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Thread: Competing in juniors nabba 2011.... Gear

  1. #1

    Competing in juniors nabba 2011.... Gear

    Right guys just a short bit of info about me as i have to quickly nip out (will happily give more and answer any questions the minute im back!)

    Im 19 years and 9 months old, i have been training for 4 - 5 Years now natural started young at 14 Im at the moment 12 stone 7 and fairly low bf?
    i eat 7 meals a day basically every 2 1/2 to 3 hours my food consists of chicken, steak, turkey, sardines, salmon < any fish really, flax oil, amino's, vegatables, wholemeal rice and pasta plus pittabreads, have a cheat day every saturday where i basically eat a high ammount of cals as to give the system some shock.

    Right anyway im looking to compete nexts year may 2011 in the nabba juniors, i have recently started having lasts years MR wales first timer training me, now as this is "basically" a no win contest without gear he has recomended me to go on dianabol 50mg a day for about 6 weeks then sust and decker, i have read up alot about gear in respects to PCT nolva hcg clomid and what not! his opinion on 50mg of dbol is that its not that much and ill gain fine off it, now i dont no whether just to do the dbol with milk thistle and that or really whether i am doing the right thing altogether, i started monday taking 5 dianabol so thats 50mg a day so thats 10 ive taken in the last two days, i want some expert opinions on this please guys and you can ask any question you like, will 2 days worth of dianabol already have effected me in respects to natural test being lowerd and hpta being messed with ?

    these are my pics at the moment

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    you look good man.. i don't know much about competing. nor do i want to. If you go down that road you risk doing permanent damage to your natural test production which can make you sterile and have a limp noodle for life.. these are extreme but possible.. two days of dbol is not going to cause this.. but 6 weeks can.. chances are slim but they ARE there.. so you need to weigh the consequences before you decide to do anything.. milk thistle is a good liver support but there are better out there.. i believe liv52 is one of them.

    any reason you can't just wait another two & half years before you start??? your risks will be about a tenth of what they are at your current age..

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Lookin good....and wanting to compete......and want gear at are kinda in a bit of a pickle I would say......
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    good luck with whatever you decide too do i wish i had the knowledge you do about steriods diet etc. at your age i was more concern with drinking and drugs than staying in shape loll oh yea and you look great man you really dont need anything but if you are trying too compete i could see why you would gl

  6. #6
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Do you mean you wan to do the NABBA next year? 2012....

    I am going to tell you straight that the Juniours in the NABBA are no joke! Some years they are shit but some years they are wkd!

    Your young and IMO look like you have a nice base coming along...

    However I am not going to advise you to smash the gear because IMO you will not be ready to compete against these guys even next year even if you did...

    The honest truth is that if you wanna do well in the juniours you need to have great genetics.... and some of the kids have been using gear for years....

    I think that if you attempt to enter next year you will feel the need to run a load of gear to try and catch up..... IMO not a good idea...
    Last edited by baseline_9; 05-17-2011 at 04:00 PM.
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  7. #7
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Please dont take that as me trying to dis-courage you from competing....

    Give it a go, it will be your last chance to have a go.... But at your age I would only be considering using AAS for a competition if i knew i had a great chance of winning
    Don't be a 'Bro'..... Believe nothing....Question everything

    Baseline - Working to phase out this generation of Bro-Scientists

    Stop over thinking nutrition - If you want something to think about download Myfitnesspal and learn how to count macros

  8. #8
    Cheers for all the feedback guys! really appreciate it, yehh im not someone who wants to take gear to be massive just purley to compete, im actually from wales so to be totally honest the welsh nabba juniors are not all that good tbh < but thats not to say staying natural would win me it you know. well i actually have next may and the may after to compete in the juniors so 2012 and 2013 giving me 2 years from now or say 1 year 9 months bulk and 3 month cutt, i do trust this guy mark as he trains alot of people for competeing own's his own gym and tbh is very well respected by all that know him people have said there no one better i could have train me for the nabba than mark who himself holds a MR wales first timers title, but i feel he doesnt really reap the conciquences of gear at my age ? ive spoke to a load of people in the gym who have said "naa mate 50mg of d bol aint too much i was on 120mg a day sust decker winy t3 t5 anavar and all sorts and im thinking no body seems to have done any research on what exactly each drug does to you and tbh the last thing i want is to go on gear gain size then lose everything and my base when going off even after PCT? :/ just really want a MR wales junior title under my belt then possible not compete due to the fact people are then usually on gear half the year for most of their 20's and 30's now i look at alot of things as if you dont abuse you will usually be fine as your body should recover, but i dont really know tbh if this is the case with gear, should i possible try a low dose of just dianabol just to see how i react because otherwise he is on about me taking 50mg danabol for couple weeks then like 12 weeks of sust and deca :/ which to me seems crazy as i read loads on these boards! but to them down the gym they saying i be fine thats a low dose cycle :O

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