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Thread: Running 19-nor steroids with other steroids

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Toronto, Canada

    Question Running 19-nor steroids with other steroids

    I was just in bed last night trying to fall asleep and I was thinking, when people run cycles like Test+Deca or Test+Tren or even heavier ones likes Test+EQ+Tren+Anadrol, how to they know which AIs to run when necessary?

    For example, if someone started feeling gyno coming on DURING cycle, would they run Letro/Arimidex or run a different AI such a Caber (don't know many others for progresterone)?

    Sorry if I'm my wording is a bit confusing, but basically I'm just curious as to how would you know if you're getting Estrogen related sides, or progesterone related sides?

    And then obviously running both Clomid AND Nolvadex would be smartest for PCT, am I right? (seeing as clomid is best for the 19-nors?)

    Please correct me if I wrong.

    Yes, I'm only 21 and this is honestly just out of curiosity. I've already admitted to using steroids (not on cycle right now), so if It was for my own cycle again, I would just say it lol. This just popped into my head and it's something I don't really know much about, so any insight would help!

    Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    The only way to know definitely what is causing the issue is blood work.

    I'm so freaking gyno prone I have to run an AI from the get go, and that takes care of any other issues that may arise (even on heavier cycles).

    Here you go:

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    The only way to know definitely what is causing the issue is blood work.

    I'm so freaking gyno prone I have to run an AI from the get go, and that takes care of any other issues that may arise (even on heavier cycles).

    Here you go:
    thanks, bro. Appreciate that. But when you run your AI, which AI's are you running? I assume since all cycles will most likely cause estrogenic sides, you'd be running A-Dex or something, right? But have you ever had to run an AI to combat Progesterone yourself?

    Anyone else?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Caber/prami, etc aren't AIs. They are dopamine receptor agonists. I've tried them and don't care for them. I get on better with just AI's.

    I prefer Aromasin. Letro sometimes at .25mgs M, W, F.

  5. #5
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    Ive never had prog/prolactin sides. high estrogen is the fuel to almost all fires in this game, for me, keeping E in check usually keeps everything else in check as well. I hear of too many sides from dop ag's for me to run one as a precaution.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE-DET-OAK View Post
    Ive never had prog/prolactin sides. high estrogen is the fuel to almost all fires in this game, for me, keeping E in check usually keeps everything else in check as well. I hear of too many sides from dop ag's for me to run one as a precaution.
    Sorry, I posted my reply before reading the thread you posted. Great info, thanks!

    So from what I understood, as long as you keep your Estrogen in check, the prolactin and progesterone shouldn't be the biggest of problems?

    In other words, just run a regular AI if gyno does come up? (weather running a 19-nor or not)?

    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Caber/prami, etc aren't AIs. They are dopamine receptor agonists. I've tried them and don't care for them. I get on better with just AI's.

    I prefer Aromasin. Letro sometimes at .25mgs M, W, F.
    Yup, thats what I understood. Thanks, brotha.

  7. #7
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    Between your girls thighs
    pretty much. Most believe high E has to be present before other issues happen, obviously there are exceptions, but IMO its not likely. ive never seen a blood test where someone had high prolactin and good E levels, they always seem to come in pairs.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by HALTEH View Post
    I was just in bed last night trying to fall asleep and I was thinking, when people run cycles like Test+Deca or Test+Tren or even heavier ones likes Test+EQ+Tren+Anadrol, how to they know which AIs to run when necessary?

    For example, if someone started feeling gyno coming on DURING cycle, would they run Letro/Arimidex or run a different AI such a Caber (don't know many others for progresterone)?

    Sorry if I'm my wording is a bit confusing, but basically I'm just curious as to how would you know if you're getting Estrogen related sides, or progesterone related sides?

    And then obviously running both Clomid AND Nolvadex would be smartest for PCT, am I right? (seeing as clomid is best for the 19-nors?)

    Please correct me if I wrong.

    Yes, I'm only 21 and this is honestly just out of curiosity. I've already admitted to using steroids (not on cycle right now), so if It was for my own cycle again, I would just say it lol. This just popped into my head and it's something I don't really know much about, so any insight would help!

    Thanks guys!
    Keep the curiosity......
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    Keep the curiosity......
    Nothing wrong with learning.

  10. #10
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    ^^ X2 on the curiosity! much have that then knucklehead trolls who either like to stir up manure or propose crazy cycles and dont listen.

    Personally, i suggest running a test only cycle so you can see how your body reacts and you know how to act when you begin to get sides.

    I always use a SERM for my gyno. I had pubertal gyno, stillhave some but i find that tamox takes care of it perfectly. A serm isnt as drastic as an AI, so if gyno is only issue, ten start with a SERM. If you have alot of other estro sides then a AI would be smarter.

    as for an AI with a 19-nor, IMO itsa drastic solution. *(depending on the AI) ..Its more of a drastic measure, but when done correctly and smartly, then they are very efficient and good to use.

    and yes with 19-nors , the pct has to be more aggressive then a test only cycle, because you are also including progestins, which need to be regulated following a cycle, similar to test.

    as for caber/bromo, those are dopamine agonists... very risky business there and other issues. No first hand smarts w/ tren, but read enough studies. Im staying away from tren because of the harshness of shutdown due to decreased protein sysnthesis. Ive read that vit b6 helps with those issues? anyways keep up with curiosity! and if u wanna discuss more,

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by HALTEH View Post
    Nothing wrong with learning.
    Never said there was anything wrong with curiosity hence why I said "keep" it.

    Since you are 21 you can learn and then later down the road figure out what you might decide to do.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

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