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Thread: Feedback on Testosterone Propionate

  1. #1

    Talking Feedback on Testosterone Propionate


    Curious to know what you guys think of sampling a vile(2 weeks) of Testosterone Propionate. Currently don't have funds to afford a cycle as i'm at university however seriously keen to later this year. Is this just a waste of money? or has my impatience got any benefits. Also, I haven't taken any form of AAS in my life so far and have been working out for two years so i have a reasonable muscle mass and strength.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Too young at 22 years old...Wait a few more years for your endocrine system to fully develop. And to answer your question, yes, it is a waste of money.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Eazy20 View Post
    Too young at 22 years old...Wait a few more years for your endocrine system to fully develop. And to answer your question, yes, it is a waste of money.
    Do you really think one vile will be that detrimental to the progression of my endocrine system? And even if I was to inject against your advice, what type of differences would you expect to notice for someone who is foreign to AAS after two weeks?

    BTW-(Just trying to get a objective evaluation if I did. I'm not ignorantly rejecting your advice.)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Prussian View Post
    Do you really think one vile will be that detrimental to the progression of my endocrine system? And even if I was to inject against your advice, what type of differences would you expect to notice for someone who is foreign to AAS after two weeks?

    BTW-(Just trying to get a objective evaluation if I did. I'm not ignorantly rejecting your advice.)
    Yes. At a crucial time in development when your body is trying to maintain homeostasis with it's own naturally produced hormones, injecting synthetic ones can mean big problems...Like never recovering fully from HPTA shut down which would lead to low test levels, hormone replacement therapy, and a limp d*ck...All sound like great things to be experiencing at 22, no? Nothing quite like bringing a female home from a bar and telling her "Oh, we need to wait about 30min...My viagra has to kick in."

  5. #5
    Interesting. I love the example you used with viagra! This is all really fascinating and I appreciate the feedback man. I'm trying to research all of this myself but feel like i'm going in circles as internet is plagued with contradictions with respect to steroids in general. Do you have any sites you could post that a credible sources for information of the endocrine system in regard to AAS?

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