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Thread: Neck Injury

  1. #1

    Neck Injury

    Hi all,

    About 7 months ago I suffered a serious neck injury, Long story short I ruptured the C6/7 disc. I have had chronic pain in my left arm with a complete loss of power along with large amounts of muscle atrophy in the left triceps pec and lat due to the compressed C7 nerve root. months later now and doing allot better, however still weak in the left side, surgeons at this stage have elected not to operate and to give it time because the bulge is decreasing in size, is there any steroid that will help with the healing process? In which I mean the disc itself and localised area. Currently back in the gym now pushing what I can, also cross fit sessions most days, modified to suit. Just so sick of doing nothing and watching my body waste away, so frustrating after all the hard work.

    Thanks for your time and help Jeff

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state
    I would look into hgh insted of AAS.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Down by the beach...
    Depending on your status in the AAS world, HGH is an option. It may look like your hard work is fading fast but the stuff you cant see is just as important. If you grow too fast, you may aggravate your existing injury, prolonging the final stages of recovery. I'd keep on with your current regimen until you feel 100%. You dont want to take one step forward to end up taking 2 steps back.

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