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  1. #1
    BigBaby is offline New Member
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    First Time Cutting Cycle.....

    I are thinking "Here we go with another Newbie".....and you would be right!

    I'm 29yrs old, 6'4", 260lbs, have consistently worked out for 14+ months (Mainly Hard Cardio with light weights, high reps and sets for cutting), BF at @ 14-16%.

    As you can see, this is my first thread and my first attempt with supplements. I have seen first hand that a friend of mine that has been using a Win, Clen , Test Prop cycle with great results(4 wks in) so I decided to jump in my self.

    I was thinking of a cutting cycle of Var, Mas, Test Prop with Nolvadex (During and PCT); for a 6 week cycle to test. The following doses of:

    Mas - 400mg a wk
    Test Prop - 400mg a wk
    Var - 25mg ED
    Nolvadex - 25mg ED (and run it 4-6 wks PCT)

    Any help or comments would be appreciated, if there is a thread with the answer (Which I couldn't find); please just direct me and try to cut me a little slack; I'd love to eventually be able to post results (Report) and help others after my initial test and future cycles; thanks again.

  2. #2
    Angel of death's Avatar
    Angel of death is offline Senior Member
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    Im assuming you mean masteron ? Id drop the masteron for a first cycle and maybe up the dose of the anavar because 25mgs isn't really enough. Plus most people only reccomend one compound for a first cycle so stick with 2 at most if you're set on using an oral

  3. #3
    cantbetouched is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBaby View Post
    I are thinking "Here we go with another Newbie".....and you would be right!

    I'm 29yrs old, 6'4", 260lbs, have consistently worked out for 14+ months (Mainly Hard Cardio with light weights, high reps and sets for cutting), BF at @ 14-16%.

    As you can see, this is my first thread and my first attempt with supplements. I have seen first hand that a friend of mine that has been using a Win, Clen , Test Prop cycle with great results(4 wks in) so I decided to jump in my self.

    I was thinking of a cutting cycle of Var, Mas, Test Prop with Nolvadex (During and PCT); for a 6 week cycle to test. The following doses of:

    Mas - 400mg a wk
    Test Prop - 400mg a wk
    Var - 25mg ED
    Nolvadex - 25mg ED (and run it 4-6 wks PCT)

    Any help or comments would be appreciated, if there is a thread with the answer (Which I couldn't find); please just direct me and try to cut me a little slack; I'd love to eventually be able to post results (Report) and help others after my initial test and future cycles; thanks again.
    IMO buddy everybody thinks they need a zillion compunds to get results. idk why they just like being full of drugs i guess. i would get rid of your entire cycle. personally. When I do cut when I'm ready im just going to run test e 16 weeks at 300mg just to maintain anabolism. the steroids dont make you cut it's your diet bro. cals and protien high for muscle gain cardio to burn the fat. ahh thats refreshing and almost drug free. haha

  4. #4
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    Welcome.....keep it simple.....
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
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  5. #5
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBaby View Post
    I are thinking "Here we go with another Newbie".....and you would be right!

    I'm 29yrs old, 6'4", 260lbs, have consistently worked out for 14+ months (Mainly Hard Cardio with light weights, high reps and sets for cutting), BF at @ 14-16%.
    thats a short time to be considering cycling. Tendons and other connective tissues don't grow as fast as your muscles will on AAS, a couple years of hard lifting creates a good foundation and you'll be less likely to hurt yourself

    As you can see, this is my first thread and my first attempt with supplements. I have seen first hand that a friend of mine that has been using a Win, Clen , Test Prop cycle with great results(4 wks in) so I decided to jump in my self.

    I was thinking of a cutting cycle of Var, Mas, Test Prop with Nolvadex (During and PCT); for a 6 week cycle to test. The following doses of:
    6 weeks is a short cycle for any compound I'd go at least 8. Your levels won't be up high enough to notice a difference for the first 2 weeks or so anyway on prop. Leave the mast alone untill you're thinking about competing as its best used as pre contest drug
    Mas - 400mg a wk
    Test Prop - 400mg a wk
    Var - 25mg ED
    Nolvadex - 25mg ED (and run it 4-6 wks PCT)
    var at 25mg ED is useless unless your a chick. I'd go no less than 40mg ED

    Any help or comments would be appreciated, if there is a thread with the answer (Which I couldn't find); please just direct me and try to cut me a little slack; I'd love to eventually be able to post results (Report) and help others after my initial test and future cycles; thanks again.

    See bold

  6. #6
    lemonada9 is offline Junior Member
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    here we go with another newbie

    For a first cycle, you should do Test Only. So your case, do a Test Prop Only cycle!! Anyone who says different (other than test only for a first cycle) shouldnt be doing so. that makes it super simple with great gains, and you see what you are prone to. No other way to go IMO

    Get ur diet in check, and workout hard and you will see the gains u want, and the bad melt away! test is best!

    as for a PCT, you NEED to get some HCG for during the cycle to keep ur boys big
    IMO, a low clomid/normal nolva pct is good. but thats debatable so u research.
    Also look for some triptorelin also its a new wonder drug

    good luck play safe

  7. #7
    RoidBoid's Avatar
    RoidBoid is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lemonada9 View Post
    here we go with another newbie
    are you not a newbie yourself? lol

  8. #8
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    1. One compound only (Test E or C) why would you pin ed or eod at such a low dose? It needs to be longer than 6 weeks. I'd do 10 week if I were you.
    2. Why do steroids at all if your doing hard cardio and light weights/high reps? Get a grip on a descent workout first.
    3. Get your diet sorted first. That is macro nutrients, maintainance calories, etc. Unless you were absolutely hugely, morbidly obese, 14+ months of hard cardio and any semblance of a descent diet would have you well below 14-16% BF.
    4. DEFINITELY get and run HCG on cycle. Run it at 250 iu's twice a week right up to last pin. Depending on the ester of the test, double the HCG dose right up to PCT day. It just makes life so much more easy in PCT.
    5. You need another SERM for PCT in addition to Tamox. Tamox should be the backbone of your PCT but you need another one. I prefer torem, but clomid will do as well. DON'T BLOW THIS ONE OFF!!
    5. DEFINITELY get an AI on hand in case of estrogen related sides. At 16 % BF you might need it. You don't want to start growing a big rack of tits and be waiting around for your Aromasin to come in the mail.

    May the Schwartz be with you...

  9. #9
    BigBaby is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of death View Post
    Im assuming you mean masteron? Id drop the masteron for a first cycle and maybe up the dose of the anavar because 25mgs isn't really enough. Plus most people only reccomend one compound for a first cycle so stick with 2 at most if you're set on using an oral
    Thanks AOD, Yeah it's masteron . After doing more research (Which should have been done first, I know), you and the others are right; running var at those dosages would be a waste. I believe I'll go with a test prop only for 8-10 wks, thanks for all the help and suggestions.

  10. #10
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBaby View Post
    Thanks AOD, Yeah it's masteron. After doing more research (Which should have been done first, I know), you and the others are right; running var at those dosages would be a waste. I believe I'll go with a test prop only for 8-10 wks, thanks for all the help and suggestions.
    So with the Test P when are you going to start PCT?

  11. #11
    BigBaby is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cantbetouched View Post
    IMO buddy everybody thinks they need a zillion compunds to get results. idk why they just like being full of drugs i guess. i would get rid of your entire cycle. personally. When I do cut when I'm ready im just going to run test e 16 weeks at 300mg just to maintain anabolism. the steroids dont make you cut it's your diet bro. cals and protien high for muscle gain cardio to burn the fat. ahh thats refreshing and almost drug free. haha
    Thanks CBT, You're definitely right; it all sits with my diet and cardio...Will try the Test for 10 wks and see how that works "Almost drug free"....

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    Welcome.....keep it simple.....
    Thanks SlimmerMe, I appreciate it.

    @ Scotty51312

    Thanks a lot, I'll run it up to 10 wks and drop the Mast. I really appreciate all the help and info.

    Quote Originally Posted by lemonada9 View Post
    here we go with another newbie

    For a first cycle, you should do Test Only. So your case, do a Test Prop Only cycle!! Anyone who says different (other than test only for a first cycle) shouldnt be doing so. that makes it super simple with great gains, and you see what you are prone to. No other way to go IMO

    Get ur diet in check, and workout hard and you will see the gains u want, and the bad melt away! test is best!

    as for a PCT, you NEED to get some HCG for during the cycle to keep ur boys big
    IMO, a low clomid/normal nolva pct is good. but thats debatable so u research.
    Also look for some triptorelin also its a new wonder drug

    good luck play safe
    Thanks Lemonada9, I'll be taking your advice with the test only and I'll also do some research on those PCT's as well as the new wonder drup triptorelin

    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    1. One compound only (Test E or C) why would you pin ed or eod at such a low dose? It needs to be longer than 6 weeks. I'd do 10 week if I were you.
    2. Why do steroids at all if your doing hard cardio and light weights/high reps? Get a grip on a descent workout first.
    3. Get your diet sorted first. That is macro nutrients, maintainance calories, etc. Unless you were absolutely hugely, morbidly obese, 14+ months of hard cardio and any semblance of a descent diet would have you well below 14-16% BF.
    4. DEFINITELY get and run HCG on cycle. Run it at 250 iu's twice a week right up to last pin. Depending on the ester of the test, double the HCG dose right up to PCT day. It just makes life so much more easy in PCT.
    5. You need another SERM for PCT in addition to Tamox. Tamox should be the backbone of your PCT but you need another one. I prefer torem, but clomid will do as well. DON'T BLOW THIS ONE OFF!!
    5. DEFINITELY get an AI on hand in case of estrogen related sides. At 16 % BF you might need it. You don't want to start growing a big rack of tits and be waiting around for your Aromasin to come in the mail.

    May the Schwartz be with you...
    Thanks for the advice and help Titan, I'll definitely be taking your advice on the 10 wks, getting a better workout, and working on my diet. Actually I was pretty big 14 months before, 340lbs of pure slob......not so much now, at least I look a hell of a lot better than before, the BF % was an estimate; I'll be getting taped and measured today for a closer idea of %.

    After looking into it, I'll definitely run HCG on the cycle. I'll pair up torem with my tamox for PCT as well as picking up some aromasin so I have it on hand (Just in case I start growing a big rack of tits.

    Thanks again, I really appreciate it and I mean that to everyone.

  12. #12
    lemonada9 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoidBoid View Post
    are you not a newbie yourself? lol
    Not as much as you would think due to some account problems

  13. #13
    The Titan99's Avatar
    The Titan99 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Very good Dude. Don't skip anything and you'll be fine. You know Murphy's Law...340 lb?? Jesus!!!

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