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Thread: Muscle gains low...

  1. #1

    Muscle gains low...


    Been doing a recreational cycle of 200mg of Testosterone Blend and 150 mg of Nandralone per week...Six weeks in and I look great, but I am not GAINING much in the way of muscle (an inch on my chest, 1/2 inch on my biceps, 1/2 inch on my thighs)...My body fat has come down and I have great definition, so I'm not complaining...Just wondering if upping my protein will bring better gains...I really don't want to sacrifice the definition at this point by bringing up the carbohydrates, but I get really hungry over night and need to do some nutritional tweeking that will allow for more muscle and keep the body fat where it is...

    Any ideas???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    What are your stats?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    What's your age? Height? Weight? Bf%?

    Maybe your not gaining much because of your cycle?

  4. #4
    45...5'5"...Body Fat around 13% weight 158 lbs...I originally started the cycle as my own form of hormone replacement therapy and to help me deal with the the damage done after 15 years of SERIOUS building in my 20's and 30's (ie, tendinitis in elbows, lower back pain etc)...Although I never got any base level blood testosterone levels to compare with, the difference in overall feeling of wellbeing is significant...But now I that I see my body growing, I have the FEVER again...I absolutely cannot go onto levels that are TOO much higher, as I found myself addicted in the past and didn't cycle off for over a decade...Too old for that shit now...I just want a low, relatively side effect free dosage that allows for long term use and some growth if possible...
    Last edited by nicdelucca; 05-17-2011 at 03:18 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    You didn't come off a cycle for a decade? What compounds at what doses?

  6. #6
    Anything I could get...Equipose, Sustinol, Deca, Heptylate, Finiplex, Reforvit B...To name a few...That was then...I survived...God knows how...I'd rather concentrate on the present...I would NEVER recommend that to anyone...I kept my doses low (even then) but still...I'm lucky I didn't destroy myself...

  7. #7
    Bear in mind...i am in no way suggesting that newbies should attempt to match my stupidity...drugs are stronger and better these days and you can get what you want without being stupid about it...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I am sure you will get plenty of help if you post your diet on the Diet section. Just make sure your post is detailed and includes everything you eat throughout the day.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    well if ur diet and workouts are spot on, then i bet ur gaining more than u think. Nandrolone for myonucleusplasia. *lol, made it up all scientific like haha.. what i mean is that u get more myonuclei with nandrolone and less water swelling weight. How is everything else?

    also, might be able to go on TRT legally, so u have a doc to help ya...

  10. #10
    Thanks Lemonada8...TRT is not a big option here in the UK...It's everywhere in SE Florida where I used to live, but it's not even an option for people with HIV or other medical conditions that would warrant the use...As I said...I believe my diet could benefit from a tweek, but I am not as crazed about it as I was in the past...Plain and simple...I used to be a bit of a gym/steroid/supplement addict with a healthy dose of nutritional obsession to round things out...I am TRYING to be more balanced these days...Just a few hundred milligrams of steroid compounds, a solid, but not too over-the-top workout and a healthy diet that includes 160 grams of protein (min) a day...Other than that, I don't fuss about it too much...Just not sure if a little more test or protein to bring on better gains...

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