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Thread: training to qualify for marine OCS - winny or prop? need help

  1. #1

    training to qualify for marine OCS - winny or prop? need help

    Hey guys, I have done two cycles before and they were about 3 years ago.. I am training for to qualify for Marine OCS with a PFT of 280 and above.. Right now I am stuck on 260.. I maxed out 100 crunches in 2 mins, I need to increase my pullups and run time. I am stuck on 16 pull ups and a 3 mle run time of about 21 mins.. I am thinking of going on a cycle to increase my strength in pull ups but I will also cut my run time.. One your in to OCS yoour pft can go down to 225 so i am not worried about that. i am worreid about qaulifying.. I hear Winstrol and Test Prop are th ebest for cutting and gaining strength , which steroid do you guys recommend

  2. #2
    It sounds like this is something that is really important for you to achieve. Do u wanna look back in 20 yrs and know u only got there bc of aas? something i would think about. Good luck though.

  3. #3
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    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by DGK View Post
    It sounds like this is something that is really important for you to achieve. Do u wanna look back in 20 yrs and know u only got there bc of aas? something i would think about. Good luck though.
    You have noted the name of this site right?

    Win anyway way you can!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    you might benefit from anavar or Tbol if you're trying to get the strength for the pull ups but Chances are its more diet and training related

  5. #5
    Winny will be too hard on joints for what you will be doing.
    anavar with prop IMO would be better for the military guys i have worked with. anavar should give you the lean strength gains you need. i wouldn't go to heavy on the prop.
    You dont want to gain much weight, you dont want anything going to dry out joints, you dont want anything that will make you lethargic.

  6. #6
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    Winny is great, but watch them joints. Injury can be just as catastrophic as failure, I've almost been kicked off a course due to injury and it is far from an enjoyable experience.

  7. #7
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    Weighted negs on the pullups.

    How many times a week are you running? I'd be getting at least four times a week.

    There is a fella named "Cro" on here who was in recon.....hit him a PM, sure he would tell you what to worry about. I heard that you need to be ready to run in boots a lot...

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    lone star state
    Something else to think about, you will have to PCT and recover after a cycle, is that going to be while your in OCS? Because that would not be a good thing.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by DGK View Post
    It sounds like this is something that is really important for you to achieve. Do u wanna look back in 20 yrs and know u only got there bc of aas? something i would think about. Good luck though.
    Damn right!
    Kel has the right idea, low dose prop with var. If you think your PT score can be 225 you are sorely mistaken. The written standard is not the standard that you will be judged on. If they say 225, they mean 300. If they say 300, they mean you better blow through that extended scale, run 5 miles in well under 35 min, ruck 12 miles in less than 2 1/2.
    Yea the standards may be more laxed but you don't want to be that guy who is right on the line. Max that shit and stay there

  10. #10
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    I dont think that will be a big issue^^ what really matters is what you did when you got there that defines you.

    to the OP, I think that once you get your diet down, and eating good and clean that a Test Prop cycle would be best. Winny is harsh on joints and hairline, and IMO not worth it for athletes and those not wanting a 3%bf look. Test prop by itself would be best because it is fast acting (you feel it first week easy) and short cycle (6-8 week) and short detection time (2 weeks).
    If you combine a good diet and extra exercise, concentrate on endurance along with body weight strength. (like push ups, pull ups, etc... basically what ur gonna have to do in the USMC)
    Dont stack var, no need, prop will be fine with a good clean diet. As for a PCT, If you do HCG 500iu 2x week throughout first cycle then on the first day of PCT take 1000iu, then a Nolva only PCT would be ok. Nolva at 40/40/20/20
    Good luck!

  11. #11
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    I honestly dont think you need aas to acheive these goals... I mean its your choice but you can do it with out. You just need 20 pullups to max that out. But its just up to you.

  12. #12
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    Do not go on winn since your running so much. I repeat do not. may to hard on joints and some experience joint pain from it. it will be very hard to run 3miles while in pain.
    good luck

  13. #13
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    from 1 branch of military to another ~>(NAVY VET) not to rain on you bra but really fcking really now, dishonorable you have no respect from me sir.

  14. #14
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    bro dont you know how to kip?its like doing the dolphin on a pull up bar the marine corps does allow will add 10 more to your pft.whats your 3 mile run time?2nd bn 4rth marines dont need any juice for this though.easy to maintain a 300 pft.its a joke as long as you can make the run.3 mile under 18 min......

  15. #15
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    Thats a fact.Learn the Parris Island kip.Stay off the juice.During your runs.Do some sprints then resume running.Then sprint again.Hell bro I ran 19:15 3 mile on a hangover.Getting in at 0400.Then pft at 0700.Will power power.Not juice.Good luck.

  16. #16
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    I assume you know the core values of the organization you're trying to join.

    Honor(integrity), Courage, and commitment.
    Last edited by tot; 05-21-2011 at 10:57 AM.

  17. #17

    Dont do it

    I retired from the Corps E-8.
    Do Pavels fighter pullup program. 4 pullups more = 20 points. Learn to run better.
    If you cheat to get into OCS, whats that say about your career choice.
    Lead By Example!

  18. #18
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Thats a fact.Learn the Parris Island kip.Stay off the juice.During your runs.Do some sprints then resume running.Then sprint again.Hell bro I ran 19:15 3 mile on a hangover.Getting in at 0400.Then pft at 0700.Will power power.Not juice.Good luck.
    haha, reminds me of my active duty time, I learned that grain alcohol may taste like rocket fuel but it won't make you go any faster, Did 1.5 miles in a little over 10 minutes with a break at the half way point to puke.

  19. #19
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    Though any AAS should increase your pull-up numbers, most will also lower your lap time (especially orals). Honestly, AAS would be more hassle than help in your situation. If you can't do it naturally, then you're better off staying in an easier branch of the military.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    No respect for you OP, where is your integrity, honor, self-respect, courage?

  21. #21
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    now for all the guy saying that he doesnt have the qualities for marines, what if steroid were legal for personal use? then would you feel the same way about someone who uses steroids to get stronger for the marines? i thought the marines was alot more than strength, that it takes alot of mental strength also. If he is mentally strong enough and has the will power to succeed just doesnt have the body, nor the time to achieve the body if he takes it to physically pass it, but when in marines if he lacks behind cuz he doesnt have the steroids, arent yall gonna weed him out, if hes that much obivously physicaly weaker cuz hes off steroids? I have alot of respect for the armed forces, and marines are bad asses, however I just felt that yall are forgetting the mental toughness part of it.
    however if the OP is just lazy thats a different story...

  22. #22
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    You guys are being a little harsh.
    Who really cares what you do? Honestly I'm glad that all my guys are juiced up. I know for a fact that I can take our weakest link and strap 100lbs on his back and keep him moving for 18hrs.
    Does he need AAS to make it into OCS? **** no, getting a 300 is a piece of cake with conditioning. Am I going to hammer his nuts to the wall with a rusty nail because he wants to use AAS to help him further himself? **** no again. Do I hope he uses AAS while serving, **** yes!
    I'd take any one of my guys over 99% of regular army soldiers or marines because they are in good enough physical and mental shape to take a beating and go back for more. When life and death is on the line you use whatever you have to put you on top. What he builds now in OCS will only shape him to be better in the future.
    E7 18B

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    now for all the guy saying that he doesnt have the qualities for marines, what if steroid were legal for personal use? then would you feel the same way about someone who uses steroids to get stronger for the marines? i thought the marines was alot more than strength, that it takes alot of mental strength also. If he is mentally strong enough and has the will power to succeed just doesnt have the body, nor the time to achieve the body if he takes it to physically pass it, but when in marines if he lacks behind cuz he doesnt have the steroids, arent yall gonna weed him out, if hes that much obivously physicaly weaker cuz hes off steroids? I have alot of respect for the armed forces, and marines are bad asses, however I just felt that yall are forgetting the mental toughness part of it.
    however if the OP is just lazy thats a different story...
    He wants to be a Marine Officer.
    Expected to lead Marines.....
    Lead by example.....
    IMO, if he cant put in work to hit 20 pullups, he is not worthy to be a candidate.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Down by the beach...
    Since pullups are worth 5 pts each, I'd do pyramid training on your pullups every day. You only need 4 more to get you to 280. At the same time, run. When you're tired of running, go run some more. Adding AAS to you're routine is like adding turbo blue to a chevy cavalier's gas tank. Its not neccessary.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    upstate ny
    the way i look at it is . do what it takes for you to feel confident in yourself. its easy to do this with out aas.but i dont feel like this is a bad thing moraly. But he has to push his guys in training knowing he couldnt push himself.......

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