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  1. #1
    kelevra is offline Member
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    Ladies!!! Sides on Anavar

    I have a close female friend who wants to gain some lean muscle for swim suit season. It was recommended to me by a very knowledgeable chap to have her take 10mg anavar daily.
    It would be great to here form some ladies who have some firsthand experience or close to someone who has done similar cycle. Mainly what kind of sides shall we expect & of course any other info one would like to share.
    The ladies stats are.
    110 pounds
    athletic small build
    Height would be about 5'4 ish?


  2. #2
    kelevra is offline Member
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    another try

  3. #3
    Thedud3 is offline Banned
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    I seriously think that she dont need AAS, diet and cardio shall do the job IMO

  4. #4
    Angel of death's Avatar
    Angel of death is offline Senior Member
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    I think hgh is a much better option for females...

  5. #5
    AbusedYam is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thedud3 View Post
    I seriously think that she dont need AAS, diet and cardio shall do the job IMO
    thats what you say in every thread, regardless of stats

  6. #6
    buffgator's Avatar
    buffgator is offline king of mass
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    my ex wife used to take anavar . it would harden her up and give her strength but changes in the way she looked still had to come about with diet and cardio. as far as sides she had thick irregular periods and was often to sensitive for sex

  7. #7
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by AbusedYam View Post
    thats what you say in every thread, regardless of stats
    Kind of ironic considering his own diet consists of Milkshakes, apple juice, granola bars and chocolate milk.

  8. #8
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    To the OP, most women can run low dose anavar without many sides and get quality gains. You might find 5mgs a day is plenty to accomplish what she is looking for.

  9. #9
    THE-DET-OAK is offline Banned
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    Between your girls thighs
    my GF did var a few times. it will make the girls hold some water if they dont watch there diet closely. the thing they have to watch out for is voice changes. what will happen is they get cold symptoms, and they think its just a cold. well its not, their vocal cords are thickening. this happen to my GF around week 3. she also was on 10mg ED. it went away and after the cycle she can not tell a difference in her voice, but i imagine she would be able to after 10 cycles. i have some good write ups on what females need to look for specifically if you want me to share just let me know.

  10. #10
    kelevra is offline Member
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    That's uhh what i need to know.
    Appreciate your time.

  11. #11
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    A friend of mine who competes in figure did 10mg of Var for her first cycle. She put on a shitload of muscle in 6 weeks. Granted, she was bulking and rebounding from a contest, but she got jacked! The sort of (proportionate) size and strength gains that guys get from a Test and Dbol cycle.

    But she competes and was already well built, so your girl could likely get solid results from 5mg daily for 6-8 weeks.

  12. #12
    kelevra is offline Member
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    I'm very well thinking of starting her off at 5 and then bumping if need be. She just want to gain some muscularity for summer.

  13. #13
    THE-DET-OAK is offline Banned
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    Between your girls thighs
    by Amazon Doll

    Not many women on this board, but some of you guy's may have your women thinking about it or you may want to get them going on it. These are just my opinions and observations that I gained over the years.

    All women react to each compound differently. My concern is educating women to the potenials of virilization & how to avoid it.

    I've done my fair share of cycles over the years and know quite a few women that have as well.

    Here are some things that I have come to believe:

    1. If you start to get sides while you are on a cycle, there is no guarentee that the sides will go away once you stop.

    2. By using fast acting esthers, you can drop the cycle immediatly and maybe, just maybe the sides will go away. 90% of the time they do......but not always.

    3. As soon as you get sides you don't want to live with, drop the cycle. Maybe the sides will go away, maybe not. Figure out ahead of time what will YOU be willing to live with for the rest of your life and if you get to that point with your sides, don't go beyond them. Stopping the cycle then may prevent further sides.

    4. That sore throat is not allergies or a cold or you over-training, it is the thickening of your vocal cords and it may not ever go back to the way it was before your cycle

    5. Lets say (hypothetically) you do 3 cycles and you get rid of 98% of your sides at the end of each one. You will still have 6% more masculinization than before you ever started doing them. That's only 3 cycles....what does 5 years of cycles look like on you?

    6. All the women I know that have used steriods look it somewhere on their body.

    7. Before you decide to use aas figure on this: No matter how small your cycles, you will have probably always have: some hairs to pluck on your upper lip or chin, your clit will be a little larger, that squeaking in your voice is the beginnings of voice changes and it might not go away.

    8. Don't let anyone tell you that var is safe as far as sides. My voice is very effected by var and my clit is as well.

    9. Women! You will gain weight when you do a cycle. If you can't handle a few pounds, maybe this stuff is not for you. Water weight combined with muscle growth will make you look bigger & thicker. Your face may get puffy even if you are dieting while on. Most women don't look very "pretty " while on.

    10. Dieting while on will not give you new muscle growth, just help you hold some muscle you have while you cut. Most cutting can be done with proper diet & exercise and not have the chances of virilization AAS gives.

    11. Not eating enough protein and at reguler intervals throughout the day, will be like throwing your gear down the toilet but keeping the potential sides. Proper training & eating up to, during and after your cycle will help you hold the gains you made. Don't do what so many do and fall off the training & nutritional wagon once your cycleis over or you loose it all and the sides stay.

    12. Every woman reacts totally differently to each compound. Going "low & slow" is the best way to learn your body and keep from getting sides you are uncomfortable with.

  14. #14
    kelevra is offline Member
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    Good read for her, Im passsing it all along.

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