiot to talk you into potentially ruining your life forever then there are tons of other forums that have people to do that for you. Not too discourage you, but not eating fast-food in 9 months isn't a huge accomplishment. It's amazing that you gave it up, hats off to you, but dieting is a lot more than just "staying away from the healthy foods" (excluding cheat meals). For example, I haven't drank soda in 5 years, eaten cake in 3 years, or had fast food in 7 years, and I still have lots to work on. Post your diet in the section of the forum and you will be enlightened and succeed in your goals naturally.

    Eat like a horse, sleep like a baby, grow like a weed.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blade15 View Post
    Nice advice... i bet sdmlsu1.. you must be at age of 24.. having 5/6 cycles under your belt.. and you must be at 270 lbs @ 10 % bf... right????
    Yep you have me pegged to a T. LOL

  19. #19
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    Washington, DC
    Quote Originally Posted by laxer50 View Post
    That is one thing I know I have not nearly reached my genetic potential yes i do power lift but as a 6'2 190 kid i feel like i still have a lot of growing to do. Do you think it will hurt my maximum genetic potential in 5 years if I do a short cycle now to gain a lit weight and size for my sport.
    YES! YES! YES! It will totally mess with your genetic potential because it will screw up your bodies natural balance. I was an athlete in college, I did what you want to do now... Would I do it again, NO WAY!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by sdmlsu1 View Post
    Yep you have me pegged to a T. LOL
    So whats your stats then 285 lbs with 8%bf????

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