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Thread: Finishing my first 16 week Test E only cycle, not using HCG... did i dun goof?

  1. #1

    Finishing my first 16 week Test E only cycle, not using HCG... did i dun goof?

    anyone here not use hcg? ive read that its not that heavy of a cycle, and people save it for lighter cycles but i know it still shuts you down. I know the best to run it was 500 IUs per week weeks 3-16, but i dont have it.

    So my question is.. did i dun goof, anyone here not use HCG and recover fine without it?

    I plan on doing Nolva 40/40/20/20 (4 weeks) and might throw in a natty test booster

    Thoughts, comments?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    You may want a stronger pct and why can't you get some hcg?

    How were your results on that cycle?

    Stats b4 Abd after

  3. #3
    My cycle was a little off from the norm...

    I first did 4 weeks of h-drol (prohormone), threw in the test E on the 5th week

    I started at 167 before hdrol, after i finished hdrol at the end of the 6th week, i was 184 (2 weeks of test e in me too)

    At the end of 14 weeks i was 202. Now im 193 (i was getting too fat and i started lowering calories and doing some cardio. Size and strength are still the same), took my last shot yesterday

    before cycle i could only bench 155x5, deadlift 215x1, squat 185x5

    here is a normal week of workouts for me:

    4/10 chest:
    flat bench: 135x5 155x5 170x5 180x5 190x5 200x4( 2 without spotter) 135x10
    incline db bench: 45x8 50x8 55x8 60x8 65x7 70x3 70x5 70x4
    flat db bench: 50x8 55x7 60x6 65x6 70x4 70x5
    pec flys: 70x10 85x8 100x6 100x5
    did 3 sets of incline bench machine.. 15, 20, 25x6

    4/11 shoulders:
    military press: 45x12 65x5 80x5 90x5 105x5 115x5 125x4 125x3 115x4 100x5 80x8
    bb shruggs: 135x12 165x10 175x8 185x9 205x8 220x6
    db press: 45x8 50x8 55x7 60x6 65x4 65x4 60x4
    lat raises: 20x12 25x11 30x7 35x6

    4/12 legs:
    squat: 135x6 165x5 185x5 205x5 220x5 235x5 250x5 265x5
    leg extension: 45x12 70x10 90x9 115x8 135x8 145x8 160x8 175x8
    leg press: 180x10 270x8 310x8 360x8 400x8 450x8 490x8
    calf db: 65x12 70x12 85x12
    calf machine: 90x12 110x12 110x12

    4/14 back:
    bb rows: 135x8 175x8 185x8 205x9 220x8 225x9 235x8 250x8
    bmachine: 45x10 60x8 70xx8 80x8 90x8 100x8 105x7 107.5x4x90x4x55x6
    deadlift: 185x5 225x5 265x3 295x2
    lat pulldown: 100x12 110x8 120x8 130x8 140x7 150x7 170x6 170x5 170x5

    4/15 bis, tris:
    db tricep: 45x12 55x8 60x8 65x8 70x8 75x7 80x3 75x6
    db bicep: 20x12 25x8 30x8 35x8 35x8 35x8 40x5 40x5 30x9
    ez tricep: 60x10 70x5 70x5 70x5 70x5 60x8
    ez bicep: 60x10 70x7 70x8 70x8 80x7 80x6
    forearms: 30x9 35x7 35x8

    Keep in mind this was a month ago.

    bmachine = tbar rows

    My maxes are now
    military press: 135x5
    flat bench: 205x6
    squat: 275x3
    leg press: 490x8
    deadlift: 315x2

    anyways, back to the topic, im looking for other responses.....
    Last edited by wellyou7; 05-17-2011 at 02:48 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    How old are you? Benching 155 and weighing 167 most would say you need to get diet in check and build up more naturally before running a cycle.

    At 167 what body fat % were u? What is bf

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    How old are you? Benching 155 and weighing 167 most would say you need to get diet in check and build up more naturally before running a cycle.

    At 167 what body fat % were u? What is bf
    interested too. What your lifting for your workouts doesnt match what you say your max is on bench. If you can hit 205 5 times why would you do sets of 5 reps @ 135lbs?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    no offense man but your lifts are just pathetic you didnt need too cycle you needed too train and diet harder and you stop cause you were getting fat that means your diet was garbage i never want too stop you really should of done some more reasearch before cycling thats for sure

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    we still have no age...

  8. #8
    Some guys are lucky and bounce back naturaly... I didnt really have to use my pct, but you cant rely on luck... you need to get some before you end that cycle. If your metabolism is like most peoples, you are going to lose your gains and feel like shit

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Im new to this also but Im curious as to why everyone always says that skinny guys shouldnt do cycles until they gain more weight? Why is this bad? If he works out properly and does everything properly whats the difference. Honestly going from 167 to 193 is impressive assuming BF is low. It would have easily taken him over a year to make those gains naturally.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    you are serious!!! how old are you? 16? 200lb bench come on bro. AAS already. I hope you are ready for what is coming all of your gains from now on wil be slower coming unless you continue juicing. test levels perm lower. ahh screw it just shoot it up baby.. be a lifer!!!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    BTW cyyoung i like your avatar hoping to see a a lot of that in my house this summer!!

  12. #12
    What's the point of taking steroids if you can still grow bigger and stronger without them? I mean, the guy has high school max lifts and body stats, no offense, it's just weird. It's pointless to put your health at some risks (steroids and muscle strain) and pay the price when you can still go MUCH further naturally.

    I believe these are some reasons why skinny guys shouldnt do steroids. If you're skinny, it means you need to fix your shit before needing steroids to grow.

    I'm now at 200 at 5'11 at around 11-13% bodyfat and keep pushing back my cycle because I've been getting bigger and stronger ever since I made it past my regular 190 pound plateau. I fixed my shit (supplements, diet, training program) and got past that plateau where I was stuck ALL THE TIME before.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    world wide
    ^^^but maybe for him it's with the risk to get a years + results in a few months. I have yet to see any hard evidence that getting to a certain size naturally before doing steroids is any safer than not. I'm just talking about skinny guys not fat guys because it is well documented that the more fat you have the more your testosterone will convert to estrogen. I just haven't seen anything about skinny dudes experiencing more sides... Unless it's just based on assumed weight lifting and diet experience but that has nothing to do with size. I just think if if a little dude is motivated and he does everything properly then by all means go for it. Just my 2 cents.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    his profile says hes 25 lol

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    his profile says hes 25 lol
    how convieneint lol

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