Originally Posted by
Mass EffecT
Dude, do not...DO NOT take ANDRIOL ...especially if they are tabs.....#1, your liver would kill half of product, #2, ANDRIOL is a very bleak anabolic, with that said....it would be better to get an injectable so you don't kill your liver, and you don't waste your time taking something that will be half as effect as actually pinning..
As far as results compared to taking 400mg per week of test enanthate, You will definitely get the bloated look, but the Test E is way better, and you will keep more of your results if you use a proper PCT. Watch out for stretch marks with the Andriol, use cocoa butter. If I were you, and you want some good strength, and lean gains...as well as something you might have more of a chance of keeping you gains, providing you use proper PCT..I would pray for a couple of viles of Test P to fall from the sky.