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Thread: What to take along with trenbolone acetate for a complete cycle.

  1. #1

    What to take along with trenbolone acetate for a complete cycle.

    I am 24 and weigh 175 ive been lifting for about 3 years and ive took prohormones before and ive took anadrol also, i have never juiced before and thinking of doing so and i can get a hold of tren acetate and i already have nolvadax/tamoxifen in hand. What all am i needing for a proper cycle? Ive used milk thistle for liver support and also took cycle assist and pct assist but for prohormones dont know if its same with juice, i can get a hold of dbol and i have anavar already, my goal is to get more more mass but at the same time get cut or be ripped, thanks guys

  2. #2
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    You should do some research so you have a firm understanding of what to expect. I will tell you right now that people will disagree on how much Test to take with Tren. I will also say that you probably shouldn't mess with Tren in your first cycle, especially if you are asking questions like "what do I take with it". Do a ton of reading before injecting something into your body.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
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    yea i agree with need to do some more studying. tren is not something to take for a first cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Got to agree with the boys above. save the tren and look into a test only cycle do more research and in the meantime work on a solid diet.

  5. #5
    I cant get a hold of test just tren, just curious what are you suppose to use for cycle assist and pct assist and what pct?

  6. #6
    I cant get a hold of test just tren, just curious what are you suppose to use for cycle assist and pct assist and what pct?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    scrap the idea tren without tese is chemical castration

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by X_adrenaline_x View Post
    I am 24 and weigh 175 ive been lifting for about 3 years and ive took prohormones before and ive took anadrol also, i have never juiced before and thinking of doing so and i can get a hold of tren acetate and i already have nolvadax/tamoxifen in hand. What all am i needing for a proper cycle? Ive used milk thistle for liver support and also took cycle assist and pct assist but for prohormones dont know if its same with juice, i can get a hold of dbol and i have anavar already, my goal is to get more more mass but at the same time get cut or be ripped, thanks guys
    You say you never juiced before, but you took anadrol???? or do you just consider juicing when you inject????
    Now, you say your goal is to get more mass, but at the same time get cut or be ripped....and you think you are going to do that how??? If you want more mass, you need to eat more, IF you eat more, you will not be cut or ripped, IF you cut down your calories/eat less, to be cut or ripped, then you wont have more mass... you need to do one or the other....also at 175, you should NOT be " juicing" at all, let alone, going/using with a strong steroid like Tren... what you should be doing is going to the diet forum, and learn how to diet to grown first... do NOT make the mistake of using Tren on your first cycle, you will regret it for a long time; Tren is used for people that have a LOT of cycles under their belt, and they use tren, because their bodies are already used to everything else... IF you cant find TEST, then dont use anything

  9. #9
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    Hey, so after being all torn up above noone explained why. They all had very good points, suggesting that you need your DIET under control before thinking about doing a cycle of any sort. As for why NOT to do tren is because Tren is a Progestin (a different hormone) it doesnt NOT provide sufficient conversion to Testosterone in the body. Along with suppression of testosterone in your own body. This causes your body to have low testosterone, even with a pct the damage could cause a permament lowering of natural test production. Perhaps still "normal" but still lower than before. ALong with the potentional damage to your testes (which are very important if you want kids), Tren downregulates the transcrips in the pitutary gland which hampers the ability to produce hormones. Another thing is that Estrogen regulates the negative feedback in ur body, when tren suppresses ur own bodys production, estrogen is very high so that stops production. In this case its actually a positive feedback because it increases the negative situation. This isnt good. For a first cycle, Test (with whatever ester you want, IMO prop is best) is best because it is the basis of being male, and thats what you wish to increase. With a test only cycle you can see your body reacts to the compounds, showing potentional problems that might arise (if you are Gyno prone, have high aromatase, etc). Then for further cycles its much easier to stack and by listening to your body you can figure out what would be best. But that requires RESEARCH!

    Aside all that, we need stats. Height, weight, bf%, age, exp, etc. We cant help a total stranger w/o knowing anything now can we?
    but since ur 175 lbs, i can almost guarentee u can get more naturally. Please dont do a tren only cycle though, its bad mmmmkay!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in the gym
    tren without test??? good luck with that one..

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    Hey, so after being all torn up above noone explained why. They all had very good points, suggesting that you need your DIET under control before thinking about doing a cycle of any sort. As for why NOT to do tren is because Tren is a Progestin (a different hormone) it doesnt NOT provide sufficient conversion to Testosterone in the body. Along with suppression of testosterone in your own body. This causes your body to have low testosterone, even with a pct the damage could cause a permament lowering of natural test production. Perhaps still "normal" but still lower than before. ALong with the potentional damage to your testes (which are very important if you want kids), Tren downregulates the transcrips in the pitutary gland which hampers the ability to produce hormones. Another thing is that Estrogen regulates the negative feedback in ur body, when tren suppresses ur own bodys production, estrogen is very high so that stops production. In this case its actually a positive feedback because it increases the negative situation. This isnt good. For a first cycle, Test (with whatever ester you want, IMO prop is best) is best because it is the basis of being male, and thats what you wish to increase. With a test only cycle you can see your body reacts to the compounds, showing potentional problems that might arise (if you are Gyno prone, have high aromatase, etc). Then for further cycles its much easier to stack and by listening to your body you can figure out what would be best. But that requires RESEARCH!

    Aside all that, we need stats. Height, weight, bf%, age, exp, etc. We cant help a total stranger w/o knowing anything now can we?
    but since ur 175 lbs, i can almost guarentee u can get more naturally. Please dont do a tren only cycle though, its bad mmmmkay!
    Thats an answer that i was needing, not dont do it and thats it, thanks tho guys. So if i would find test would any test work for a 1st cycle? Can any 1 put on her how a good cycle would look like for a beginner with support and pct? That way i can do some research on everything, thanks

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    how about starting with the basics in the educational threads that are stickys at the top of the steroid q+a forum...there are beginer cycles, steroid profiles ect..all the stuff you have most likely overlooked before you started asking questions...just do a lot of reading bro and all your quastions will be answered...good luck...

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