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Thread: More sickness!?

  1. #1

    More sickness!?

    Ok guys, I am on week 3 of my test cyp 600 mgs a week cycle, I originally tried anadrol at the beginning of the cycle but dropped that due to sickness from the drol, now on week 3 with my 5th pin being yesterday I feel like sh*t! I have body pains and my chest seems really tight, also a little dizzy and light headed at times, has anyone had these feelings before? I'm really thinking of just dropping the test as well thinking it might be some bad gear, if I did would PCT still be needed? I have nolva and clomid, if anyone has experienced these feelings how long do they last and what should I do? I did 2 previous test cycles before this (with a different brand) and never had these problems, please give me some imput and I greatly appreciate it, starting to get quit concerned and working myself up hoping I didn't F*$K my body up!

  2. #2
    I've feel like this with drol for about 1 week and half, IMO pct is always needed even for a small cycle, I can't recomend a dosage but I recomend to do one.

    For me, healt is important, I stoped every AAS.

  3. #3
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    If you want to know for sure on whether your gear is bunk, and if you need PCT, you should get blood work done. Seems like you would need PCT as even if your gear is contaminated or not what is says on the bottle, you have probably taken enough of something to shut you down. But blood work will take away the guesswork.

    Definitely wait for people with more experience to chime in on this.

  4. #4
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    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Thedud3 View Post
    I've feel like this with drol for about 1 week and half, IMO pct is always needed even for a small cycle, I can't recomend a dosage but I recomend to do one.

    For me, healt is important, I stoped every AAS.
    you say you don't do aas, then you say drol makes you feel like crap and then you offer advise, your playing with peoples health. now you cant even back up your advice by laying out a pct. hmmm i wonder why let me see ahhh becaude you never cycled and are 19.
    admin please ban this kid before he hurts someone..

  5. #5
    Any more suggestions? I do know a guy that bought the same gear and he is blowing up fast! I'm starting to just think its my body not liking it, if I did PCT now what would be a good choice of just 2 weeks in? I'm starting to think AAS isn't for me no more, and I'm sure the anxiety isn't helping, thanks guys.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by s_roberto69 View Post
    Any more suggestions? I do know a guy that bought the same gear and he is blowing up fast! I'm starting to just think its my body not liking it, if I did PCT now what would be a good choice of just 2 weeks in? I'm starting to think AAS isn't for me no more, and I'm sure the anxiety isn't helping, thanks guys.
    if you want to bow out of the cycle thats fine
    nolva 40/20/20/20
    clomid 50/50/25/25
    should do you

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    you say you don't do aas, then you say drol makes you feel like crap and then you offer advise, your playing with peoples health. now you cant even back up your advice by laying out a pct. hmmm i wonder why let me see ahhh becaude you never cycled and are 19.
    admin please ban this kid before he hurts someone..
    Lol I already taken but stoped lolllll noob learn to read

  8. #8
    How my advice was bad stupid mofo?

  9. #9
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    you are deffinately an illiterate child

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thedud3 View Post
    How my advice was bad stupid mofo?
    All of this guys posts are like this

  11. #11
    Or french one?

  12. #12
    So helpful to post up this in here!! Pm me about it

  13. #13
    Do you guys think its just my body reacting to the test and it will go away? Maybe I should drop it down to 400mgs a week? Any more imput is greatly appreciated! I hate to end this cycle if I DONT have to, but don't want to jeopardize my health either.

  14. #14
    Do you guys think its just my body reacting to the test and it will go away? Maybe I should drop it down to 400mgs a week? Any more imput is greatly appreciated! I hate to end this cycle if I DONT have to, but don't want to jeopardize my health either.

  15. #15
    Do you guys think its just my body reacting to the test and it will go away? Maybe I should drop it down to 400mgs a week? Any more imput is greatly appreciated! I hate to end this cycle if I DONT have to, but don't want to jeopardize my health either.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by s_roberto69 View Post
    Do you guys think its just my body reacting to the test and it will go away? Maybe I should drop it down to 400mgs a week? Any more imput is greatly appreciated! I hate to end this cycle if I DONT have to, but don't want to jeopardize my health either.
    hey i heard you the first time! LOL... hows your water intake? for that dose you got to drink at least 1.5-2 gallons a day. when i started TRT i wasn't drinking enough water, and was feeling the same way you've described, but once i upped my water intake to alt east 1 gallon per day these symptoms went away.

  17. #17
    Lol sorry my blackberry was acting up there and I accnty posted 3 times... I will admit my water intake should be higher, I have been slacking on that, could that really be why? Also how long did it take to go away once you started upping your intake?

  18. #18
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    it took about 3-5 days!

  19. #19
    My next pin is scheduled in 3 days, if I'm still feeling the same I don't think I'm going to pin, anymore advice anyone? Thanks everyone that has been helping, once I start feeling like shi*t I think I start to panic a little bit as well. Also at nights when I start to fall asleep I catch myself waking up almost like grasping for air? Don't know if that has anything to to with the test or not?

  20. #20
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    just sounds like test flu, achey body, fever, pretty much feel like sh*t. Just hydrate as much as you can, it will pass..

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by s_roberto69 View Post
    My next pin is scheduled in 3 days, if I'm still feeling the same I don't think I'm going to pin, anymore advice anyone? Thanks everyone that has been helping, once I start feeling like shi*t I think I start to panic a little bit as well. Also at nights when I start to fall asleep I catch myself waking up almost like grasping for air? Don't know if that has anything to to with the test or not?
    don't give up yet! you are having anxiety attack from thinking too much, trust me, take it from a man who had them! try to drink water like Axemurderer said, it'll pass! and think of how big you'll get not how sick you're going to be! best of luck to you!

  22. #22
    Thanks guys, and I really do think you are right Bass, so far today I'm feeling better, I'll really up my water intake and watch the salt as well, this site is great because without it I would of def stopped and been a lot more worried!

  23. #23
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    do what i did, every time you feel something is wrong post it here, and the guys will help you push through it. it worked for me!

  24. #24
    Thanks again Bass and everyone else, you guys been very helpfull and I appreciate it! What about sleeping problems? Anyone experience that? For a few days when I was about ready to fall asleep I would wake up almost gasping for a breath??? Not sure what that could of been from? But so far today I been drinking nothing but water and as much as I can when I can, been feeling "ok".

  25. #25
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    yes i had those too, also wakeup with anxiety attacks like felt claustrophobic and couldn't get enough air in my lungs. it was all in my head and lack of water, it will get better, just hang in there! always check your blood pressure to make sure all is okay. another thing to consider, one of my problems was not eating enough sugars, basically my sugar was low and was having the classic symptoms of low sugar!

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