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  1. #1
    firefly is offline New Member
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    First cycle options for bulking up

    I want some ideas on what to use for a first time bulking cycle? I'm looking at trying to put on 10-15 pounds. I'm 35, 10% body fat, 6', and 180 pounds. I've been reading up on all different types but am confused as to whats a good stack. Thanks

  2. #2
    buffgator's Avatar
    buffgator is offline king of mass
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    welcome. for a first cycle we always recommend just test by itself 300-500mg per week. the reason being is you don't know how your body is going to react to a compound. so if you do run into trouble you will know it was from the test vs being on several compounds and having no clue which compound is causing problems. also you need to learn about pct to make your body return to normal after the cycle. bulking up is going to be mostly dependent on your diet vs the test.

  3. #3
    Universal1 is offline Junior Member
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    Just registered today, but have been on and off this site and others researching for some time. Ready to start my first cycle as well and agree with buffgator running a test by itself for 10-12 weeks with pct to follow. Going to see how my body reacts. Been dieting and exercising consistently for about 6 years. My question is this: I have one bottle of test cyp@250mg/ml and one bottle of test ent@250mg/ml, I know they are very similar, but which should I do first, second, or what are any suggestions? I havent seen any one particular post in reference to this. I am 24 5'8'' 164lbs. bf less than 5%. like firefly looking to put on 10-15lbs of lean mass, and with the proper protein and caloric intake I know I can. Just need some professional first hand advice taking both cyp and enth. Thank you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    ^^ (buffgator) perfect post, follow his advice

  5. #5
    cfisher is offline Junior Member
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    Universal, I haven't done cyp but I've had a couple of cycles with enth. Same time my buddy was on cyp. same results. Also from everything i've read the two compounds are the same. So i don't think it wouldn't make a diff which you start first. Do a little research on the two, see what the properties are.

  6. #6
    Blade15's Avatar
    Blade15 is offline Senior Member
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    Test E or C for 10 weeks 400 mgs per week.. Nolva and clomid for PCT 40/40/20/20 n 100/50/50/50 respt... just my 0.2$

  7. #7
    Universal1 is offline Junior Member
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    I started a new thread under: 24yrs old. first cycle CYP vs ENTH. got some good advice from members and appreciate your guys help. I did some research and found cyp and enth are very similar and pretty much interchangabe. Since I already have both bottles my plan is to do one shot of cyp on mondays and one shot of enth on thursdays both at 200-250mgs and pct to follow. You guys ever met or heard of anyone who interchanged them in the same cycle?

  8. #8
    Universal1 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blade15 View Post
    Test E or C for 10 weeks 400 mgs per week.. Nolva and clomid for PCT 40/40/20/20 n 100/50/50/50 respt... just my 0.2$
    this pct is started 2 weeks after last shot? and when you say 40/40/20/20 doex this mean nolva 40mg/week or 40mg/day then 20mg...etc.. same question for clomid. I need to find both before I start anything. I have novedex xt as an anti-e right now

  9. #9
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    You might want some HCG during the cycle too if you want to bang away after 4-6 weeks.

  10. #10
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    lots of peeps take test blends like sustanon or test500 ect. so there is no danger or in your particular case need to worry about useing them both in a cycle but when its time to pct id start when the longer of the 2 esters clears wich i believe is cyp...when i say longer though its only like 3-4 days thats why there so for everyone pushing the hcg durring the cycle i would not run it your first go and see just how much your testes shrink, you may not need it at all but thats up to you...i never use it and recover quickly with just the nolva/clomid protocal...

  11. #11
    Blade15's Avatar
    Blade15 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Universal1 View Post
    this pct is started 2 weeks after last shot? and when you say 40/40/20/20 doex this mean nolva 40mg/week or 40mg/day then 20mg...etc.. same question for clomid. I need to find both before I start anything. I have novedex xt as an anti-e right now
    Yeah dude.. 2 weeks after last shot.. and nolva 40mgs a day.. not week...

  12. #12
    Universal1 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blade15 View Post
    Yeah dude.. 2 weeks after last shot.. and nolva 40mgs a day.. not week...
    thank you. appreciate it, where can i get tamoxifen and clomiphen

  13. #13
    DGK is offline Member
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    click on the arr banner on the top of page

  14. #14
    Universal1 is offline Junior Member
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    thank you

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