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Thread: Need help with a cycle

  1. #1

    Need help with a cycle

    I've worked out many years. I used to fight professionally, but now I'm trying to get big. My first cycle was 200 mg of test cypionate a week with 650 mg of anavar a week for 8 weeks. I got strong but not much gains. The next cycle I took was 500 mg of sus, 210 mg of dbol, and 650 of anavar for 8 weeks. Still just a few pounds. I know the steroids aren't bunk. A friend took the same var and gained 20 lbs. Another friend took just the sus and gained 20 lbs. Same with the dbol. I'm 5'8 170 lbs. I got strong as hell on them. I was benchin 350. I just seem to get hard as a rock and my body fat is naturally around 5%, but can't put on mass. Any ideas on a good cycle for me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    I hope you not 22 years old.

    can you post a pic with your 5% BF? We love to see it.


  3. #3
    yeah i'm 22. I will soon as i can

  4. #4
    My stats are shitty lol. I got talked into goin pro after 6 months of trainin and 2 amateur fights. They were ground based guys. I beat the shit out of them, came out without a scratch, but still lost lol. Sucked but I'm working on the jui jitsu game. That shits not gonna happen anymore. 0-3

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    he meant stats as in

    years training
    cycle exp

  6. #6
    8 years
    2 cycles 1) 200 test cyp a week for 10 weeks with 650 mg of anavar. 2) 500 mg of sus for 10 weeks, 210 mg of dbol, 650 mg of anavar.

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