Right guys just a short bit of info about me as i have to quickly nip out (will happily give more and answer any questions the minute im back!)
Im 19 years and 9 months old, i have been training for 4 - 5 Years now natural started young at 14 Im at the moment 12 stone 7 and fairly low bf?
i eat 7 meals a day basically every 2 1/2 to 3 hours my food consists of chicken, steak, turkey, sardines, salmon < any fish really, flax oil, amino's, vegatables, wholemeal rice and pasta plus pittabreads, have a cheat day every saturday where i basically eat a high ammount of cals as to give the system some shock.
Right anyway im looking to compete nexts year may 2011 in the nabba juniors, i have recently started having lasts years MR wales first timer training me, now as this is "basically" a no win contest without gear he has recomended me to go on dianabol 50mg a day for about 6 weeks then sust and decker, i have read up alot about gear in respects to PCT nolva hcg clomid and what not! his opinion on 50mg of dbol is that its not that much and ill gain fine off it, now i dont no whether just to do the dbol with milk thistle and that or really whether i am doing the right thing altogether, i started monday taking 5 dianabol so thats 50mg a day so thats 10 ive taken in the last two days, i want some expert opinions on this please guys and you can ask any question you like, will 2 days worth of dianabol already have effected me in respects to natural test being lowerd and hpta being messed with ?
these are my pics at the moment