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Thread: Let's say a box of Andriol fell out of the sky...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Southern Ontario

    Let's say a box of Andriol fell out of the sky...

    Hello people,

    As my thread title indicates, a box of Andriol may have fallen out of the sky and landed in my lap. I've done a fair bit of reading about the stuff and am quite intrigued. The consensus seems to be that it's not the best form of test to be taking for BB, and it's much too expensive anyways. But if a box were to have fallen in my lap and I could take 200mg every day for two months at almost no cost, what kind of results could I expect compared to taking 400mg per week of test enanthate?

    From my reading, it appears that Andriol doesn't have some of the harsher side effects that injectable test has. It's a bit ambiguous whether or not drugs like Arimidex are necessary to prevent gyno and other estrogen-related sides. For those who are familiar with this particular test preparation, would you recommend taking an AE drug with it and, if so, how much? If someone could please tell me what a person taking Andriol should be taking along with the pills, it would be much appreciated. Would Clomid be an appropriate post-cycle drug? Or would I have to be on Arimidex for the whole cycle, in which case I could use it for post-cycle test normalizing? Since there isn't a whole lot of people using Andriol, I was hoping the Anabolic experts could help me figure out a good drug combination to take along with the pills if I decide to take them at all.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state
    I don't like orals if I can advoid them, even if it did fall in my lap, lol........scared of liver damage.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Southern Ontario
    Andriol is not hard on the liver, because the test is mainly absorbed through the small intestine. No first-pass liver damage. Also, I could increase the daily dose from 250mg to 500mg.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    If I am not mistaken the esther in andriol is pretty consuming (like 1/3 of the mass), which compared to test e isn't too bad (like 10% less test). As for the method of absorbtion and the quantity resulting, I am really unsure. I only know of one buddy who runs andriol and he likes to dose it at 100mg a day as a base to a cycle, as opposed to injecting multiple compounds plus test. As for AI's, there are always a ton of mixed opinions - but I always run one with my cycle, preferrably arimidex. I like to run it a 0.25mg ED with a simple cycle.

    As for PCT, I am veering away from the typical nolvadex + clomid very quickly, but they would work and should be run (unless you have something of equal or greater quality in mind). But again, I am definitely on the fence of caution in regards to battling hormonal changes, always full PCT and AI on cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    The reason people don't use andriol is a cost factor .
    Test is test is test period .
    Takes a few weeks to become fully active . If I remember correctly , 2 caps x3/day minimum effective dose .
    It is not not toxic because it is no a alpha alkaloid oral .
    Best , safest cycle hands down for a novice hobbyist .

    Full pct required as any cycle .
    AI probably not necessary at minimum dose. Only needed if you experience tenderness .

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Southern Ontario
    OK, let's say I only wanted an AI for preventative measures - would Nolvadex be my best bet if I began to experience gyno symptoms? I know Arimidex is a superior drug, but if I only needed something in response to estrogen-related symptoms, would Nolvadex be a better, cheaper alternative?
    Also, for PCT, I was thinking of just running Clomid. I've used it in the past after a 400/mg per week Deca cycle, and I kept all my gains. Why would an Arimidex/Clomid combo be superior?


    Last edited by TOkidd; 05-19-2011 at 08:32 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    nolva is a brand name SERM if i'm correct... the generic is Tamoxifen . and a-dex is is a brand name AI... the generic is Anastrozole.
    so, a SERM acts differently from an AI, one affects the estrogen receptors... hence the acronym S(selective).E(estrogen).R(receptor).M(modulator). while an A(aromitase)I(inhibitor) inhibits aromitization.

    so, no, nolva will not work the same as adex.... use adex for oncycle. NOLVA (not adex)/clomid pct

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by TOkidd View Post
    Andriol is not hard on the liver, because the test is mainly absorbed through the small intestine. No first-pass liver damage. Also, I could increase the daily dose from 250mg to 500mg.
    It is absorbed through the lymphatic system. Nearly everything else we ingest is absorbed through the small intestine, where it does pass through the liver before entering the bloodtream.

    But this explains why it is orally biovailable, despite the lack of a 17aa group (which is the reason it isn't toxic).

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by TOkidd View Post
    Hello people,

    As my thread title indicates, a box of Andriol may have fallen out of the sky and landed in my lap. I've done a fair bit of reading about the stuff and am quite intrigued. The consensus seems to be that it's not the best form of test to be taking for BB, and it's much too expensive anyways. But if a box were to have fallen in my lap and I could take 200mg every day for two months at almost no cost, what kind of results could I expect compared to taking 400mg per week of test enanthate?

    From my reading, it appears that Andriol doesn't have some of the harsher side effects that injectable test has. It's a bit ambiguous whether or not drugs like Arimidex are necessary to prevent gyno and other estrogen-related sides. For those who are familiar with this particular test preparation, would you recommend taking an AE drug with it and, if so, how much? If someone could please tell me what a person taking Andriol should be taking along with the pills, it would be much appreciated. Would Clomid be an appropriate post-cycle drug? Or would I have to be on Arimidex for the whole cycle, in which case I could use it for post-cycle test normalizing? Since there isn't a whole lot of people using Andriol, I was hoping the Anabolic experts could help me figure out a good drug combination to take along with the pills if I decide to take them at all.


    ANDRIOL is a poor anabolic. I would probably throw them back up in the sky,,,,truly.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    So wat are your stats.And I never heard anything good about it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    ANDRIOL is a poor anabolic. I would probably throw them back up in the sky,,,,truly.

    Need those stats?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Dude, do not...DO NOT take ANDRIOL ...especially if they are tabs.....#1, your liver would kill half of product, #2, ANDRIOL is a very bleak anabolic, with that would be better to get an injectable so you don't kill your liver, and you don't waste your time taking something that will be half as effect as actually pinning..

    As far as results compared to taking 400mg per week of test enanthate, You will definitely get the bloated look, but the Test E is way better, and you will keep more of your results if you use a proper PCT. Watch out for stretch marks with the Andriol, use cocoa butter. If I were you, and you want some good strength, and lean well as something you might have more of a chance of keeping you gains, providing you use proper PCT..I would pray for a couple of viles of Test P to fall from the sky.

  13. #13
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Mass EffecT View Post
    Dude, do not...DO NOT take ANDRIOL ...especially if they are tabs.....#1, your liver would kill half of product, #2, ANDRIOL is a very bleak anabolic, with that would be better to get an injectable so you don't kill your liver, and you don't waste your time taking something that will be half as effect as actually pinning..

    As far as results compared to taking 400mg per week of test enanthate, You will definitely get the bloated look, but the Test E is way better, and you will keep more of your results if you use a proper PCT. Watch out for stretch marks with the Andriol, use cocoa butter. If I were you, and you want some good strength, and lean well as something you might have more of a chance of keeping you gains, providing you use proper PCT..I would pray for a couple of viles of Test P to fall from the sky.
    Next time, don't bother posting a lump of BS.
    It is just as good an anabolic as any other form of test (it all has the same 100:100 anabolic:androgenic ratio), only it is less bioavailable (so it requires huge doses to get a BBing doses of test).
    It doesn't cause magical stretchmarks or liver failure, and the gains would be just as keepable as anything else. And it doesn't come in tabs, only oil-filled gelcaps.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 05-18-2011 at 08:21 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Southern Ontario
    Of course I would rather do a cycle of injectable test, but if a box of Andriol really did fall from the sky into my lap, why wouldn't I give it a try? I'm just trying to get information about AI drugs and PCT therapy, whether it can cause gyno and other side effects common to injectable test. I know this drug is not nearly as good as an injectable compound, but I don't have one - I do potentially have a box of Andriol, and I'm curious about its properties. The steroid profile section of this website certainly doesn't say that it's worthless.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    too much "potentially" and "if"s for my taste.
    we know you have andriol
    we don't know your name
    don't worry about it

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    yeh dont worry about it this is a make believe website its actually just a dream anyway

  17. #17
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    Southern Ontario
    I'm not as paranoid as I may seem. I don't have the box yet. The responses to my thread are helping me decide whether or not to acquire it. I'm still not sure. It will cost me very little, but I still have to spend the time/money/energy getting AI drugs and PCT stuff. I don't know if it's worth it, or if I should just wait and do a proper cycle in a few months.

  18. #18
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    If you do not have it yet, I personally would not waste my time with it. I would rather go with a different compound/ cycle, and definitely not one that requires my liver...just my 2 cents........But good luck in your decision

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Southern Ontario
    Yeah, I think I'll wait awhile for something good to come along. I really want to do a test E., Deca/Anadrol cycle, but I've gotta bide my time, continue working a the weights au natural until a good source comes along.



  20. #20
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    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by TOkidd View Post
    Yeah, I think I'll wait awhile for something good to come along. I really want to do a test E., Deca/Anadrol cycle, but I've gotta bide my time, continue working a the weights au natural until a good source comes along.


    first cycle is test only- you'll thank us for that advice down the road. first of all, you always gain the most on a first cycle, so if you throw deca and anadrol on the test, you'll blow up like a freakin balloon, stretch out, then deflate on pct and get stretch marks. second, for side effect reasons, introduce only one new thing at a time so you can figure out what is causing the side effect. third, it'll be more money than you need to spend on a first cycle... test only is good- and you'll spend 1/3 of what you were planning on.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Southern Ontario
    I have done one previous cycle - Deca @ 400mg/week for 10 weeks. But if you think I should stick with test only I'll consider it. I did want to try an oral like D-bol or Anadrol for the first 4-6 weeks to kickstart the cycle. Still, I'm open to other opinions on the matter.

    My stats are:

    Age: 31
    Weight: 205
    Hieght: 6'3"
    BF%: Very low. I'm not sure of the exact percentage, but my abs, obliques, serratus are visible and well-defined, lots of visible striations in my delts and pecs, well-defined back, etc., so I assume my BF is quite low.

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