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  1. #1
    gcms is offline New Member
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    Test C & High Cholestrol

    Went to Dr. been in a funk for about 2-3 weeks. Just not feeling up to par.
    19% Body fat
    Age 28

    Right at my 6th week of test C at 250 mg twice a week. Running a 12 week cycle will be adding anvar last 4-5 weeks.

    Anyways went to Dr. just feeling off. Lifts and pumps are fine, but just feel out of it all the time.

    Had blood work done and here is the results

    Cholestrol, Total 258
    HDL Cholestrol 23
    Triglycerides 326
    LDL-Cholestrol 170

    Chol/hdlc ratio 11.2
    gulcose 82

    urea nitrogen 17
    creatinine 1.43
    eGFR NON-AFR American 66
    eGFR Africian American 77
    BUN/Creatinine Ratio 12
    Sodium 139
    Potassium 5.0
    Chloride 103
    Carbon Dioxide 26
    Calcium 9.4
    Protein 7.4
    Albumin 4.4
    Globulin 3.0
    Albumin/Globulin Ratio 1.5
    Bilirubin 0.6
    Alkaline Phosphatase 57
    AST 34
    ALT 55
    TSH, 3RD Generation 1.17


    DR. said Cholesterol is way out of wack. Said I would have to eat like a vegetarian to get back down to normal levels without some type of medication. So gave me some SIMVASTATIN equiv to ZOCOR.

    Think cholesterol is due to Test C? Diet is not terrible by no means, but yes, could be a little better.

    I have Pregnyl, Anvar, Clomid, and Nova all as side or part of PCT should any of these affect cholesterol or should I take any of these now to aid or help. Just getting real technical and ready to feel good again. Just don't feel like I have energy and ready to feel like a million bucks again.

    Only other items I am taking is Pro Complete which is a protein supplement, Omega Fish Oil, and a One Source Daily Vitamin.

    Any thoughts?


  2. #2
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Welcome.....since you have already started a cycle and are 19% BF? Might want to come on over to the diet question forum to help your cycle be a successful .02
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  3. #3
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    AAS will defenatly screw with your cholesterole levels. Mine stay in range but my diet is strict.
    Doing cardio?

  4. #4
    snowman's Avatar
    snowman is offline Senior Member
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    He never said anything about the Triglycerides??? thats high too.
    IF he give you medication, take it, to try to control it for now; also try eating a clove of raw garlic a day ( it helps lower you cHolesterole )
    At 19% you should never started a cycle, now with test C you made it worst, but you are still in time to control it... you also need cardio ; and im sure you diet is off ,whats your diet like????

  5. #5
    THE-DET-OAK is offline Banned
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    anavar is terrible for cholesterol. test have more of an impact on HDL, it lowers it in high doses. anavar is known for screwing up cholesterol, just look at the studies on HIV patients.

    edit: conversly T can have an impact on LDL, but its not direct, it is caused from lowering HDL which is responsible for removing bad cholesterol. LDL
    Last edited by THE-DET-OAK; 05-18-2011 at 02:50 PM.

  6. #6
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE-DET-OAK View Post
    its the anavar dude, get rid of and you will be fine
    Anavar ..............really?

  7. #7
    THE-DET-OAK is offline Banned
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    yes anavar , i edited my post when i realized he was not on it yet. you have no idea how many guys come to me from these "TRT" clinics that gets prescribed anavar as part of their "TRT" after 6 weeks, blood test, cholesterol is fvcked..........................poor guys.......anavar for TRT what a crock. again just look at the studie on HIV patients, and if anyone thinks it doesnt impact liver, just look there for that too............................

  8. #8
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE-DET-OAK View Post
    yes anavar, i edited my post when i realized he was not on it yet. you have no idea how many guys come to me from these "TRT" clinics that gets prescribed anavar as part of their "TRT" after 6 weeks, blood test, cholesterol is fvcked..........................poor guys.......anavar for TRT what a crock. again just look at the studie on HIV patients, and if anyone thinks it doesnt impact liver, just look there for that too............................
    Well that sux, I was planing on using it for my entire 12 cut cycle at 60mg per day.

    Are the negative side reversed after your cycle ends?

  9. #9
    THE-DET-OAK is offline Banned
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    they should go back to normal in the length of time you were on it. the problem is though, what kind of damage was done while your cholesterol was jacked? were there any cracks in the arteries? did you have an buildup that will be perm on the artery walls?

    when you get cracks in the artery walls, your body sends out bad cholesterol to "patch up" this problem. then later down the road buildup can occur on this patch, eventually restraining blood flow, well you get the picture.

    am i being too cautious? maybe, but what is so great about anavar anyway? if im gonna take those risks im gonna run tren , which most likely blows var out of the water.

  10. #10
    gcms is offline New Member
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    bf pct is probably a few points lower since I actually had dr do it last time, I will try to post pic shortly in pretty good shape, yea diet needs some improvement, but never ever had high cholesterol and most other blood results have been in norm and I have just felt not 100% lately so trying to make sure I don't stress my body any more while on AAS then it needs to be stressed, but great results while on test alone so far.

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