ok so here we go..ive never posted to these forums before but i am really in need of some advice from someone more experienced..what im looking for is for someone to suggest how to cycle the gear i am about to take..

first is a little info about me...i am 28yrs old,5 10 170lbs..(dont know body fat %, but im lean)i have been working out off an on for about 7yrs now..i have done like 5cycles before with moderate results..ive never gotten the really good gains i hear about people getting on there cycle..this time i decided to do a little heavier cycle with a variety of things. im going to list the stuff i have..

1. 2 bottles of cypionate
2. 1 bottle of deca
3.120 10mg dball
4. 2 bottle of tren
5. 2 bottle of propinate

so i was thinking about doing the cyp, dbal, deca for the first 7 weeks and then the tren and prop the next 7...if anyone has any suggestions on how they would recommend me cycle this i would really appreciate it.

ive read alot of these forums and seen alot of sarcastic answers so if your not genuinly trying to help please spare me the response..thanks