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I was just in bed last night trying to fall asleep and I was thinking, when people run cycles like Test+Deca or Test+Tren or even heavier ones likes Test+EQ+Tren+Anadrol, how to they know which AIs to run when necessary?
For example, if someone started feeling gyno coming on DURING cycle, would they run Letro/Arimidex or run a different AI such a Caber (don't know many others for progresterone)?
Sorry if I'm my wording is a bit confusing, but basically I'm just curious as to how would you know if you're getting Estrogen related sides, or progesterone related sides?
And then obviously running both Clomid AND Nolvadex would be smartest for PCT, am I right? (seeing as clomid is best for the 19-nors?)
Please correct me if I wrong.
Yes, I'm only 21 and this is honestly just out of curiosity. I've already admitted to using steroids (not on cycle right now), so if It was for my own cycle again, I would just say it lol. This just popped into my head and it's something I don't really know much about, so any insight would help!
Thanks guys!