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Thread: 1st Cycle

  1. #1
    redfactor is offline New Member
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    1st Cycle

    Hello all,

    Thanks for reading and responding. I appreciate all the good feedback.

    Some of the basic info.

    25 years old
    168-170 lbs
    Been working out for 5+ years, lifting for 2 years
    10-12% BF

    So, I am getting amped up for my first cycle. My schedule this summer is pretty open, so I will have plenty of time to take advantage of the gym, and I have saved enough money so I can eat as many clean calories as I can. Chicken, tuna, rice, and beans, and fresh veggies!

    Okay, so far I am planning on a very simple cycle.

    Test C 400mg a week
    Arimidex .5 mg EOD
    Finasteride (low dose) 1mg ED

    PCT would be arimidex and nolva at 20mg ED and scaled down to 10mg ED after three weeks.

    I have read that I should use DBol to kickstart the cycle, but I must admit that I am hesitant to use an oral as I don't like the idea of liver toxicity. So, this first one, I am just running test alone. I also understand that finasteride limits some of the conversion to DHT, so it won't hit quite as hard. I can live with that.

    The beginner 1 cycle listed on this site has said to run a full 12 weeks. I am going to cut it down to 10 weeks as most of what I've found are 10ml vials with 200mg per ml. I don't want to purchase a third vial just to use a little of it. Does anyone see a major issue with my thinking?

    If there are any suggestions or potential problems anyone sees, I am more than appreciate to hear them. I am trying to soak up and learn as much as I can about this stuff. I am pretty careful with my body.


  2. #2
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    What is your height please.....thanks
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  3. #3
    redfactor is offline New Member
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    Oh, sorry about that.

    I'm 5'9'' on a good day

  4. #4
    38jumper38's Avatar
    38jumper38 is offline Senior Member
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    So what's your diet plan?

  5. #5
    redfactor is offline New Member
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    I eat plain oatmeal, a banana and a protein shake for most mornings. If not that, then it's usually a 4 egg omelet with mushrooms, onions, and cheese.

    For luches, I usually eat white rice (I hate whole wheat rice), black beans, and fresh salsa - and a small amount of salt. I never eat fast food but I will stop in at subway and get chicken breast with tuna on top - footlong and eat half when I order and the other half about an hour later.

    Dinner I generally have things like chicken, rice, veggies, elk (have a freezer full of it), sweet potatoes, whole wheat pasta with ground elk marinara sauce (I make myself).

    The good news is I room with a buddy who is also into lifting and eating right. So there's plenty of help to stay on track food-wise. He's using H-Drol though, which I have no interest in doing. Again, I like my liver.

    I will drink wine, about a glass or two a couple nights a week, or a light beer.

    I usually drink 3 protein shakes a day. Two simple whey and one casine at night. I plan on bumping this up to try and get 1.5g of protein a day while I bulk.

  6. #6
    someonespecial is offline New Member
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    doubt you'll need armide or fina with such a light cycle

    test c

    Weeks 1-12 400mg

    Weeks14-18 20mg Nolvadex everyday

    thats a very common first cycle you should get around 10-15lbs out of it and very little to no sides

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Steriods would be a bad idea with your diet. Infact they would be pointless because that diet won't support any kind of tissue. If you want to build muscle your going to have to eat like you want to. Go to the diet section and post you diet and ask for help.

  8. #8
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I think you need to improve your diet alot, there is much more natural growth there for ya. also for a first cycle , i couldnt recomment cyp. I would say test prop is best, screw the needle phobia.

  9. #9
    mrniceguy215 is offline Banned
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    if your willing to put this stuff in your body you need to be willing to eat the right amount of foods that you may not like to eat on a daily bases. just my 2 cents

  10. #10
    fizler is offline Associate Member
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    I agree with most of these guys that say your first cycle plan looks good, however work on your diet before you start!

  11. #11
    redfactor is offline New Member
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    wow, didn't realize I was that far off with the diet aspect.

    Do I just need to eat a lot more complex carbs or fats?

    I must say I'm a little lost. I thought the lean meats of fish, chicken, and elk are the best way to go. I want to make the most of the cycle, so I am open ears to hearing what you guys suggest.

    I will repost my diet like suggested and I'll be looking into what others are eating while bulking.

    Thanks for tipping me off that there was a problem.

    btw, my goal is to gain 20lbs.

  12. #12
    Blade15's Avatar
    Blade15 is offline Senior Member
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    Hit diet section... You will find whatever you need to know about diet...

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