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Thread: Dosage

  1. #1
    mikewgd is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2011


    If I were going to follow one of the cycles on the website:

    The only have it separated into weeks. How would you know how much to take each day? For example the Cypionate says 400 mgs for week1-12. So how would that translate into days?

  2. #2
    mustang331's Avatar
    mustang331 is offline Member
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    a little confused on what you're asking.. But what its saying is 400mg's PER WEEK.. for 12 weeks.. they come in different strengths.. 250, 300.. so if you get the 250 PER ML (or CC) that means for every ML of oil, will be what ever the strength of the test you got..

    For example, if you got 250mg/ML that means every CC you draw will be 250MG's of Test C. if you want to do 400mg's a week, you would do 1.6 CC's worth of oil (1 10th more than 1 and a half CC's)

    Got it? but you should split it up twice a week.. Keep reading this site.. and don't stop

  3. #3
    mikewgd is offline New Member
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    May 2011
    And would you do it every day? How so you split it up? Whats the math behind it?

  4. #4
    bugsysiegals is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2006
    Bro ... Cypionate is a long-acting form of testosterone , just like enanthate , and does not require shooting ED. Twice a week is sufficient for most people. If you're trying to shoot everyday you'll want a short-acting ester test such as propionate , etc.

    Just remember that if you're pinning twice a week, each shot should only be 200mg of test if you're looking to do 400mg's per week. Again, if you have 200mg/ml strength test than you need 1ml twice per week ... if it's stronger, you'll need slightly less. Understand?

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